
Something Forgotten


04-02-2014, 11:27 AM
It was midday, really, and the male lay at the bottom of the ravine. He wasn?t injured, though he was asleep, eyes closed as a memory played in his dreams. A memory he would forget again when he awoke... Back to the wolf he bacame on that day.

Start of dream sequence:

Life for a young wolf of the Ethne Clan was nothing short of wonderful. All of the older wolves of the Clan watched over the young wolves, helping them in what ways that they could to make sure they were happy, well fed, and safe. It was the perfect life, with plenty of other wolves, mostly family, to play with. This was the life he had come to know.

Kyda was one of your average youths in the Ethne Clan, which, in reality, was split into three packs over the span of their massive territory. The male was the son of the beta pair, with a brother and sister. He was friends with the alpha?s daughter, his best friend and the woman who he was betrothed to at his very birth. The betrothal didn?t bother Kyda at all, because he already liked Lotus a lot and wanted to be by her side forever.

Fuzzy blue eyes of the yearling shown brightly as he made his way to the very edge of the Ethne Clan?s territory, walking with a bold confidence that was natural for males his age... At least if they were raised in his Clan. Starting a whole moon earlier than most packs Kyda had already begun some of his training, already having moved to the more rigorous sort of training that prepared him for full fledged adulthood.

?Ha! This is not that bad... I wonder why the older wolves seem to think that we?ll get hurt if we wander off? I haven?t seen another wolf yet! Who would be stupid enough to stand up to our Clan?? The black, white, and tan brute would come to a stop, a gasp leaving him once he emerged from the undergrowth. Below him stretched dusty earth, parts still scorched by a fire that had raged through the area several months before his birth.

?Wooooaah.? Kyda would whisper. It looked beautiful, in a tragic way, and stretched out on before him as far as he could see. Without another thought Kyda would set off... And in no time at all the male was lost.

A soft whine would leave him as he looked all around. He could no longer see the way to return home... And that worried him terribly. He shook a little, ears lowered, and eyes widened with fear as he tried to figure out what to do. What could he do? But... He couldn?t just give up! He was a wolf of the Ethne Clan! He had to be strong! The male would look around again, debating on which way to turn to head home.


04-02-2014, 11:31 AM
The wolf who would hear the howl would not be an adult from his own Clan, but rather a stranger... And a pup at that.

The young male was known as Kar, an outsider when it came to the two main Clans that ruled over Lyenne. He was skinny for a pup, but he looked rather happy. Lime green eyes were bright as he watched the yearling from behind the burnt trunk of a tree, ears perked forward with curiosity. His mother had brought him out this way, away from his mountain home, in order to do some training... Though it wasn?t really sinking in for the young male.

He didn?t like hunting and learning to fight... He just wanted to play! And seeing this other wolf, a younger male, was the perfect opportunity to do so. Kar would bound out from behind the trunk, a warm, friendly smile on his face that betrayed his naive and kind nature. ?Heya! You wanna play a game??


04-02-2014, 11:32 AM
Kyda nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the unfamiliar voice. He would spin to face the stranger, a growl leaving him, ears pinned back and teeth bared. At least until he saw who the stranger really was. It was nothing more than a pup. This was unexpected of course, and Kyda would frown with uncertainty, watching the male with cautious eyes. His scent was nothing like the wolves of his pack or the Clan... And that meant he was an outsider.

?You?re not supposed to be here.? If there were no higher ranking wolves around to take care of this outsider than he had to do it, right? Kyda puffed out his little chest, standing in front of the tricolored pup. There was no doubt in his mind that he?d be able to handle the younger male -- he only appeared to be about six months so he doubted that he would cause him any trouble.


04-02-2014, 11:33 AM
Kar would blink at the male?s words, a frown crossing his face. Not supposed to be here? What did he mean? ?My momma says this land doesn?t belong to a pack, that it?s neutral territory and any wolf can come here. Has it been claimed or something?? His words weren?t at all angry, just confused at why the yearling was acting like this to him. He seemed all... Huffy and puffy. Really, what was his problem?

Kar would shrug it off, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. His question, as it seemed, had left the other male stunned, so he decided to speak again in hopes of bringing him out of that state. ?My name is Kar... what?s your name?? He hadn?t given up hope that the two of them would be able to play, shifting on his paws a bit, eager to get up and start running around to play.


04-02-2014, 11:33 AM
Oh, well, oops. He had forgotten that this land, because it was more or less nothing more than a deserted wastleland, wasn?t an interest for his Clan... And therefore it was left alone, free to roam for the loners of Lyenne, just as this male said. He would bit the inside of his lip, feeling rather foolish to jump at the pup in such a way when the land didn?t even need protecting from being stolen or trespassed upon.

Once the other introduced himself Kyda would come back to his senses, an uncertain look passing on his face as he watched the other wolf. Despite being younger, and weaker, the other seemed to have no worries that he was a stranger, or that he could get in trouble for talking to him. He must not have been from any of the Clans that lived within Lyenne, Kyda realized. Looking at Kar?s friendly smile... he kind of felt like smiling too.

?I?m Kyda, part of the Ethne Clan that lives within the Eastern Forests and the valley in the south east before you reach the mountains.?


