
A Flower Blooming In The Slums




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-09-2024, 07:32 PM
X Heavy mention of sexual trauma~

Fiametta was never big on proper amounts of sleep but it had never bothered her before, it was just even less now. The more she worked to be in a normal way of life the more she was strung out. The more she got drunk. The more she let herself suffer. She was doing it to herself to keep herself feeling anything. If her family showed they cared, she meant something to them. She meant something to herself. She had a reason to keep being here, at home that was.

Her dreams didn't really consist of nightmares, after she released herself from her captors there was nothing to be afraid of. She wasn't afraid even, she was just angry. It's why she took it out on them when she had the chance. And she knew she'd make it home one day and when the truth came out she'd be able to tell a brutal, thriving tale.

As everything came to darkness, there was nothing. She saw nothing. Just the relief of everything gone. Relief... she felt herself exhale a breath as a flame brought her into her dream, sensations that always felt different when she was asleep because they weren't real. It was the anticipation, the desire to want it to be real. Her soft feline paws touching along her sensitive areas as the heat in her grew. Fuck, what Saracyn said about sex was true. And she hated him for it. Every time one of those fuckers touched her, it fed into her. She hated when she liked it, she hated when she would play along with them to make it easier. But fuck, was he right. She'd try her best to remember her nights with Stolas but it was hard with the stark contrast. And maybe that's why she played with the captors. Make it seem more believable, more mentally enjoyable for her so she could get through and wait for her chance. The dream was probably the fire that stoked the demon ready to stalk her, but none of it was real, right?

Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
06-09-2024, 10:23 PM

The emptiness of the abyss that Fiametta floated in was quiet and calming, with nothing to take away from the sensations she was delivering to herself. Her breaths, her every sound she coaxed from herself with her paws drifted into the nothingness, floating in a place where only she was. Until the shadows heard her breaths and moans. Until the darkness took note of her and paid her ceaseless attention. Then the abyss came to life. There was no shift in the void, and yet all of a sudden everything about this liminal space seemed different. Less calming and more suffocating. Not a peaceful sanctuary, but a never-ending prison. From inside the dark, the demon became aware of her, the call of his blood in her veins awakening him and freeing him from his senseless hell. For a creature like himself, sensation was his greatest pleasure, and to be devoid of it was his greatest hell. Now he was freed from that purgatory by her self indulgent paws, and just like a drop of blood in shark-infested waters, her carnal pleasure drew him in.

Maybe she heard the low grumble just barely audible over her heated exhales, the sounds of her labored breathing stirring something in the darkness. Nares flared, drinking in the sweet scent of fae. Abyssal eyes appeared in the void, but they blended in like a chameleon, black on black as they leered at the wanton display with a feral hunger. A voyeur in the shadows. She was young, nubile, painted in the colors of his bloodline with eyes that mirrored his own. She was of his blood, but that mattered little to the demon at this moment. No, what mattered was how her lascivious show was rousing appetites he had not slaked since his son banished him from the mortal realm. How long had it been since he'd had a fae beneath him? He almost salivated at the thoughts of claiming her, slaking his lust with her body, reveling in the sensations and pleasures he had been robbed of. It wouldn't be the first time he'd satiated his primal urges with his own blood, after all.

The eyes vanished into the dark, and then the darkness was shifting again as an invisible shadow slid through the dark closer to her. Behind the flame-marked woman, the darkness molded together into his form, shadow flowing like liquid to solidify into rippling plains of muscle, massive in stature and imposing in physique. Once he had taken form, the darkness melted away like ice in the summer sun, revealing the deep crimson fur and those obsidian eyes that had been watching her with ravenous intrigue. He said nothing at first, allowing the young fae to continue enjoying himself and giving him quite an enjoyable show. His nose flared, breathing in her scent of lust and pheromones once more. Then he smiled, a show of sharp teeth, and he sat back, watching with a smoldering lecherous gaze. He would not interrupt her yet, waiting to see if perhaps she would notice she wasn't alone anymore or if she'd continue to entice him to the point where he wouldn't be able to resist taking her as his. She had come here willingly and brought him from his cage, so clearly she wanted this too.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-10-2024, 04:27 AM

Fia had sensed the change in her dream as the dangerous brute became one with the shadows. It gave her a flicker of emotion that drove her further into her pleasures while it felt both burning and cold around her all at the same time. She wasn’t aware of the man plaguing her dreams for quite sometime, but soon his form would be more prominent.

