
Relief never felt so good


03-17-2014, 02:24 PM

The silver temptress patrolled the bordered of her new home. Members had gathered under her rule and soon they would thrive. She had plans for training to begin immediately, chances for promotions and more. Power made her behemoth form vibrate, her crown was held high, plume curled at her hocks. Paws kissed the earth, making sure her borders were clearly marked, and no one had foolishly trespassed. Basilisk had been in and out since she had last seen him in Tortuga, he had barely made it to the meeting. She was beginning to question his desires.

Nostrils quivered, memorizing the scents of her new home. She was adjusting well, acclimating to the dense fog and vague smells. She had debated moving, it was still up in the air, but for now this was home. As she moved, a familiar scent invaded her nose, one she had not expected to find again. Sora. She had taken him to the island, he wanted to stay with his father. She didn't expect him to seek her out.

"Sora?" Her voice would echo in her ears, coral gems scanning, looking for the form of her dark son. She missed him dearly, she only had one child with her, Senka had vanished into thin air. She would stop her patrol, waiting to see if her mind was just playing tricks on her, or if her son was really here.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-17-2014, 03:30 PM

A voice. At first, he thought it was simply a dream. A voice in the back of his head, toying and taunting him. He had been on the search for his mother, the whereabouts of his father and fathers family unknown to him. He had grown since the time of being on the island, now at six months old, he had grown significantly. His paws were still very large, disproportionate to his body but the rest of him was at least filling out. Muscles from swimming to nearby islands and back and forth to the mainland had become apparent in his chest and legs. He had gained a lot of stamina from it all, and felt that he could run long distances and do vigorous work without getting tired for a long, he wanted more. He wanted to train, gain the knowledge he knew he could learn from his mother. He had wanted to train under his father, but he was nowhere to be found.

It was then as he crossed into the forests of the unknown that he smelled her. The scent he could never forget, the scent of his mother. What was she doing here? Did she live here now instead of the East? He had been deprived of much socializing, having spent most of his time alone wandering around and learning the layout of the land. He had become a solitary, now preferring to be alone instead of with others since. But now he craved to be with another, to feel the touch of his mother. Could it really be that she was here? He trotted along, moving faster through the undergrowth as he followed the scent. "Mother...?" He would speak into the mist as she came into his view. He remained standing a few feet away, his tones near emotionless when he spoke that single word. Had he lost himself somewhere along the way? He wasn't sure anymore. He wasn't sure of anything now. He had gone off on a choice all his own, then felt abandonment not long after. He didn't know what to feel, what to think, what to do...what would come next? Would his mother eventually leave him to?

Swing Life Away by Machine Gun Kelly on Grooveshark

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


03-17-2014, 04:13 PM

Her son would enter her line of vision, stopping several feet away. His once vibrant eyes were dull, his voice void of any emotion. For a moment she simply looked at him. He had changed. Gone was her sweet, bouncing boy that was so full of life. In his place stood someone she didn't recognize. What had happened to him? She would move to approach, her pace slow. He had grown so much, still a boy, but he was stronger, she could see it.

"What are you doing here?" She would look down at her son, questioning him after placing a light kiss on the top of his head. The Monarch would rock back, dropping her haunches to the earth, watching her son carefully. Zaria had thrived since her birth, venturing off on her own. Senka was nowhere to be found. And Sora, he seemed to have deteriorated under his fathers watch. Inwardly she would bristle. She had trusted the man to take of their son and he failed.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-17-2014, 05:03 PM

He watched her as she approached him. The boy placing himself upon the ground to take a seat as she stopped in front of him. Eyes closed for a brief second as he felt her touch on his head. Oh how he missed her, was she the only one there for him? Or would she leave him to? He held fear at being left alone again, but at the same time he felt unable to attach himself to another. Unwilling to get hurt again. Had he become something he didn't want to become? He supposed he would find out as time passed. Looking up at his mother with cold blue eyes, he reached up and licked her chin before responding. "I left the island...I got lonely, so I came to find you."