04-02-2014, 11:35 AM
That would explain it then. The other wolf was from one of those silly Clans that thought they ran the place. Kar would shake the thought off, all smiles as his tail wagged excitedly now that Kyda had introduced himself. ?It?s a pleasure to meet you, Kyda! I?m actually from the mountains myself.? He would flash a grin, and before the male could comment he would tap Kyda upon the paw, laughter spilling from his maw as he darted away from him.

?You?re it!? What wolf wouldn?t know of the game of tag? It was a simple and fun game, one that many could enjoy. His green eyes would flick back to Kyda, shining mischievously as the yearling looked after him, and once the other rose the game was on! Kar would turn away again, paws carrying him as fast as they could ahead of the other male and off towards the riverbed his mother had shown him earlier.


04-02-2014, 11:35 AM
So maybe he could hold onto his youth for just a litttttle longer. What could it hurt? Besides... This would wasn?t from Lyenne, but from the mountains that separated the lands from the windy lands beyond. Kyda could no longer hold back as a wide smile spread across his face and he would take off after the pup. Despite being older he wasn?t as fast as the other. He would try and keep up though, hoping to outlast Kar at this point rather than catch up to him.

The fact that he needed to get home, for the moment, was forgotten. He could truly be free here... Ignore the way he was supposed to carry himself as dictated by the Clan and his parents. A short while passed before they came to a riverbed, where both wolves would slow to a halt, panting as they stepped up to the small stream of water... The trickle that the roaring river became during the summer months.

Kyda would lower his head to the water, lapping up the cool liquid and gulping it down. He wasn?t used to running that hard for so long.


04-28-2014, 04:46 PM

Precious life, especially the lives of younger wolves mattered little to the dark beast that had stalked the young boys across the lands. They were alone. Vulnerable. Victims to be had. A smirk played on her lips as orbs of white with crimson rings settled upon the larger of the two. He would prove to be the most fun, perhaps even offering just a bit of a fight before she took his life. Then, with any luck at all, the younger whelp would cower down with fear from the fighting... And she would have the blood of two new victims upon her coat tonight.

She would follow them to the riverbed, hardly making a sound. The fools didn?t even know she was here, did they? Oh no, no they didn?t. How the wicked smirk would form upon her lips. Would they try to beg for their pitiful lives? In the end it didn?t really matter... They would not be spared.

Forbidden Destruction would set basic defenses, not that she felt too much need for them, as she prepared to spring; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, stance widened, neck scrunched, chin tucked... And then she was off. She would lunge for the darker male, jaws aimed for his scruff.

"Speech" Think


05-04-2014, 12:43 PM
Once the two had arrived at the small trickle of a river it was clear that they tired... But Kar especially was in good spirits. Lime green eyes would shine happily as he too sucked down some water, gulping it down it large mouthfuls. It was cool and refreshing... And it even had a different taste then the water he was used to drinking in the mountains. He didn?t really mind it all that much, however.

Kar would lift his head, licking his lips. He was standing directly in the water, tail swishing lightly behind him. That was until he saw the movement of the dark beast from the corner of his eye. The child would look up with alarm, ears lowering as he let out a gasp. ?L-look out!? He was already backing away, fur bristling some with alarm as ears pinned back against his head.


05-04-2014, 12:45 PM
Kyda?s head would snap up at Kar?s warning, just in time to see the black and crimson fae before her jaws clamped down oddly on his scruff. Then the world was shaking. Back and forth he went, water splashing around him as everything seemed to swirl together. There was pain, the scent of blood... Flesh being torn. ?Run!? Between the violent shaking of the woman that held him he gave a desperate call to the pup he encountered before being tossed down onto the shore.

There was a sickening crack as his head smashed into a rock, vision fading as he heard the woman snarl again... Lunging upon him with full force yet again...


It was days later when he awoke. Faded blue eyes would open, confusion within them. His body hurt... A soft whine would leave him. ?Happened to me what?? The words he spoke came out jumbled... But in his own ears and mind they sounded fine. A wolf had been sleeping at his side woke with his words, her light purple eyes shining with relief. ?Kyda! You?re awake!? She would explain.

The brute would look to the girl... Frowning. Head would tilt to the side, confusion on his face. ?Are you who...? Kyda... Know do not are who you.? The other young wolf would frown, lowering her ears. How could it be he didn?t remember her? Why was he speaking so odd? His head... The wound must have been worse than they thought.

?Kyda... It?s me... Lotus. Your future mate.? This produced an even odder look of confusion from the male. ?Mate...? Woman Lotus is... I am woman too a is... Can?t we be mates.?

...The Princess as he knew himself had been brought into the world...

{{Ooc:: ~Translations~

Original: ?Happened to me what??

What Kyda Means: ?What happened to me?


Original: ?Are you who...? Kyda... Know do not are who you.?

What Kyda Means: ?Who are you? Kyda... Does not know who you are.?


Original: ?Mate...? Woman a Lotus is... I am woman too a... Can?t we be mates.?

[i]What Kyda Means:[/b] ?Mate...? Lotus is a woman... I am a woman too... We can?t be mates.?}}