
Monster Inside Me



9 Years
03-19-2014, 02:19 PM

Hope. It was something he didn't know, something he didn't care to know. It was senseless really, to feel something that would only disappoint you. Hope of achieving what he wanted to be within his pack was a far off dream, or so it seemed. He knew and felt in his core, that he would never be good enough. And so he left the territory in a fruitless search, he was sure. Where exactly he was going, he didn't care. As long as it wasn't near the pack, he wanted to be alone. Away from what caused him to feel this way, away from the neglect and the confusion, away from those who didn't care and from those who expected everything yet didn't care about him. He scoffed, translucent orbs beginning to fill with anger, a feeling he didn't know before until recently. It made his chest hurt, his shoulders heavy, his entire demeanor to change. He was once gentle and kind, willing to help quietly and aid those who needed someone to talk to. And now? He didn't feel like that anymore. He felt very different compared to what he valued...

Angered orbs glanced up, the boy checking to see where he was. He remembered this place, for it was a place he had passed before on his treks to see Chill. Although it had been so long ago, he still remembered. And he doubted he would ever forget. And then it dawned on him, he could remake what she taught him, put to use the things he learned that someone had been willing to teach him. So he set out in search of the valued herbs that would create the concoctions that could prove fatal to those who dared tried to tell him he wasn't good enough. If he had to, he would instigate a fight...if only to see those who didn't care, writhe in pain and atone for their mistakes. The noon day sun was high in the sky, summer, and yet it was still cool in the norther region...a phenomenal thing he would understand in time, he was sure.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



03-19-2014, 02:39 PM
Alpine had traveled further and further each day after joining Valhalla, well he knew he was still in need of acquaintancing himself with the members of the pack he knew also that the land itself wasn't yet familiar to him. He wanted to better understand the packs that had settled here and called these places their homes. He wanted also to get an idea of the wolves that treaded here alone.
Lost to his thoughts he allowed his paws to do his travelling as he moved upwards from the Western corners of this land to the Northern, and feeling the bite of cold despite the summer that blew down from the higher and more mountainous rangers he walked until he caught the scent of another wolf and he stopped then, raising his head to the gentle wind that blew the scent towards him.

He could scent the sweetness of youth and the tang of another pang that clung lithely to it. He wasn?t really surprised to see a pack member in the rogue lands, he himself was of that ilk and he had seen others do the same. The need to explore was a very real thing that seemed that bite stronger in the youngest generation. Alpine didn?t yet know very much on herbs, it wasn?t something he had considered or sought out before but had already been promised that he would learn it in Valhalla, but he recognized that it was herbs that the boy seemed to seek out, as Alpine trotted lightly into the others view. He didn?t try and approach but instead stopped there and rested his rump against the ground.
?I don?t mean to intrude, but what is that you?re doing? I?m not as familiar with plant life as I should be?
He spoke in easy, friendly tones, freely admitting his own fault and curiosity to the younger wolf, as Alpine watched him with a slightly tilted head.



5 Years
03-19-2014, 11:40 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

How long has it been since she had last seen her brother? She was getting very worried, to the point of bone snapping stress. Though she was very good at concealing such things from everyone. She had seen Ky at the Blood training but not their brother Rin. So she went about doing her daily tasks of cleaing out the den, hunting, climbing trees, and gathering more knowledge on herbs. All the while though her nose was alert for Rin's trail. As days went by she grew more distraught. Widening her searching range to the borders till she found his scent.

Leaving Glaciem lands was not scary, she easily stepped right over the borders at a brisk trot without hesitation. It was going to happen one way or another and some day sooner than later. She shook her head with a snort, fur gleaming in the summer light. She had grown quite abit from her young puppy days. Still tiny to the size like her mother, but moved with the grace her father carried. Her fur color was more pure in pigment, white blue slate gray and russet. Her fur hung on her in silky lush locks, curling slightly on her chest and belly. Her amber eyes held more of a fire like life in them, vibrant, alive, dangerous and yet warm. The young girl was just coming to almost a year in age and her adventurous side had yet to wonder outside the pack lands. She supposed it was because she was trying so hard to find her place in the pack, to find herself. Yet she felt like she was being buried under everyone. Isardis had so many kids, including herself, that standing out was nearly impossible unless your mother had been Argent or Sendoa. She hated it and only was starting to stick around for the sake of Ky, Rin, and her mother. But she was seeing less and less of each one of them. Maybe it was time to go else where, to discover herself. She would always remember the pact her and her brothers had made all those seasons ago. And she would hold it dear to her heart, never letting it go and forever upholding her promise.

Rin's scent hit her like a slap in the face and she embraced in, body turned at a sharp angle to stir towards it. She was picking up more speed as it grew stronger, her heart hammering and nerves fired. What was wrong with her brother? Why was he here? Was there trouble? She felt horrible for not seeking him out sooner. The scent of another male, older, had her eyes narrow and paws a flying blurr. She charged ahead, lips pulled back when the two came into sight. Coming from the right side of the two of them she rushed to Rin's side. Sliding to a halt she eyed the other male with her burning eyes, body stiff and crouched protectively between him and her brother. After a few good measured moments of glaring eyes did she look away and nuzzled Rin softly. Her ear where the two nicks were taking twitched as she whined softly. Rin? Rin whats going on? She whispered softly to him. She was surprised at the height difference between them, they had grown a lot but she was so tiny compared to him and they were just a few weeks apart in age.