Her eyes opened slightly as of something drew her to look directly at him, to notice him as he watched her hungrily. The idea he was familial to her was there, but didn’t hinder her from continuing, to her he was just a figment of her imagination. He wasn’t here to haunt her, or more accurately her father. She made him up to be here for her.

Acting like she wasn’t being watched by the brute of darkness, she shifted her body softly to lay on her back and show him everything. She made herself more vocal for a release she probably wouldn’t find at the end of the dream. Her feline claws ran across the thin skin between her thighs trying to entice him more. God, she wanted him to want her so bad. It wasn’t just the act itself, it was the desire to be wanted. She loved the thought of what she could do to man despite the evil they wanted to do to her. All the more reason to fuck around and see what she could do.

Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
06-11-2024, 06:48 PM

Those dark eyes of hers opened again and fell upon the grinning visage of the monster, and he was delighted to see no fear or apprehension in her body language. She saw him, she acknowledged he was there watching her, yet this delicious little treat continued her brazen display of lust before his eyes. As if she wanted him to watch her and want her. The spirit world held no need for the physical needs and desires of the mortal realm, but that didn't mean he wouldn't seize his opportunity to indulge in those old vices when he had the opportunity laid bare before him. Moros watched with carnivorous intent as the fae laid herself on her back, hind legs spread to conceal nothing from his predatory gaze. She touched and stroked herself, teased her own body, made a show of herself, an alluring meal waiting to be devoured. Well, if she wanted to be devoured, then the titanic brute would happily oblige.

With a rumbling growl that seemed to echo through the dark void they existed in, Moros slowly strode towards the fae, slowly sinking into the darkness again as if he were stepping into pitch black water. Once he vanished into the rippling shadows, a slow trail of ripples like water in the dark began to approach Fiametta. Like a shark underwater, the ripples came right for her, gliding silently up until they reached the edges of her toes. Then they stopped, and all was still... The abyss of Fia's dreams were left with just her and the sounds of her own self-pleasure. The demon brute was gone...

Until he wasn't. Just like a shark breaching the water to snag its prey, the brute emerged from the dark in an explosive pounce, coming to land over top of Fiametta, surrounding her body with his own. Giant paws slammed down on either side of her, keeping her pinned on her back beneath him while he loomed over her, sharp fangs bared in a lecherous grin. Those dark eyes smoldered with a primal hunger, already devouring her slender body with his gaze. His massive form, heavy and bulked with rippling muscles beneath thick coarse fur, pressed down onto hers, savoring the feel of fur against his own and the soft warmth of her skin that he'd been denied for gods knew how long. Their bellies and chests pressed together, Moros leaning down until he was almost nose to nose with the young woman. Then he dipped his head, slowly pressing his muzzle into the side of her neck and breathing in her scent up close. She was definitely of his blood, the unmistakable fragrance of his genetics passed down to her. As if there was any doubt with a coat as beautiful as hers.

The little slut had done nothing to stop enticing him and making it obvious she wanted him, and wanted him to want her. Whether she thought this was some sort of wet dream that she was in control of or just a pleasant fantasy where she was along for the ride mattered little to him—he was about to show her that she was very much in his world. No words were spoken between them, but none needed to be. Action was all he needed, and act he would. Parting his jaws, Moros briefly toyed with the idea of sinking his fangs into the fae's throat, of tasting her blood and drinking her until her heart stopped and she was but a beautiful corpse for him to play with. Ah, but this was not reality, but his ethereal prison. She would not die here; she would simply vanish the moment his jaws crushed her windpipe, and all fun would end there. No, he would savor this... savor her.

Instead, Moros pressed his broad tongue to the fae's throat, slowly dragging up against her vulnerable flesh to nip at where her neck and jaw met. She tasted delectable! It made him wonder how other parts of her would taste... Not wanting to wait to find out, Moros slowly dragged his body down the length of hers, nipping and biting gingerly at parts of her belly as he went, slinking down her form and playing up the part of her fantasy dream lover to keep her in his clutches. Pink tongue still lolling from open jaws, Moros ran slow licks along Fia's lower belly, reaching her waist. Giant paws slid up over her supple thighs, grabbing at her shapely hips while sharp fangs nipped at the skin along her waist, dipping lower... lower... Moros' abyssal gaze locked on Fia's matching eyes as he finally let his tongue roll over her most intimate of parts, tasting her, letting her pleasure roll through his body like electric waves to further fan the flames of his desire and arousal. He would have her begging for him before he ravaged her.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-11-2024, 07:47 PM
There was almost a flash of disappointment as the stalking brute disappeared back into the shadows, but no, she knew he was still here. She could feel he was still here. She wouldn't stop her acts of self pleasure and she'd be grateful for her reward at the end.

