
Caught in the Act


03-20-2014, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2014, 04:46 PM by Isabella.)

Isabella had been alone for a week now or at least alone in the moments she was not around other wolves. Alphonso and her had both decided to go their separate was a bit they both had separate aspects of their lives and decided it would be good for the both of them. Isabella was still a loner and had more wolves she liked than real friends but Alphonso had friends in the sands to catch up with. Before they parted they both agreed to meet up a week from the day they split at the riverbed.

The fox colored wolf was there now, blending in somewhat with the sandy background as she walked the cracked floor of the riverbank. Looking around she thought about how lovely it would be to see the river spring alive some time as her blue optics searched for Alphonso. The river bed was vast and she did not know how they would find each other in it. Getting an idea she paused in her steps, her high tail adjusting behind her as she prepared herself. Opening her maw she let out an odd sound, a raspy high pitched scream of a sound that in the gecko language was a call of gathering. It was even harsh to her own ears and very loud but she was glad she could muster it. With her ears high as ever she waited for a response.

In a few moments she got one in the distance, a sound less harsh than her own. With a small bark she ran over to where the sound came from to find Alphonso, the yellow and black gecko stood smiling up at the wolf eagerly. "Madam Izzy how have you been!" He beamed walking over to her and nudged her paw. Isabella smiled and looked down at him. "Fine Alphonso, I have had some time to think and be more myself. But how I missed you!" "And I you Madam Izzy! If my kind wagged their tail with happiness as yours did well it would be wagging!" Isabella paused at this, Alphonso was her friend, a dear friend and she did not often show him such favors. Her icy voice, her gaze, her lack of playing well it was a part of her yet not the real part. Alphonso knew that, he didn't deserve to just see the side of her she showed to everyone.

"Ma...Madam Izzy...are you alight?" Alphonso questioned noticing she seemed distressed and distracted. Isabella didn't respond, instead she lifted her head and looked around. As far as she could tell they were alone and with this windy summer dust clouds and sand storms were common, short and localized but common. They would give good cover and who ever came to the sands in a summer like this anyway. Isabella turned back to Alphonso with something she hardly ever gave a smile, at true wide smile. "Everything is fine Alphonso!" Her voice was light as silk and soothing as a bell. This caught Alphonso off guard the gecko tilted his head making the wolf laugh, such a rare sound! "Yes...everything is fine my friend! For we are that, friends this time alone has let me realize that. I do not have to be harsh around you." Alphonso righted himself and laughed as well. "Humph I imagine I look like you did when we first met. And it is about time you dropped that face for once."

Isabella's response was a happy bark and a jump that resulted in her being in a play bow stance. Her tail wagging rapidly behind her. "I know these actions are foolish, completely and utterly foolish, yet they are somewhat nice so long as I do them too often." She could trust herself to not get too carried away, if she did Alphonso would set her right, he was protective of her after all. Alphonso smiled and ran back a bit before doing his best to mirror her stance. "Your right it is foolish but completely and utterly fun!" Isabella yipped and bounded forward a bit lightly batting at Alphonso who dodged her gentle paw sweeps. With the sand being thrown up all around them Isabella and Alphonso played the gecko dashing under and around the wolf making her turn every which way and try to catch him. They were lost in their own world sure that the harshness of the desert would protect them in their play.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



04-01-2014, 12:54 PM

The sand crept between Dayton's toes as he stepped cautiously around the dried river. Clusters of scraggly bushes hung close to the cracked ground, stirring slightly in the wind. There seemed to be little life surrounding this place, but the small brute didn't mind in the least. In fact, he would rather be alone now. Stumbling upon other wolves could be a frightening experience for him. He could never know what sort of disposition to expect. Truly friendly wolves could be difficult to come across. The earthy tones of his pelt had been interrupted enough by the countless scars that lined his face and body.

Most of the scars came from that tragic experience with his father. When the disgusting old brute had mistaken him for a female and... Dayton whipped his head from side to side for a moment, releasing the thoughts into the barren land around him. He never allowed himself to think of that day. The bite marks on his muzzle were hard to ignore, however. Any wolf that met him could suspect his submissive nature. Only wolves that had been forcefully controlled had scars like that.

The lanky boy continued to walk, his dry tongue coming around to lick the side of his mouth. The tip of his appendage brushed one of the deeper wounds, making him whine quietly. The cuts didn't pain him anymore, but the thought of them did.

