
Toxins In My Blood




Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-18-2024, 07:59 PM
Night settled into the high sky. No moon took its place in the inky canvas. Only the sparkling of several dotted stars. The only source of light which gave the world any sort of glow. It sparkled off the white sheet beneath. Giving the snow tundra something more to express in its beauty.

Melanth ventured through the vast trees. Their outstretched bark reaching to the darkness above. Whilst, branches hung in various angles. She'd been busy with hunting as of late. That she hadn't realized where she would go from here. Meeting her sister did not go as she envisioned. There was no grand reunion filled with happiness and surprise. Oh no. Instead, she only found that Helonia managed to flirt her way into a situation she held no control over. It was the only reason why she now wandered to the newly marked territry. Crimson gaze spied the different carcasses. Some of them hanging in the frosty breeze as if to be saved for later. Others lay scattered on the landscape in a clear warning what was to come if any dared to cross over them.

She didn't wish to alert anyone of their presence. It was Helonia's doing, anyhow, that they were even back near this place. She'd only taken over briefly to take in the scenery. Tiring of always letting Hel in to do as she pleased. They did share one body, one soul, one mind; but, it did not mean that the bitch could just do what she wished. "Well. What thoughts linger in your mind, Sweet Melanth. Do remember, I am much stronger than you." Helonia's words spit out like venom. Melanth sent back a sharp snarl of defiance. "We're here. Do what you must and let's go!" She retrieved to the back on their head. Allowing Helonia to push through with confident ease. Even her strides showed promise of the beautiful disaster that she really was. "Now, my handsome alchemy. How do I get to you?"



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-21-2024, 04:16 AM
Underneath a bright sky of auroras and starlight, Azrael Saxe prowled about the newly claimed Sparse Pines. The world was covered in a fresh blanket of white, the remnants of a snowstorm that had passed through earlier in the day. Now, the world glowed in silver light from the moon overhead, making the canvas of snow seem to shine and sparkle all around. It made the violet brute's fur appear to glow as well, as ethereal as a specter as he made his way through the forest back towards his den on the Ardens. Around his neck, he carried his herb satchel, freshly packed with wintergreen and jimson weed, two critical ingredients used in his serums and tonics. The peacefulness of the evening was always a good time to go herb harvesting in Azrael's mind. It meant fewer distractions and time alone to his thoughts. True serenity.

Crunching through the freshly fallen snow, Azrael crossed the newly claimed Syndicate territory with confidence and ease. With as vast as the Syndicate's lands had grown and how large the pine forest territory was, it was no surprise that he didn't immediately notice someone else in the territory with him; another wolf, active and out and about in the moonlit winter wonderland. Perhaps she would spy him first, given that he had his guard down. Why feel the need to be alert in one's own home, after all? His scent lingered strong in the crisp air, his signature fragrance an easy beacon to locate him if one was looking. Az whistled a soft tune to himself as he walked, already planning out tomorrow's agenda for what he'd need to get done.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-23-2024, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2024, 01:55 PM by Melanth. Edited 1 time in total.)
Time ticked by like melting ice under a hot sun. She didn’t have to wait long before his familiar scent carried over that unseen line. Distant whistles heard through listening ears. Helonia felt daring in that moment. Wanting nothing but to pursue him on her own terms and conditions. Strong gaze unwavering as she took a single paw. Easily stepping into uncharted territory without hesitation. Than another followed shortly after and before she knew it, Helonia found herself stalking the male.

Silent placement’s maneuvered the landscape. Not knowing if its structure, yet continuing to tread the path leading to him. Thankful that he was not that far from where she’d originally come. Incase any other may have come after. She may have taken a risk in making such a treacherous decision; but, she knew it would be well worth it in the end.

From the shadows, she chose to observe him. His well earned muscles protruded from a thick violet and obsidian coat. Piercing green eyes searching for something along the grounds he ventured on. A satchel she could smell meant for herbs around him. She didn’t stop the yearning of need pooling between her legs. The urge pumped into her veins like poisonous venom injected by the beast himself. (How ironic.)

The closer she got. The more she acknowledged he would sense her presence. No longer wishing to hide.
"Well. Hello, stranger."



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-24-2024, 04:56 PM
He became aware of her presence halfway across the terrain back toward the island. He didn't see her so much as he sensed the presence of another, lingering, stalking him. It was quite a rush of adrenaline to know he was the object of someone's focus. A sly smirk played on the Saxe brute's lips while he played coy and continued his walk back home, albeit at a more leisurely pace now. He wanted her to catch up to him. Rounding a snow bank was when he caught a glimpse of her behind him—the black patches of her coat standing out against the fresh snow where her alabaster white fur blended in seamlessly. Ah, the fae from the hunts... Absinth's sister. He had wondered if she'd be bold enough to try to seek him out after their initial encounters. Az was pleased to see that she had been after all. Now what could she want with him at this hour, he wondered? Though he didn't really have any doubts he knew what she was after.