There was not a drop of fear of the man, at least to the extent that she still believed this was a dream. The weight of his pounding paws almost making the abyssal ground shake under her, she was drawn into the pure force of power that he wholly surrounded her in. She honestly had never felt enticement quite like this before. The deadly behemoth that felt at her will as much as she was at his own. She felt awakened at the darkness that was him, and threat of control he provided over her.

She wasn't shy looking straight into his eyes as she bit her lip and her face contorted to the ongoing feelings of pleasure by herself, not worried about what parts of her may have touched or wiggled under him. The more she looked directly at him, the more she felt like she was looking at a mirror, or even her father. And she wondered what kind of sick fucked up fantasy dream this was. It didn't matter to her though, she was just hoping she wouldn't get woken up until the best parts played through.

She was exaggerative as his lips moved down from her throat to her body, he was giving her every thing she wanted and more. What could have been a nightmare for many was almost a heaven for her, at least in these very moments. She probably helped that fact for the beast as hungry as her. She removed her paw from her lower parts as his head lowered between her thighs, both paws laying one near his shoulder and one at the side of his head. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect next, but it was unlike anything she had felt before. Perhaps what was an experienced fucker, and she was a willing host. He made her more eager, helping to find her end that was always just there but never finished in her dreams. It made the moments last forever. It would be a harsh disappointment in the morning though.

Claws extracted into fur and flesh as he did give her the ride of a lifetime. Until she was literally begging for him. Her body pulsed into his own movements as she let out feminine grunts in response to his beautiful work. Her feline claws digging in to what she could grab more, probably nothing to a dead man. "God, fuck! Fuck me!" If the only words spoken between them, well deserved words. She could only hope she could find something like this again when she woke up.

Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
06-12-2024, 01:45 AM

Oh, but the fae was a lecherous little succubus, wasn't she! She showed no fear or apprehension towards him as he towered over her and pinned her to an invisible ground, nor any signs of resistance as he reveled in the presence of her body, so soft and warm in his abyssal prison. Just like a felon incarcerated in isolation, Moros was ravenous for sensation, craving the physical pleasures and releases she promised him like a man dying of thirst in a desert craved water. She squirmed, she wiggled, she sang songs of her pleasure to him while he teased and tormented her, walking the razor's edge with her. They would plummet off, of course, but only at his pace. Many would say Moros was deranged for taking such licentious urges out on his own descendant, but Moros didn't give a fuck. Flesh was flesh, and sex was sex. Her sharing in his blood just made her all the more appealing to his vile appetites knowing that she carried strong blood in her veins—his blood.

As the beast of a brute fed at her, he felt Fiametta's paws move from her own body to rest on his shoulder and head, almost cradling his skull to her nether region while broad tongue worked its magic over her. The sounds he was able to pull from her with every gasping breath were like a serenade to his ears. How long had it been since he'd fucked Rhea? How long had it been since Alastor had killed him? Time meant nothing and yet everything in this place, a maddening fugue state that tried to destroy him. Giant paws flexed over shapely hips, pulling Fia's body closer to his hungry maw, low growls of delight rumbling deep within his throat. She tasted sublime! Nubile and delicious, just begging for him! Sharp pricks of claws along his skin where her paws grabbed at his head with desperate and urgent need sent shivers racing down his spine. Yes! These were the sensations he had been deprived of for so long! And here he was, eating as if he were a glutton at a buffet of sensation that was this voluptuous young fae.

Those sharp claws gripped at his fur, pulling on scruff and ears to urge him on. Moros growled in reply and ravished her with broad strokes and hungry laps, never ceasing or stopping. The nicest part of being in this hell was not needing to come up for air. It was only once he had Fia quivering and on the verge of madness did he finally relent. Her cried out words made the corners of the brute's lips curl upwards in a wicked grin. Moros briefly considered ignoring her request and continuing his cunning linguistics, but he was already aching to get inside her, so he would acquiesce. Leering up at her like a starving predator, Moros growled again before disappearing down into the darkness again, his growls echoing around her as he vanished underneath her paws. There was a pause, and then the world was shifting as Moros lunged up from underneath Fiametta. Like cracking ice, the darkness beneath her body burst, and Moros grasped Fia by the back of her neck in his powerful jaws. Gravity shifted, turned, changed until he now had the young woman pinned to her belly between the invisible ground and his own hulking body.