His answer was simple. He wasn't sure what else to say, he didn't want to get his father in trouble but at the same time he felt like he didn't care about anything anymore. What were these new feelings? He felt empty inside...unsure what to think or even feel. Would his mother accept him back? Or would she be angry at him for leaving in the first place? He hoped not, because that was one feeling he still felt...hope. Tilting his head down to the ground again, he shuffled the dirt slightly with one large paw, the rest of his body remaining motionless as he returned his gaze to his mothers own orchid stare. "I...can I come back and live with you? It's lonely out there..." He told her how he felt, though it wasn't everything, he was sure she could catch a glimpse of it.

Swing Life Away by Machine Gun Kelly on Grooveshark

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


03-17-2014, 06:33 PM
OOC: We can set this before the pack meeting if you want, that way he can show up in the meeting? its up to you

She smiled as her son lapped at her chin, but his affection did not meet his eyes. His eyes had gone from innocent and carefree to cold and unfeeling. His words ignited a fire in her. Taurig had left him. Coral eyes narrowed, but her anger was not towards her son. But rather, his father. His gaze would drop, a massive paw playing with the dirt. He was stutter, before hesitantly asking to return to her care.

"Look at me boy." She spoke with soft tones, but still commanding. She would wait for his gaze to lift before speaking. "You are always welcome here." Leaning towards him, her crown would drop, her stuck her nose under his jaw, pushing him to sit taller, to hold some confidence in the way he held himself.

"Zaria is here always. And I have created a pack in these lands. This will be your home. Your sister is Dauphina, heir to the throne. If you stay, you will be given a rank of authority." She was thrilled to have her son back in her care. He would thrive, she was sure of it. He was broken, she could see that, he wasn't telling her everything, but she would not push him. If he wanted to tell her, then he would.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-27-2014, 05:06 AM

He listened intently, quietly as he was made to sit more confidently. But how could he feel as such when he felt abandoned by the very person he had wanted to look up to? It would be no doubt that it would shift to her, his mother. He would look up to her now, and a new sense of purpose would be restored within him. His sister Zaria heir? Well, she would have some competition. Sora knew he wasn't one to sit down and be a guard dog, no. He wanted more, wanted everything he could get. But...what were these thoughts coming to him? Before he didn't care, before he simply wanted to be the best he could be. But now he felt himself wanting more then that, wanting to be better then the rest. Wanting to feel the grip of power and the reign of a superior. His heart felt colder then ever before, but why it had changed...why it had turned into something he never wanted to be, was this what happened when you were abandoned?

He gazed intently into her eyes, a new sense of determination gleamed from icy blues. He knew what he wanted to do, and he would prove it to her. Nodding, he raised himself to his full height. Almost a year old, and he was reaching new heights, bigger he was sure, then his sisters. "I will stay, and I will do what I must to become the best...I will not stray." He responded to her, confident and unwavering. "I won't disappoint you."

Swing Life Away by Machine Gun Kelly on Grooveshark

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


03-27-2014, 11:03 AM

She could see him slowly start to change, as though he had found purpose in life again. He said nothing about his sister, but she was certain that there would be competition between the two for the spot of Heir. His words brought a smile to her face, his tones confident and unwavering. He was certain of this. "I know you won't know. Now, you will be crowned Prince, I will explain your duties later. Go and explore."

The woman would rise, there was no need to linger any longer at the border. "Welcome home, my son." She would nuzzle him once more before turning, leading him into the territory that he would now call home. Anger still flared in her chest for the boys father. She had trusted him and he failed, miserably. He would pay for the damage he caused.

Long limbs would pull her from the borders, her son sure to follow. "Go and meet your sister, she'll be happy to see you." She imagined that he already planned to seek her out and challenge for her place as Heir. But there would be plenty of time for that. As children, it would be all for play, it was when they grew older that the real fighting would begin.