Suddenly, a series of noises caught his attention. The young male froze where he stood, his posture rigid and temporarily afraid. What was going on? His ears swiveled carefully, examining the sounds and determining what they meant. There were a few playful barks and yips, followed by rustling. Sand stirred in the air, tickling the young boy's nose. He held in a sneeze and moved forward slowly, approaching the commotion with a feeling of adrenaline in his veins. The sounds seemed harmless enough. Just a couple of wolves, playing in the sand...

Long legs brought the careful brute toward the two creatures, expecting to see two canines frolicking in the summer heat. When he only saw one, he became confused. The girl seemed to be playing in the sand all alone, kicking up the stuff like it was freshly fallen snow. He felt a small laugh form in his throat, and he let himself smile at the pretty female. Then a breeze pulled through, clearing the air around her for a moment. She wasn't alone. She was playing with a gecko.

Hunting it, perhaps? The small earthy male felt doubt creep through his body. Maybe this female wasn't as innocent as he'd previously thought. Maybe she was cruel, playing with her food before killing it.

Then another surprise hit him as the gecko spoke. It's words were familiar. This creature knew how to speak the wolven language? Dayton felt his jaw unhinge as he stared in confusion, waiting for the two companions to notice him, to explain themselves, to do anything. This was unlike anything the young boy had ever seen before.



04-20-2014, 01:40 PM

Alphonso made a quick dash under Isabella and ran out from her side, moving forward before turning and facing her. With a playful snort Isabella turned to face him, a light snarl on her face. As she turned and settled to a play bow in a fluid motion she paused as she saw someone beyond Alphonso. A deep, angry growl rose up from her chest as she stood all sign of playfulness and joy gone from her features. Raising her head tall her eyes grew cold as her ears perked up and her tail waved like a proud banner behind her. Noticing this Alphonso turned as well to see a young scared male behind them. For a moment he feared the male was in danger as Isabella took a few confident steps forward but that fear faded as Isabella stooped a few lengths in front of him.

"You there, who are you and why are you watching us." Her voice broke though the silence like a crack of a whip and the question, rather the statement was cold and unfeeling but her eyes held nothing but anger. Isabella herself was unsure if the anger was directed at the male or her own stupidity but it was clear she would not let this male get away without seeing her true self, or rather the side she wanted everyone to see as her true self.

Taking another step forward she locked eyes with the stranger who had a look of shock on his face. A name, she waited for the male to speak his name as Alphonso moved forward to stand between her front paws. He would stay silent for now but would happily defuse the situation if need be.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



04-20-2014, 01:55 PM

The boy continued to hold himself still as the two creatures romped and played. Eventually the russet female wolf caught sight of him and stopped. Her posture was instantly rearranged into a show of angry dominance. The gecko seemed surprised before slithering between her front feet. Were they actually friends? Dayton almost felt like laughing.

"You there, who are you and why are you watching us." The girl snapped, her tail held high in a regal pose. This too was a bit amusing. His weaker, more submissive side made him want to cower, but his practical side only smiled. This female didn't seem cruel at all. In fact, she looked much like Misha - the darling female that had recently become his mate. Dayton, feeling a sudden and explicable surge of confidence, bowed to the creatures. His paws dug into the sand a bit as he moved.

"Sorry to frighten you, ma'am," he said, his eyes transfixed by the resemblance. She really did look like Misha. They could have been twins. But he cleared the thoughts from his mind for the time being. "I didn't mean to startle you, and I wasn't exactly watching you either. I simply heard noises and came to investigate."

Dayton kept his stature very calm and passive, with a slightly drooping tail and ears that swung out to either side. He moved his burnt amber gaze to the gecko and gave him a smile. "And nice to meet you as well, sir, I must say I'm impressed by your ability to speak to our kind." Some part of him flinched a bit as he spoke, as if his mind was chastising him. Talking to a gecko, are you losing your mind? Except he wasn't. The little guy could speak their language. It was incredible. With that, he returned his attention to the female.

"And what might your name be?" It was really quite a miracle that he wasn't running away yet. But the recent events - joining a pack and finding love - had taken their toll on the young boy. He wasn't as frightened as he normally would have been. He was more cordial now, better at communicating. And hopefully this female would lighten up to him for that reason.