Moros' paws immediately found Fia's hips, grasping tight around her as he mounted her roughly and pulled her hips up into alignment with his own. Between them, his arousal pressed to her most intimate parts, grinding them together as he positioned himself. She wanted him to fuck her, and so he would, just as he had claimed every other bitch that came before her. Moros' jaws tightened, sharp fangs biting into the back of her neck while he joined their bodies with a rough thrust, grunting and snarling at that initial burst of heat and pleasure. Like a junkie relapsing on his first hit, Moros' eyes dilated as the ecstasy brought back sensations he hadn't felt since his death. It was exquisite! Groans muffled by the fur and flesh in his jaws escaped him while every muscle in his body trembled, quivering with pent up lust and energy. Powerful hips began a series of strong bucks, invading her deepest parts and driving himself hard into the core of his descendant as if she were the last fuck he'd ever have—and maybe she was. He was going to make the most of this if she was.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-14-2024, 09:48 PM

He would relent as Fia screamed for him to mount her. The instinct even in this dreamscape to catch her breath as his form disappeared overcame her but she knew he’d be back. He’d be mad to leave her like this. She was here purely for the act, the feeling, the pleasures. Nothing else. She didn’t care who the brute of her dream was or if he had any meaning to her at all. He gave her what she wanted, as a sick depiction or just to feed what she craved back in life. What a pity she’d have a morning to wake up to.

She fell right into him as the whole realm shifted around her. As if anticipating he was there, she was his willing host because there were no risks here. With her body pinned between the lost ground and the demon of a man she couldn’t help but think of what it was like being tied down again. A part of her feeling defensive by aggression as he made for the finale. It may have been the only time she opened her dark eyes until the end, not looking at him but nearly freezing until he surged forward. Her claws grasped into the plush darkness under her like grass, and she screamed and moaned like she had never been fucked before. Every inch of him feeling antagonizing and sensational all at the same time. She was overbearingly willing to take everything he could give her, all of him. It felt like such a reality she wondered if she should wake up and see who was in her den fucking her. And she’d certainly be welcoming from a dream like this regardless of the circumstance.

Her body tensed and released as she held her breath and sang songs of pleasure, melting under him not fighting any part of what he wanted from her. This was it. They helped each other just by indulging in nature’s pure desire. It was simple. She wondered if it would ever end or if she’d wake up at what would feel like the climax, and if that would be enough for her. Time was short in this realm, and there was no telling how fast it would go. If he’d keep pushing her forever until the morning came or if they could actually have an ending to the tale.

Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
06-17-2024, 03:10 AM

Oh gods, how sweet the relief felt to finally feel again! The abyss that had been his prison since his demise had been an eternal torture, a blight upon his damned soul. And here came this magnificent being, this fae spawned of his own son to free him and deliver to him his absolution. Fever had freed him, and now she—his granddaughter or great-granddaughter, it mattered not to him—was returning to him all the sinful delights he reveled in during his life. And Moros feasted upon them, and on her for as long as he would have her. He would savor this to its fullest, enjoy every second of his defilement of his own kin for his pleasure and relief. Because he had earned it for his suffering, and because she had offered herself so willingly.

Her sweet songs of lust and pleasure spurred Moros on, urging him to continue ravaging her as she moaned and screamed beneath him. The sounds were like an angelic chorus to the demon brute. How long had it been since he'd heard the impassioned cries of a bitch getting the life fucked out of her? Snarling into her scruff, Moros bit down harder on the back of Fia's neck, sharp fangs sinking into thick fur and tender flesh, and he surprised himself when he tasted blood! He hadn't expected to be able to cut the girl or for her to bleed in this place, yet here was the oh so familiar taste of coppery blood flowing across his tongue! Moros gave a groan of delight as the flavor awakened senses and memories in his brain that hadn't been touched in ages, his hips pounding into hers with a reckless abandon as he hilted himself within the salacious fae, enjoying all the pleasures of her body as she held and cradled his length within her. Their bodies moved in tandem; a frenzied rutting of two predators more akin to feral animals than the graceful dance of lovers. It suited Moros better this way.

There was no way to tell how long their passion would be permitted to last. She was only the second wolf to have ever freed him from his prison, and the first he had claimed and conquered within the void. The pleasure washed over him like warm waves of an ocean of ecstasy, all reminiscent of the same pleasure he had lavished in when he was alive. If this all felt the same, then surely the climax would be the same too, right? Well, they were about to find out together! Holding the crimson fae pinned securely beneath him in a position she could not escape from, Moros drove his hips into Fiametta's like she was the last fuck he'd ever have. Claws dug into the flesh along her waist and hips, pulling her into him, their bodies rocking together in a wild rhythm. Fia's pleasure was second to his own, and Moros was using her exclusively to slake his own lust and need. If she took pleasure in their act along the way, then all the better, but he couldn't care less if she enjoyed it or not.

