
I think I have reached my limit


Hospitality Squad

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
07-01-2024, 12:23 AM
Ooc: starts in the falls but moves to the ridge
Art & Code by Rex 2023


His morning was like others, a good stretch and roll to sun and then a nap and breakfast. It was a routine at this point. His lips were split in a grin as he moved and he gave friendly hellos and conversations to any that wanted to speak. His enthusiasm was in massive waves for talking with anyone, though normally his simple mind hardly grasped anything complex spoken to him. It was a good life.

He grabbed eggs this morning then moved to see if he could find his brothers or sisters to spend time with. Though every single time he stopped before he got to asking like always. His mood wasn't sour ever but today he felt a little sour.

Ever since Baecette had died, his grandma left and his mom disappeared his family felt wrong. Not to mention he didn't have a clue who to speak to when it came to his own feelings. He had wanted to see saga too, but stopped himself when he realized she was busy.

In the end he ended up sighing and letting the smile drop from his face, tears pricking his eyes as he moved. His tail drooped and he moved slow. His tears fell slowly. Everything was wrong. He was wrong too. Did he belong anymore?

He had so much on his heart, so many feelings. And no one wanted to listen, plus his family kept saying wolves from raiders were their enemies.... it didn't sit right with him. He just wanted friends and others to be around.

A sigh passed his lips. He hated this feeling. Maybe he should see if he could make some raiders his friend? Would that fix things? Everything was so confusing. Not to mention he was confused as well about other things. Wasn't he supposed to be in some weird lovey dovey stage with girls? That thought was nasty sounding though.

He glanced at the massive bones around him, normally the sight would make him hungry, but right now he just wanted to cry and his tummy hurt. His hips lowered to the ground and he looked back towards Polaris, he was probably far enough now to safely cry and not upset anyone, and maybe even sing out his frustrations. Tears fell harder as he realized, he slipped out and he couldn't see anyone had followed... did they care? Did they know?

His head threw back after a moment, a cry to the heavens as he screamed. Everything was wrong! "Why!?! Why did you take him!?!" baecette dying had been the start of everything. And he was at the limit with it. He was starting to become something he hated. Something that lied to those he loved just to not hurt them.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
07-02-2024, 07:26 PM

Atreyu was learning the land the best she could, the names of the places she had been stuck in her memory. This place had a wonderful geography from what she had seen so far. Today she had come to a place called Fossil Ridge, according to the locals she had spoken with. poking around and not truly doing much, Atreyu decided she would tease Bigs. "I bet you can't find a bigger bone than me." She said with a grin, knowing the tiny Chinese Crested mix would have to oblige in her game. 'Watch me.' The little dog spoke with confidence and set off to find himself the biggest fossilized bone he could.

Shaking her head, Atreyu set about finding her own fossils and digging them up. Maybe she would find a full skeleton! That would be cool. Before Bigs could come back, there was a scream from close by. 'Why!?! Why did you take him!?!' There was so much grief in the voice that Atreyu felt tears spring to her own eyes. Compelled to go to whoever made that awful cry to the heavens, Atreyu made her way toward where she had heard it come from.

There was a much smaller yearling there, his coat of red, white and black standing out in the dark soil of the ridge. "Um, I'm sorry to intrude...I was wondering if I could join you in your grief. We could sing about it?" Her tones were also full of sorrow, pain, and grief. Her entire pack had been slaughtered and she was now an orphan, not knowing if any of her siblings survived the onslaught. She looked for them every day, hoping and praying they would come here to her. Maybe they could cry on each other's shoulders.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Art & Table by BrienaSkysong

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Hospitality Squad

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
07-08-2024, 03:30 AM
Art & Code by Rex 2023


He had barely started to cry and let go when another came upon him. He hadn't noticed at first until the female spoke. His chest heaved as the tears came. Her voice caused him to start slightly. He hadn't expected company.

His paw came up and he tried to wipe away the tears and he immediately pasted on his grin. Though the hiccups that came from him likely gave him away. It was probably best to hide everything. He really didn't want that strong men didn't cry talk he figured his dad would give him.

As he furiously wiped at his eyes and did his best to hide his upset he gave her his voice. "Nope your not intruding. But I'm definitely not upset." he gave her his grin even though a few words were punctuated with hiccups. He lowered his paw and did his best to fight off more tears. He wasn't supposed to show emotions like his dad. Well that he knew anyway.

His smile was natural but still felt fake right now, though when he was forcing it he wasn't sure what else to expect. "I'm Ikuchi Agatsuma-Kedieo, a member of Polaris. Whats your name?" he should make sure she felt comfortable with him and let her know she could make everything about her if she wanted. Ikuchi would be fine with that. That was a good way to make friends he bet.


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
07-10-2024, 08:09 AM
Oh, fly over me, evil angel;
Why can't I breathe, evil angel?

Her intentions had not been to startle or frighten the much smaller wolf, only to let go of her grief with someone who felt the same way. When he started and wiped his face to dry his tears, Atreyu began to feel guilty for interrupting him. It was an important part of the grieving process to cry like that, otherwise the grief could drive someone mad.

She could tell that grin was only there for her benefit, but the hiccuping breaths that came with heartbreak and grief gave him away. Black and pink ears slid back on her head for a moment as she gave a brief dip of her head. He wiped away his tears the best he could and put on a brave face, but he was hurting, she could see it. "If you insist, it is important to let stuff like that out though." Atreyu knew firsthand how much the heart could take. Her own sort of grief-madness had brought her to this place. There would be nothing more said on his upset, however, as Atreyu knew better than to pry.

The smile that came across his face was natural, but she could tell it was plastered on like a bad mask. "I am Atreyu Morningstar...I no longer have a pack..." There is a deep sadness that wells in her voice, and she has to blink the unbidden tears away from springing into her eyes. She wouldn't let this be all about her, however, "Would you like to sing? I'm not very good, but it can be fun..." Maybe he would appreciate the distraction.

Word count: 267 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.