
The Angel Has Woke



04-09-2014, 02:39 PM

She had been moved very delicately, as if the she-wolf would fall to pieces with one wrong move. Today the boy would be cleaning the den they shared, the bedding was turning brown and becoming brittle, and there were small remnants of previous meals he had eaten here. This was no way to keep a place for such a beautiful woman, she would be quite displeased.

So the boy had gone out to gather some material, taking about two to three hours to gather everything he needed and carry back to the little spot the two had been living in. Once there he would spread it all out in neat piles. First pile was grass, different lengths and colors but all together would make the ground definitely softer. Feathers, those would go atop the grass, a smaller pile of them set aside so he could stick them in his mystery woman's fur. And then some hide he had stripped from a few carcasses, carefully removing the flesh and washing the underside free of blood and anything meat. This would go on top of the grass and feathers, definitely better than the bumpy and sharp ground. Next to these three piles were smaller piles of various things, flowers and berries separated by color and large leaves folded around different colored earth.

Now he could get to cleaning. Sal would move around the bedding spot, using a paw to move the grass and feathers into a pile in the center, going in a circle around the whole thing. With most of it gathered he would grab a nearby stick, one he had yanked off from a fallen tree, and come back to lay it at the edge of the pile. With that he would hold it carefully in his jaws and push it forward, adjusting the positioning if some escaped, moving the old bedding off and into some vegetation before tossing the stick. Quickly he would whip around and use his hindlegs to kick it back, spreading the stuff out for a few seconds before stopping and going back into the den.

Now he would go to making it again. Jaws would grab large mouthfuls of grass and move to the sleeping spot, dropping it and spreading it out then going back and repeating the process. Once that was mostly used up he would do the same with the feathers, laying them atop the grass, spread out evenly. Lastly the hide would be placed on top, the fur facing up. With that done he would walk over to the sleeping she-wolf, head tilting to the side briefly.

Plopping down on his rear, Sal would remove the old flowers from her fur and place them beside him, as well as the feathers. Done with that he would carefully grab onto her scruff and pull her towards the new bed, using a foreleg to help so that he didn't leave any wounds. It would take a little bit but he would be able to flip her onto her other side and lay her out, removing any debris in her fur from laying on the side. The boy made sure to keep turning her, that way she wouldn't form any sores from laying one way for too long.

With a satisfied grin and a wag of his tail the boy would go and grab some of his flowers and feathers, laying them in front of him. One by one he would place them into her fur, starting with the thickest part around her neck where they would stay in better and not be dislodged by a breeze. On the walls around the two were various images of all colors, some of animals, flowers, rainbows and unrecognizable forms. Sal's cozy little home.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


04-09-2014, 03:42 PM

What felt like hours had actually been atleast a year and a half. Like sleeping beauty stuck within a spell, for to long she had remained unmoved, untouched and most importantly, presumed missing. She was very much alive, a breathing creature that needed all the basics to survive which, came to the conclusion, she had aid by her side. Not quite contious, but not quite out of it, Luxuria was aware that a presence was looming by, that by fate she had made the disaster that she could no longer remember. She heard the ruffling and before she knew it, she was being moved carefully around like a doll! Flowers where carefully placed all around her, which; made the older woman feel rather appreciated and feel special. Soon, if it was even possible, Lux would find her way back home, to all of them- The Sovari's must still roam Alactria.

Her nose would scrunch up, messing up her angular face, a single ear would twitch. A single movement, that proved that her Savior had been a success; that she had finally pulled through. Before she knew it one of her back legs would move to the side, her tail batting the floor enthusiastically. Slowly; A single eye would peer open, for the first time in a year and to her disbelief, she could see the world, the drawings, the beautiful artwork across the wall; She could see it all! Her gaze was but a blur right now, and she couldnt help but feel intimidated by the fact her sight had not yet fully come back and another lurked close by. She would stiffen in her laying spot, was this the wolf who tried to hurt her? Was he back for revenge for whatever sin she had committed against him?

Dont hurt me, not again, all those hours seemed months! In that moment Luxuria could already feel her heart quickening, as though she where about to have a heart attack just as she had awoken.

Her small tiara continued to ache, wishing for it to end, she wanted to go back to normal, to be consumed in the precense of family. To Luxurias efforts, she would attempt to sit herself up, but instead would come to no success, and would instead find herself laying back down again. She was weak, Vunerable at this very moment. She had never been in such a state, she must look like a disgrace!



