

Xairo - Fighting Seasonal Winter Year 20


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

Extra large
06-28-2024, 05:07 PM
Ludovic crept through the underbrush with all the stealth his small frame could muster. The moonlight painted dappled patterns on the forest floor, illuminating his path as his mismatched eyes darted around, full of curiosity and predatory intent..

The scent of an ermine was tantalizingly close, a delicate wisp of a trail in the cool night air. Ludo’s heart pounded with excitement, his tail twitching with anticipation. He paused, his ears pricking up at the slightest rustle of leaves, trying to pinpoint the exact location of his prey. He wasn’t quite the best hunter yet, but he was still a wolf, and damn it he would make his kill and bring it back to the den with pride. So he moved. His chimeric frame low to the ground, hoping to hide the bright reds of his fur color while he crouched low.

There it was — a flash of white fur against the dark backdrop of dead trees. Ludo’s muscles tensed, ready to pounce, but something else caught his attention, something that made his fur stand on end. A shiver ran down his spine as he sensed another presence, something unseen but very real. What was it? The young boy couldn’t not possibly know. But instinct was a powerful thing, and his were blaring with alarm. The forest, which moments ago seemed welcoming and familiar, now felt different. The shadows seemed deeper, the silence more profound. Ludo’s bright eyes flicked around nervously, trying to catch any hint of movement that would reveal the hidden threat.

He took a cautious step forward, his senses now split between the ermine he had been stalking and the new, unknown danger. The scent of his prey was momentarily drowned out by something else — something faint but unmistakably… predatory. His young mind raced, trying to understand what it meant.

Fear and curiosity warred within him, but his instincts urged him to be careful. He moved slowly, his small body tense and alert. The night seemed to close in around him, every sound amplified, every shadow a potential threat.

For now, the ermine was forgotten. Ludo knew he had to focus on the more immediate danger. His ears twitched, catching every rustle and whisper of the forest. He felt his watchers' presence, somewhere in the dark, somewhere out of sight. Despite his fear, Ludovic would not be intimidated. He was a fiery thing, even if he was young, and he would face whatever came his way. He stood there, fur bristling, ears flat and fangs bared.

wc; 421


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
06-28-2024, 05:10 PM

The first hint that something was wrong was the chill. It wasn't the cold of the late winter air, crisp and biting as it was, but a deeper chill that seemed to settle into Xairo's bones. The young pup's green eyes narrowed against the glare off the snow, his gaze darting around the expanse of Polar Sound. He could hear his heartbeat thumping loud in his ears, drowning out the natural symphony of the taiga.

His instincts screamed at him to run, to hide, but Xairo refused to yield. With a deep breath, he pushed away from the cover of the short tundra grasses and trotted out into the open, his stubby horns glinting under the pale moonlight. The fresh snow beneath his paws muffled the sound of his approach, allowing Xairo to move with some semblance of stealth. But he knew that if it were another predator stalking him, it would be nearly impossible to stay hidden. The icy landscape of Polar Sound betrayed any foreign movement and concealed little, its vast openness a double-edged sword of visibility and vulnerability.

He couldn’t have anticipated running into his brother out here. Technically they should have been at home- not too far from the den at the most. He wanted to call out, to get his brother’s attention. But his better judgment had him remain silent. As calmly as he could muster, Xairo approached his brother head on- remaining in cover as long as he could. And when he got close enough, he drew his breath to speak. “Ludo” Xairo muttered under his breath. “I think there is something close …” Without knowing how else to describe it.

698 / 1500 words
"Xairo Saxe"


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

Extra large
06-28-2024, 05:12 PM
He feels it in his bones. The tips of his fur standing on edge. And then, as he tenses, Ludovic's ears prick up as he hears the familiar voice of his brother, Xairo, cutting through the chill of the night air. His mismatched eyes quickly found the source ahead of him, narrowing as he saw the stubby horns glinting in the moonlight. He knew that look in Xairo's eyes, it was a reflection of his own.

“Xai.” The crimson boy whispered back, his voice forced steady despite the tension coiling within him. “I feel it too.”

