
Night Stalker




Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

1 Year
06-29-2024, 11:14 PM
In a way, the auroras had become a familiar part of the night to her, but that didn't mean she liked going out to see them any less. She had become very good at being able to tell when her family was deeply asleep so that she would be able to sneak out to see them–that or becoming a master at using her sweetest pleas to sway her father into letting her stay up for a while longer to see the bright night sky. That's what she had done tonight. She had been spending some time throughout the day with her father and when the night came he said it was time to go home, but she pleaded and promised to do extra chores tomorrow if he let her stay out for a while longer so she could enjoy the lights. He agreed with a couple of conditions, but all she heard was his agreement and the threat that she would be in so much trouble if she didn't come home within an hour. After she promised to follow everything he said her dad finally left to head back to their den, leaving her near the island lake to enjoy her lights.

Happy and proud that her bargaining had earned her an hour of time alone on the island, she turned and began to walk along the tree line near the lake, peering up toward the sky occasionally to watch the bands of light move and shift. She would have been plenty happy just doing that for as long as she dared while still giving herself enough time to get back to the den, but then she saw a bit of movement out of the corner of her eye and when she peered out across the clearing she realized it was her cousin. Daemon was far enough away that she was able to dip into the trees a bit and feel like she would be plenty hidden, but close enough that she could see pretty easily. She stepped behind a tree and peeked around it to watch him for a moment. She had been looking for an opportunity to get him back for the night he had ambushed her with a fight after she had been trying to just make nice and spend time with her cousin and now seemed like a prime opportunity to do so!

She followed him a bit from the trees, making sure to stay under cover as much as she could. With it being dark out she knew the pin points of lightly pulsing blue light scattered through parts of her coat would make her easier to spot–or at least that's what her dad had told her during their lessons–so she darted from one tree to another as she followed him, inching her way forward and trying to get to a spot where she could ambush him in return. She had to hurry up and make a move though cause she was going to run out of time! After a little while of creeping along and trying her best to be quiet, she finally felt like she was close enough to pounce and still maintain the element of surprise. Coiling her legs under her, she sprung forward, making a couple long strides to catch up with Daemon from behind before launching herself forward with her forelegs outstretched to try and hook them around his sides as she went to tackle him.

WC: 576 / 1500

"Kintsugi Mendacium"



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
06-29-2024, 11:44 PM

It was not exactly that Daemon enjoyed watching the auroras that hung in the nighttime sky anymore. In fact, they had actually begun to lose some of their novelty to the young boy, but Daemon did enjoy the night in general, so any excuse he could use to not have to go back to bed and stay up later, he took. In truth, Dae had not exactly asked to be out this late, but had simply gone out again after his family had gone to bed. He had to sneak quietly past his parents' bedchambers though, not wanting to attract any attention to himself, but thankfully they seemed preoccupied with one another to notice the small pup slinking out like a shadow in the night.

Once outside, Daemon made a beeline for Alias Lake at the heart of the island. He quite enjoyed the water, and the lake was the most scenic spot on the island, save for maybe the very top of the mountains that afforded views in all directions. The night was quiet and still, the air cool, but beginning to warm as the approach of spring was felt, even this far north. The snow that had covered the land had mostly melted into slush and mud, heralding the changing of the seasons. Daemon wandered beneath the auroras for a while, just enjoying the tranquility of the still winter night with no nocturnal life to note of, save for the occasional hoot of an owl somewhere in the treetops.

Daemon did not even notice there was anyone else out here with him—at least not at first. A glimpse of something luminescent in the nearby brush caught his eye and tipped him off to the presence of someone else, sharp cerulean eyes snapping in the direction of the trees. He sniffed at the air, searching for a scent. He found traces of a very familiar one, and suddenly he realized who it was and what was happening. Kintsugi was out late again and was trying to sneak up on him. Oh, did she want revenge for his surprise ambush the last time? Well, she was going to have to earn her victory. Pretending he had not noticed her, Daemon continued his casual walk around the perimeter of the lake, acting as impassive as he could to the lurking threat, meanwhile keeping his ears up and alert for any sounds of movement nearby, tracking her movements. With his father and grandsire being accomplished hunters, they had both passed on some helpful tips and tricks when it came to tracking. Now Kintsugi was going to learn why no one beat Daemon Mendacium...