Moros growled and snarled against Fia's neck, biting down just a bit harder to keep his strong hold around her spine, forcing her head down to the "ground". He wanted to hear her scream for him, to feel her come undone beneath him and beg him with her body to finish. Then they'd see if they could go for round two right away in this liminal space. Moros certainly hoped so. He was far from done with his flame-marked bitch.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-19-2024, 05:29 PM
As much as Moros was here in her dream for her, she was here for him. Somehow in this realm she felt the ecstasy, the excitement, the longing of the vigorous sexual encounter that she felt was fully made up in her head. A dream, a fantasy. Something she had played out so that she could find it back on earth. God, she wished she could. As fucked up as this was and the brute himself for feeling so inclined to fuck his granddaughter silly, knowing what he was doing. It was all primal for both of them.

She didn't have anywhere to go, but she still participated by feeling an uncontrollable urge to wiggle beneath him and rip her claws into the soft surface under her much like how she was handling her from behind. Some kind of heritage to be vicious, reckless, destructive. Every bit of physical force she received was almost pouring out of her in a form of emotion. She didn't have to know him, she just wanted to feel like this all the time.

She growled through a snapped jaw as he bit harder into her, not uninviting him but egging him on more as he drove further into his pleasure and into his end. She never fought him, never wanted him to stop. A perfect host for his prison. She felt herself starting to fade, almost as if she was recoiling into herself, turning into something she wasn't. She was so passionate about the sexual drive, but as she felt herself leaving this space she felt like a scared little girl. Never in her life had she felt like that. He may not have even finished what she started as her body slowly dissolved from under him, bringing her back into reality.

As slowly as she left the dream, it was a sharp snap that woke her up. Shooting her head from her paws with wide eyes. But no one was here. Just her own imagination. Her eyes looked around her empty den, hearing nothing but the distant chirping bugs of the forests. It made her chest ache to be here alone, the dream reminding her that no one was here for her. And she had no one to blame but herself.

-Exit Fiametta-

Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
07-06-2024, 10:41 PM

Oh, how Moros was adoring this sexy morsel that had stumbled into his realm this night! Whoever she was, she was positively delightful, acting in all the lewd and lascivious ways a fae was meant to act for a brute. She growled and snarled in time with him, wiggling her body and grinding her hips back into his thrusting ones, giving all of herself over to him. She was visceral and primal and he loved it! Yes, he knew she was kin to him somehow just from her presence here alone, but that meant nothing to Moros. If anything, it actually turned the demented brute on even more! Knowing he was coupling with one that shared in his strong bloodline and seeing her so voracious and wild, it was like a pat on his own back for producing such exquisite descendants. He really should be thanking Alastor for producing such a lovely young bitch. His son had done well making her.

Moros reveled in seeing just how alike he and her were. His granddaughter, or perhaps even great-granddaughter (he had no way of knowing how long he had been in oblivion), was sublime! Moros' hind leg lifted to find purchase over her own, angling himself deeper with every stroke. He was like a beast consumed with single-minded determination to breed. Sharp claws dug into the soft flesh of her hips, his jaws squeezing tighter around her scruff to secure his hold on her while he dominated her wholly. He didn't even realize anything was changing, he was so lost in the release of lust she was providing him. It was all too good! Moros could feel the tightening of that coil in his core, the churning urge to explode in his end. But just as he began to pummel his hips into hers to prepare for his finish, Moros gave a mighty thrust forward—and face planted right into the darkness.

Head snapped up with an alarmed inhale, dark eyes snapping back and forth in the empty void. Where the hell had she gone?! The flame-marked bitch he'd been balls deep in was just... gone! No trace of her remained; no hint of her scent nor single hair was left behind. It was as if she had never existed. Left standing there in an awkward position with his arousal hanging between his thighs, Moros felt an incomprehensible rage swelling within him that erupted in a furious roar. NO! He had finally found his relief from this senseless abyss and she'd been stolen away from him in the height of his ecstasy! Cursing every god and deity that existed, Moros lashed out with fang and claw at nothing and everything all at once. He would find her again. And when he did, he would finish what they had started.

- end -


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1. A Flower Blooming In The Slums Somnium 07:32 PM, 06-09-2024 11:14 PM, 07-10-2024