
big sad

Solo nav seasonal winter 20



Master Healer (240)

Master Navigator (250)

1 Year
06-23-2024, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2024, 05:59 AM by Bancha. Edited 1 time in total.)
The world continued to somersault around him. Passing him by without hardly a look backward. Bancha doesn't mind it. He's in his own little world, minding his business, and carrying on as if there wasn't anything to worry about. Yet, something at the back of his brain told him otherwise. With the sudden change of paw from Kotori to Scylla, he wondered how his fathers truly were doing. Did they like that a family member, distant or not, was now at the helm of their pack? Or, from the looks he often saw upon his otou-san's face, did it stress them out and bring them more concern than ever before? He was still young after all so the whole thing was a bit beyond his comprehension. Even the structure of a pack was a tad befuddling at times, but he was a rule follower (at least to some degree) so he never argued or questioned too much.

These things often troubled Bancha's mind to the point that he often couldn't think. It was hard to hear his thoughts or focus on his studies when that worry, the concern, the anxiousness, was constantly nibbling at his conscious. What if Scylla booted them? What if she thought they weren't good enough? Was he trying hard enough? Should he approach her for training? Did she need healers? Navigators? He could learn, he would promise it! Swear on it! Bancha was capable, that much he knew.

For these reasons and with a wistful sigh, the young wolf wandered out toward the falls. In true fashion of the territory's name, Bancha wandered out that way as dusk began to settle around him. A setting sun on his back cast warm rays of violet, fuschia, and marigold, lighting up the water that tumbled down from the cliff above. Shimmering and glorious, he pauses to admire the falls and their thundering clash against the pools below. Such a beautiful area that refused to be moved or disturbed by the world around it. Maybe he should be more like the falls.

As he walks closer, his eyes are drawn to a darker area behind of the falls that he hasn’t noticed before. He squints, pausing his steps to peer closer for a moment. Was that a cave? Curiosity piques his expression, tail wagging with excitement as he starts up against at a trot toward the edge of the falls where its backdrop is far darker than any of the other falls that he can see. Carefully tiptoeing around the edge, his paws would slip every few steps or so, rocks plunking into the water. Better not fall in!

Bancha succeeds in his endeavor and is able to slip behind the falls with only a few droplets of water splashing onto his curly fur. With the rumbling falls at his back, he is faced with a dim cave lit by the array of sunset colors gleaming through the moving water. Sparkling shimmers of light reflect against the glistening ceiling of the rocky cave where vines dangle down and cling to the walls. Had an animal made this cave or was it natural through erosion?

His rather dainty paws move him deeper, slowly and carefully, cautious to avoid rocks and roots that reach out across the cavern. Surprisingly, it is warm in the cave compared to the chill of winter on the outside. When he flares his nostrils, pulling in the scents of dirt and plants, he notices that it is pretty much void of any other scents. If someone had resided here before, it had not been in a very long time. It gave him an idea… Maybe this would be the perfect place for his own den! A secret, secluded little hole behind the falls where he could watch the sunrise and sunset every day!

Spinning in a circle, Bancha lets out a yip of excitement. He is quick to reach the back of the cave that comes to a nice rounded end. There are clear indications of claw marks in the dirt and rocks that tell of a story of someone having been here long ago, but now? Now it was his for the taking! There are a few mice nests tucked back behind a few rocks but he’s certain they’ll vacate once he’s settled in enough. Or they were welcome to stay as long as they left his belongings alone.

Now, he would just need to find his fathers and inform them he was moving out. Oh, that was… big wasn’t it? Bancha looks around the little cave that was the perfect size for him. If he moved out, maybe they could have alone time and be happier. Not that he impeded on them, he didn’t think he to be the negative factor, but he and his siblings were growing older. It was high time they left… right?


word count: 812

as an adult, bancha will prefer they/them but until he's matured, he/him is fine too!

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1. big sad Sunset Falls 07:12 PM, 06-23-2024 12:35 AM, 07-03-2024