
Come forth



03-20-2014, 09:00 PM

A day had passed since the older brute had split apart the fight of two pups, he still shook his head at the thought of the older boys anger, that the life he had mourned was that of prey. Perhaps it was a totally alien concept, with wolves in these lands taking on some creatures to be their companions, but surely such a thing had to be taken under much consideration ? if you felt for your prey, you would starve.

Nonetheless he did not want the other to hold a grudge against him. Alpine would gladly chastise and intervene again if necessary, for he would not allow such anger and brutality to come from or be dealt against the youngest generation. Nor, however, did he want the other to grow up with resentment, so he began to search for him to bond with Laufey and cool any grudges the other might be harbouring towards him.

The cool air of the early morning was a soft wind against his pelt, and the scent of Valhalla thick in the air. He was a good tracker, but re-acquaintancing himself with pack life seemed to be messing with his sense of smell. Eventually he stopped bothering to track down the pup and instead raised his nose to the air and howled out his name, requesting that come to Alpine. There was no menace in his howl, it was almost the type one might send out to their student.




5 Years
Extra large
03-21-2014, 06:34 PM

Peeking around a tree first to make sure he wasn't about to get mauled, Laufey slowly approached the older wolf. He wasn't too sure what to make of him, really, and so he answered the howl with caution.

He stared at his paws while he walked, the picture of reluctance. He wasn't in trouble, was he? He hadn't done anything! Well, he hadn't done anything that had been witnessed--that he was sure of. As far as anyone knew, he'd been good since yesterday. No fights or anything, honest. ...Although he did go hunting around the border in the hopes that the mean girl would come back, but it wasn't a crime to simply look for a fight, was it?

The pup sat down a short distance away from Alpine and began studying him, trying to figure out his intent. "You called for me?"

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



03-21-2014, 06:53 PM

The sight of the cautious puppy almost brought laughter to his eyes as Laufey made a cautious path towards the older wolf. He should have known the other would think himself in trouble, but Alpine hadn't called him here for a private telling off. In fact, quite the opposite! He wanted to check up on the other and make sure he was alright. Last he had seem him he had changed from anger to upset and Alpine hadn't had much chance to reasure him, to busy getting angry himself in fact. Being told to sit in the corner like a naughty pup.. He still fumed in side at the unnesasery insult and couldn't bring himself to forgive the other. There had been no call for it, and nor should she abuse her lead healer positon to boss around the hard working wolves not in a lead position. He shook his head, now wasn't the time to nurse his upset.

The younger brute stopped a short distance away from Alpine, and went from examining his paws I worry to looking up at Alpine, studying him as through to gouge his anger and what trouble he would find himself in. Alpine let a warm smile fold out across his muzzle, there was no menance in the expression only sincarity and warmth to show the other he was not in trouble.

?I did, but relax, you aren't in any sort of trouble?
He was quick to assure him, after all, Imena had taken over that and Alpine wasn't going to go stepping on her paws, that, or so it seemed, was more Imena's sort of thing to do.
?Although I do see the building of a grudge towards the Rogue fae ? do you want to talk about? '
His voice was still gentle as he looked Laufey straight in the eye.




5 Years
Extra large
03-21-2014, 07:34 PM
I'm stuck here in the middle

at war with good and evil

His eyes were crinkly, like he was happy to see him, and Laufey began to relax. The brute certainly didn't look angry, so maybe he wasn't. But if Alpine wasn't angry, why did he call him here? It wasn't like they knew each other or anything. Maybe he wanted to be friends?

"Oh, well, that's good 'cause I didn't do anything." That was his story and he was sticking to it. What he on his time was his business and no amount of torture would make him spill the beans.

Ugh. Laufey's face screwed up at the mention of the Girl. Yeah, he could talk about her. He could talk about her for ages. There was a long list of complaints that he could go on and on about. The salamander's death still upset him. She'd had no reason to kill it and be ugly to him. They didn't even know each other's names. Maybe she was just plain mean, but that was no excuse to behave like a monster. He snorted and when he replied to Alpine's question, Laufey's voice was dead serious. "If I see her again, I'm gonna bite her."


I can hear you talkingLaufey

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



03-21-2014, 10:03 PM

Alpine listened to Laufey as he explained himself and with a soft sigh he knew instantly that he had guessed right. He didn?t think it was a serious grudge, but the puppy?s fire was definitely set for the moment on biting the culprit. With luck they wouldn?t run into each other again and it would burn away with time. Alpine had to think for a moment on where to go from here, but the just shrugged, following with his original thought that he wasn?t here to tell the other one off. He would, however, settle for taking Laefey?s mind of this matter.

Alpine would rise from his seating and shake out his coat now, eyes moving from the younger wolf to the surrounsing lands and then back again.
?Actually, I?m new to Valhalla, I was hoping you might be able to show me around, let me in on a fewpack-member names, who?s in lead positions, that sort of thing. Get to know who lives here?
He paused then and seemed to think for a moment before adding
?Yah know, if you want to that it?
He wouldn?t presume to tell the pup what to do, that wasn?t his place.
He shrugged his shoulders, blue-grey eyes settling on Laufey to see his reaction to the idea.




5 Years
Extra large
03-26-2014, 07:34 PM
I'm stuck here in the middle

at war with good and evil

Once again, the boy's mind was drawn back to the drama of the day before and once again, he began to simmer. It wasn't that she'd killed the salamander, it was that she'd killed his salamander. To say he was possessive would have be an understatement. To Laufey, if he desired something it was immediately and irrevocably his no matter the circumstances. That salamander was his. If he had desired to kill it, he would have, for that would have been his right. The girl could have claimed no such thing and that she had taken the opportunity from him, even though he'd had no desire to kill it, meant that she owned him and should they ever meet again, he was going to take what was owed to him. What exactly that was, he didn't know, because he was too young to think of such things, but he did know that something of hers was his by right. It was only fair. He would hurt her; this he knew.

Grudgingly, his mind still on the salamander, Laufey lifted his eyes to Alpine, who was speaking. He was slow at switching gears--and the girl wasn't entirely forgotten--but it didn't take more than a few words to redirect the boy's thoughts. He'd love to show him around! By now he knew where all the best frogs could be found and he even knew where a skunk lived! Maybe he could even take him to the water and they could get all muddy and catch some of those tasty little fish with the pincers! Once he'd let one dangle from his nose. He'd tried to run and show Orochi, but it kept falling off, so eventually he just ate it.

"Yeah!" He jumped to his paws, ready to take off, when another thought struck him. "Um, I don't know many names, 'cept Erani of course. And Vahva, she's a healer and my mom's friend. That's why I'm here; because momma wanted to leave me with someone safe." The pup hesitated, and then with innocent frankness, he continued, "Although sometimes I think I liked it better when momma and Raven wanted to be bat shit crazy bitches together." His mind wandered back to a conversation he'd overheard when his parents had thought he was sleeping and it was there that he'd taken the crude words. Momma had sounded happy when she'd said them and that's why he said them now.


I can hear you talkingLaufey

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.