
Plot with Chrono



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Artist - RainbowRapid Poster - Rainbow
06-02-2024, 07:23 AM

Asheila Carpathius | Female | 5 years | Summer
Bisexual | Hunter & Navigatior | Currently loner residing in Auster

Asheila will probably join her family back in The Hallows. I really want her to have a happy ending. She is Bisexual but leans towards women. She would need a very kind gentle guy for a relationship or if she ever wants to carry kids of her own for her and her partner. All far far future plots as she's not too trusting of strangers unless they have a good rep from her family.

Cerberus Klein | Male | 4 years | Autumn
Fighter & Intellectual | Elysium

I'm open to just about anything with Cerberus, he's very close to his family but can be wary of strangers sometimes. He's actually quite naive and generally a very kind soul compared to most of his immediate family. But he is still a strong man that's no push over and will fight for those he loves.


Duchess Heartilly | Female | 6 years | Autumn
Bisexual | Hunter & Navigator | Loner around southern Boreas

Duchess is temporarily closed for plots and threads.


Fiametta Mendacium | Female | 3 years | Autumn
Bisexual | Fighter & Intellectual | Elysium

I am open for a lot for Fia right now as well. She went through something really rough during her vacation in Auster and looks forward to getting drunk or high when she can to cope. She'll have all the mens and quickly forget about them the next day. She's going through a hard part of her life and I want her to feel like a screw up for a little bit before she can heal (Hopefully with help from her family)


Hattori-Klein Hotate | Male | 1 year | Spring
Discovering | Fighter & Hunter | Loner

I haven't figured out what Hotate has been up to in my absence but I'd like to get him to cause some trouble especially while he is coming of age I still expect him to act immature and childish. Throw any ideas at me.


Onyx Destruction | Female | 5 years | Spring
Heterosexual | Fighter & Intellectual | Loner around Northern Boreas

I expect Onyx hasn't been up to much, just surviving as she does. She's a brute warrior woman that's very hard to get to know besides the couple she's ever been vulnerable for. She's typically not very likeable.


Rinoa Adravendi | Female | 5 years | Summer
Heterosexual (But would probably kiss ladies) | Fighter & Healer | Loner

I'd love any and all ideas for her. Rinoa is a bubbly, sarcastic, hopefully likeable girl who likes to party and have fun. She's not a submissive type and can hold her own but she's also pretty naive and I could see her getting into a relationship she's really loyal to but won't be the best for herself.


Saia Klein-Destruction | Female | 3 years | Spring
Discovering | Fighter & Healer | Loner around western Boreas

I don't have any plans for Saia as well. She's a pretty quiet stoic girl but is really loyal to her family. She's another one who can hold her own and is pretty standoffish and a little hard to get to know. She's open to encounters with strangers and may like you if you are around enough.


Vanille | Female | 4 years | Summer
Heterosexual | Hunter & Healer | Loner around southern Boreas

Vanille is a quiet and sweet girl who has a lot of anxiety about people-pleasing. She just went through a break up and while I'm not looking hard to move her on I could see her getting into a really bad abusive-like situation with a guy. She's a hard worker in a pack opposed to a social type but does like to be around others.


Vine Destruction | Female | 1 year | Spring
Discovering | Hunter & Navigator | Avalon

I need to work on shaping Vine to get her character more solid, she is coming of age so I'd like to find her a boyfriend who may or may not last a lifetime and she can be kind of awkward with but I imagine her pretty modest or working harder in her training than anything else.


06-04-2024, 12:32 PM
If Hotate is in Auster, I could see him bugging my girl Blackfoot if he's a troublemaker and boundary pusher. Black likes her space and is generally not very talkative so if he pushes and pushes it could be fun to see her snap. Disclaimer, she's unlikely to actually attack, she'd just cuss him out and try to leave XD