04-09-2014, 04:03 PM

He wouldn't take long with the flowers and feathers, only placing about a dozen of each. To add more would become overwhelming, drawing too much attention to the little accessories rather than her natural beauty which he was only trying to highlight. Slowly he would stand up and move back about three steps, smiling as he took in the form before him. Perfect, but it was missing something. The boy lifted his head, violet gaze looking to the tree that provided about half of the roofing. Something was missing, but he couldn't quite put his paw on it.

His ear twitched at a sound, movement coming from nearby, yet they were the only two around, not even a single bird or mouse. Slowly he would lower his head and gaze over at the sleeping woman, who happened to move her limbs, trying to rise yet lay back down. Sal would grin, large and goofy, his tail quickly beginning to wag. ?Your up?!? Even though he would bark in excitement, the boy would try to keep his voice gentle and quiet so that It wouldn't be too much for her hearing, sensitive due to not having to use her ears for some time now.

Sal would do a little hop in place, swinging his head around as the woman seemed to come to life. ?Are you okay? Do you need water Angel?? He asked warmly, moving forward and walking round so that he was hear her head. Goofily he would bring his own down in front of her's, as if he was upside down, still wearing that stupid smile of his. ?You have gorgeous eyes, ya know.?


Awesome image by Canttina <3


04-12-2014, 01:18 PM

The man draped in fine ebony curls had made up for both of their excitement. Literally, She's never witnessed another so happy. Her delicate frame would remain stiff upon the floor, though her teal gaze would stay upon him. Still not liking the fact she can trust no one. Why was he here anyway? It seems as though he just appeared out of know where, she was asleep for merely a few hours, perhaps not even that. How did i get here? Who are you? She had so much to say and it felt like she had such little time. She could see it all then, the beauty he had created. The paintings where one thing, but the flowers crafted neatly within her fur was rather touching. Did you put these in my fur, their beautiful? She'd murmur sweetly, but still rather confused. As she would begin to think, The russet woman would get herself up in a sitting position with a lot of effort taken. She would let out an extremely long [exaggerated] sigh before looking down upon his goofy face, her soft curls bouncing forward.



04-13-2014, 11:04 AM

Her questions only fueled the smile he wore, asking how she got here, who he was and did he put the flowers and feathers in her fur, commenting on them being beautiful. ?You like them, they're really beautiful?? He chimed, finally pulling away and doing a little hop to the side, swinging his head side to side with a shy chuckle. For her other questions however, Sal would quickly collect himself, clearing his throat and turning back to the Angel he had been taking care of. Head would rise, goofy smile turning to a proud grin. Tail would continue to wag behind him, but in a more calm way. ?I am Salamander Lizette Saxe. Some girly tried attacking you so I stepped in, you ended up passing out.? He began, moving towards her and sitting on the bedding just beside her with a smile. ?I didn't want to leave the Angel all alone and asleep, especially when you didn't wake back up at the end of the day, so I brought you here where you would be safe and took care of you since.? Eyes closed and head was held high in pride, happy for bringing her here and taking care of her all this time. "I put all the pretty flowers and feathers in your fur, and even change the bedding a lot and made sure to turn you over so you wouldn't get nasty sores." Eyes opened and focused on the lady, giving small nods of his head. He watched as she tried hard to sit up, allowing her to do it alone to get some use out of her muscles that had been dormant. "I was very careful with you, not scratches. Even more careful when cleaning your fur."


Awesome image by Canttina <3


05-05-2014, 01:54 PM

She would listen, feeling much more comfortable in the fact that he remained happy. She couldnt help but feel half alarmed in the situation. She was out long enough to be moved and have her bed renewed? How long was she out for. The questions wouldnt fade. Her triangular lobes would perk upon his name, some familiarity that she could definately pinpoint.
Saxe... Newt and Kaios's child? What was even better was that she knew of the family. How are they anyway? Why did i get attacked? i was out for more then a few hours! How long have i been out of it? She would become shifty, feeling extremely anxious and paranoid. Did Zara and all of her siblings know of her where abouts? are they even in alactria? Thankyou salamander, if it wasnt for you who knows what state id be in. Im Luxuria Sovari, Wolves call me Lux for short She would smile, the headache bashing against her skull becoming extremely difficult to ignore. She would swipe her tounge against her dry lips, hoping he knew how much she really was grateful.