Closer and closer her sounds got, Daemon gradually slowing his pace to allow her to catch up to him. Wait... Wait for it... The soft sound of padded paws sprinting across the gravelly beach was exactly the sign he had been waiting for. NOW! Timing his moves, Daemon turned and threw himself onto his back, intercepting Kintsugi's pounce with his longer legs extended out to catch her around her midsection with his large leonine paws as she leaped at him. Daemon used their momentum to roll them and kick Sugi off and away from him, rolling back to his paws and bracing himself to face off against his cousin and heiress. "Wow, you really suck at sneaking up on people, Fluffbutt!" he teased her with a wry grin, prowling towards her now with a low puppy growl vibrating in his throat. "Hope you can run better than you can pounce." This was the only warning she was going to get, because in three seconds, Daemon was going to chase after her and make her regret her poor decision.

WC: 619
Total: 1195 / 1500

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

1 Year
07-01-2024, 12:13 AM
As well planned as she thought her ambush was, she clearly had misstepped or missed something in her approach because just as soon as she was midair and unable to stop herself, Daemon flipped around so that his similarly leonine paws were facing up toward her. Immediately she knew she was done for and there was no stopping falling onto his paws and being kicked back up and off of him. His paws kicked into her midsection to launch her off of him, pulling a ooof from her as it knocked the air out of her a bit as she was thrown and sent tumbling head over heels. She landed pretty hard so it took her a good moment to get back to her paws so she could shake off worst of the mud that was now stuck to parts of her back and shoulders. Ugh, now she was going to have to figure out how to either take a bath before she went home or come up with a story for how she ended up muddy!

She turned back toward Daemon with an annoyed scowl, glaring daggers at him as he stalked toward her with a comment about how she sucked at sneaking up on people... and calling her Fluffbutt?! She scoffed at the absolute audacity he had and was already winding up another attack before he even challenged her with a comment on his hope that she could run better than she could pounce. Oh he thought she was going to run?! Ha! That was rich. "Yeah right!" she said before she leapt toward him again, too irritated and too eager to get back at him for ruining her revenge to really think through a good plan of attack. She reached up around his neck as she tried to use her momentum to knock him off of his paws, but instead his heavier build was like bouncing into a wall and before she could reorient herself to do anything else he suddenly had her back down on the ground, pinning her down into the mud. She blinked up at him as she realized that she was right back in the position that she had landed in the first time he ambushed her and with a huff she scowled up at him. "Let me up!" she insisted angrily, reaching up to bap and slap at his ears and cheeks with her large, fluffy paws.

WC: 405
Total: 1600 / 1500

"Kintsugi Mendacium"



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
07-12-2024, 02:53 PM

Seeing Kintsugi all muddy after her failed ambush was a point of pride to Daemon, like a visual reminder of how she had failed to get the best of him. But despite her initial failure, it seemed the little heiress had not learned her lesson. She didn't run when Daemon warned her to, instead squaring up against him with a puppy growl and determined eyes. Wow, she really was dumb, wasn't she? At almost the same height despite the season between them, it was apparent Daemon was going to be a big boy, and he was not going to show her any mercy. Darika charged at him, and Daemon... Daemon simply held his ground. Blue eyes gleamed with a malicious mischief as he braced his paws and set himself steady, ready to take the impact of her charge.

When Kintsugi ran into him, Daemon shoved his weight forward, using her lighter weight and momentum against her to knock her back and topple her off her paws. Watching Sugi go sprawling back into the slushy snow once more brought a wicked snicker from the boy, who was upon her as fast as he could to give her no chance at recovery. Climbing atop of her was easy as pie, and before she could reorient herself, Daemon was already above her and pressing his large lion paws down into her chest, pinning her down to the wet and muddy earth with a triumphant grin. His tail curled over his back in a dominant display, his facial marking glowing brighter in response to the rush of adrenaline.

"Ha! Easiest fight ever!" declared the prince with a victorious laugh. Kintsugi began to struggle and squirm beneath him, pouting while demanding he let her up. Fat chance of that! Still grinning and knowing he was at the obvious advantage here, Daemon simply lifted his head up to keep it out of the way of Darika's big fluffy lynx paws, which batted uselessly at his chest and neck. "Not until you admit defeat and say you're a Fluffbutt!" he taunted her back, lifting one large lion paw to press down on the side of her head, trying to smush her cheek and face into the snow and mud, knowing how much she disliked getting filthy. "Surrender and I'll let you up. Or keep fighting and there won't be a spot of white left on your coat!"

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.