Ludovic scanned their surroundings, the openness of Polar Sound offering little in the way of cover but plenty of space for threats to hide. The chill he felt wasn't just from the cold; it was the same bone-deep dread that Xairo must have felt. Every instinct screamed at him to flee, to find safety, but he couldn't abandon his brother. And he wouldn’t flee from a fight.

“Stay close.” Ludo asked, his voice carefully quiet. “Let’s move together. If there's something out there, we'll face it head-on.”

He moved closer to Xairo, their breaths misting in the frigid air. The silence of the taiga seemed oppressive, every rustle of snow or whisper of wind magnified in their ears. Ludovic's muscles were tense, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Then Ludovic led the way, his body low to the ground, eyes scanning ahead for any sign of movement. The predator, whatever it was, would have to contend with both of them. And despite the fear gnawing at his gut, Ludovic felt a hardy determination rise within him.

But a crunch of snow behind them left the monochrome and fire boy whirling around, his gaze locking with that of predatory golden. Saliva gleaming from its teeth and it stalked forward, tail lashing behind the fox as it snarled at them hungrily.



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
06-28-2024, 05:15 PM

His relief at hearing Ludo's voice gave way to a surge of hardened resolve. "We need to move. Now," he said, the urgency creeping into his voice despite his efforts to stay calm. He turned his body to face toward their parent’s den, knowing that they may very well need to prepare to make a run for it.

Xairo nodded in agreement with Ludovic's words, his green eyes alight with a sharp determination. The racing of his heart echoed in his ears as he padded forward, his small yet sturdy frame moving seamlessly alongside Ludo’s. He was ready, ready to face whatever was out there, ready to protect his brother and himself against the unseen menace lurking about. But of course, they weren’t left wondering for much longer.

Feeling Ludovic's shoulder press against his own, Xairo locked his gaze on the figure emerging from the shadows of the taiga. The fox was enormous, its heaving sides slick with frost and eyes burning with primal hunger. Xairo could smell its metallic breath; his own was held in his throat as he offered his brother a quick, sidelong glance. They held their ground as the fox slunk closer, its every movement a study in lethal grace. “Do we charge it together?” Xairo whispered, holding his posture with the curl of his lip.

1236 / 1500 words
"Xairo Saxe"


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

Extra large
06-28-2024, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 05:17 PM by Ludovic. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ludovic's heart pounded, the thud of it echoing in his ears like a war drum. The sight of the predatory fox, teeth bared and eyes alight with hunger, made the hair along his spine bristle. He met Xairo's gaze, seeing the same determination reflected back at him. His younger brother's question hung in the frosty air, and Ludo knew they had no time to hesitate.

“Yes,” Ludovic replied, his voice a low growl. “Together.”

With a swift nod, he signaled to Xairo, their quick understanding solidifying their sibling bond. Ludovic's mismatched eyes never left the fox, every muscle in his body coiled like a snake, ready to unleash the pent-up energy within young limbs. He knew they couldn't afford to wait, couldn't afford to let the fox get the upper hand. Foxes were smart, their mother had said once. You have to be smarter, or faster.

“On my mark,” Ludo whispered, his breath forming white clouds in the freezing air. “Three...!”

They moved as one, a blur of monochrome and crimson and cerulean, charging toward the fox with a unified ferocity. Ludovic aimed low, intending to unbalance the creature and give Xairo an opening to strike. The world around them seemed to slow, each heartbeat stretching into an eternity as they closed the distance.

The fox snarled, its killer instincts kicking in as it readied to counter their attack. But Ludovic and Xairo had the advantage of coordination and shared resolution. As Ludovic barreled into the fox's side, feeling the impact jolt through his strong bones, he saw Xairo dart in from the opposite direction, his stubby horns aiming for the vulnerable underbelly.

The fox yelped in surprise, its legs scrabbling for purchase on the snowy ground. Ludovic felt the burn of its claws against his flank but didn't falter. His brother's determination was a harsh force beside him, and together, they were an unstoppable tide. Though pups they were, they were all the more confident by the shrill caws of ravens above their heads, repeatedly calling their flock master forth to protect her brood. Some ravens even ventured to drop low, talons grasping at the flesh of the fox, beaks primed to nip and pull at its fur as they attempted to drive it off of the children.

total wc; 1616

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