Azrael kept up their little game of cat and mouse for a while longer, letting her draw closer to him as he slowed his steps, pretending to sniff about on the ground or dig through some snow for herbs he wasn't even looking for anymore. She played along, whether willingly or unwittingly, and before long he heard the soft crunch of fresh powder beneath dainty paws. Now the game was afoot. But which fae would be the one approaching him tonight? As her mellifluous voice called out to him, Azrael lifted his sage green gaze from the snow to meet her ruby gaze, a sly smirk greeting her on his muzzle. By her sultry words, it sounded like he'd be entertaining Helonia tonight.

"Hello to yourself, my dear," he purred back to her in his velvety baritone voice, each syllable dripping with saccharine sweet honey as it turned to hot fog at the end of his mouth. Az lifted his head to his full height, gaze never wavering from hers. "Are you simply out here letting the moonlight bathe your dazzling coat, lovely Helonia, or are you on a mission tonight?" Azrael tipped his head a fraction of a degree while he considered the fae before him. A fascinating creature. Two minds in one body. One deliciously supple, slender, curvy body... Oh, the things he'd like to learn from her.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-26-2024, 05:59 AM
Something about this man intrigued her. Since the beginning when their eyes clashed. She found herself to be utterly trapped by a building curiosity. Questions with no answers plagued a wandering mind. Yet, she did not use this opportunity to express them aloud. Releasing them from their mental entrapment. Only choosing to reveal herself from the looming shadows to which she’d hid.

Dainty, soft paws pressed ever so lightly. The softest crunch of snow beneath them barely heard if one were not close enough to hear. Hips swung from side to side in a teasing manner. Every step calculated and precise. As if she were hunting this beast of a male. Allowing those eclipsed crimson eyes to take in every single inch of his frame. His shoulders alone proved strong enough to hold perched legs. The heavy smell of herbs driving Melanth wild. To the point she nearly pushed Helonia from the driver’s seat.

Distance no longer mattered in that moment. As it became nonexistent within seconds of her pending exposure. Ears curved to find his voice dripping in sweet honey. The clash against the deep baritone sent waves of fiery pleasure through her. "A mission, perhaps." Helonia ceased her journey to come any closer. There was but only a small space between them now. She could smell him even more now. The pungent scent drawing drool to linger just behind closed lips. "And you are my target."

Hel could feel Mel coming to front. Though she was here for her and her alone. The devilish serpent knew what herbs did to her main counterpart. It was why they worked so well together. Whilst she enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. Melanth preferred to gather and experiment on various plants. So to say she was the only one well aroused by this male would have been an obvious lie.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-08-2024, 03:27 AM
Azrael had always lived his life with a little serendipity in his step. Charmed by good fortune or perhaps just born under lucky stars. Whatever it was, the Saxe brute had to have been blessed to find such success with the ladies, and it seemed his luck was due to continue as Helonia approached him like a predator stalking her prey. Hungry sage eyes roved over her curvaceous form, settling on that hypnotic sway of her shapely hips. Az stood tall and proud, as a Saxe brute should, his tail curled ever so slightly up over his flanks in a show of confident dominance. He was the master of his own fate and he let it be known. But if Helonia wished to steer his fate for the night... well, far be it from him to deny the beautiful femme fatale.

Helonia spoke, her voice lilting with playful lust as she agreed that she was on a mission of sorts, and that he was her target. Impressed with her banter, Azrael gave a thoughtful hum and cocked a crooked grin at the svelte fae, already imagining what the soft fur of her belly would feel like pressed against his stomach as he nestled himself between her thighs. "Oh is that so?" he teased her back with a rumbling chuckle deep in his broad chest. Az turned to face Helo directly, his paws inching closer until their chests were almost touching. His nose was flooded with her sweet, floral scent with how close they were now, practically able to feel the heat radiating off her body. His satchel full of herbs hung between their bodies, the odor of freshly harvested plants emanating from within. It took all his self control to keep from sweeping her off her paws there and then. Patience, dear Azrael... The longer the wait, the sweeter the prize...

Still fixing Helonia with that predatory grin, Azrael slowly lowered his muzzle toward hers. Less than an inch of space separated their muzzles as he gazed deep into those ruby jewels, feeling her warm, humid breath wash over his lips with her every exhale. "Just how scared should I be as your prey, fearsome huntress?" He was playing with her. He wanted to see if she'd come to claim him this night before he took her as his instead.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.