
Black and White




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
07-02-2024, 03:40 PM
Asheila had become used to the loner life outside of The Hallows again, really going back into her roots. Once a pup she longed for adventure and independence, so it didn't take too much to adjust to. She couldn't help but think of her family back inside The Hallows though. She knew they probably worried about her, but at least they knew she was safe and nearby. The rest she took day by day.

She had made her way to Aspen Dam in search of some prey to hunt. Things were more difficult on her own, but nothing she couldn't manage. Quiet paws across the golden fall trees, she scented the air for what could have been nearby. Checking around some of the rustled areas an eye out for tracks. Soon she would have her target, but she would have to strategize once she laid eyes.

As she moved about the birch trees, it was clear of her intent to hunt with focused eyes and ready stance, careful to stay low and quiet. The pig like creatures were easy to spot in this terrain with their darker appearance against the lighter woods. Just a single Tapir. There were surely more nearby, but this one had taken a detour for a drink of water. Stomach laid down in the brush as she scanned the area, looking for the easiest way to catch her prey quickly.

Total Word Count: 234 words

"Ashelia Carpathius"



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
07-17-2024, 02:44 PM

Aylin had hunted quite a bit growing up with her father, especially once his heath began to decline and it was still just the two of them, but it had always felt more out of necessity than actual enjoyment. That feeling hadn't really changed, but she had been out hunting a couple times with her brother recently and he had been teaching her some new techniques and showing her how hunting could be more of an enjoyable challenge rather than a chore. She also liked having another way to contribute back to the pack that was letting her live there and teaching her so much so she was beginning to spend more and more time hunting these days. She didn't know if she would ever be as effective of a hunter as her brother, but that never stopped her from going after a challenge.

This was her first time going out on her own to hunt in a while and she began to track an unfamiliar scent out past the Hallows' lands into the nearby grove of aspens. The prey here in Auster was still a bit unusual to her so she didn't immediately know what she was tracking right away, but she figured she would find out when she got there. The surprise was half of the fun. She crept closer to the edge of a clearing and finally got sight of the tapir, the odd pig-like creature with a long elephant-like nose. She squinted and tipped her head at the animal for a moment but eventually shrugged as she crouched and started figuring out a game plan for how she was going to go about hunting it. Unfortunately she didn't know much about the animal so she didn't know how fast they were or if they were the type to fight back. Going in blind to a hunt like this was probably not her brightest idea, but she didn't have a lot to loose if she wasn't successful.

The wind suddenly shifted, bringing with it the scent of another wolf from the other side of the clearing. That pulled her silver gaze up and way from her target till she spotted the gray and black woman that was crouched similarly to herself in the shadows of the trees. Unfortunately the wind didn't just bring the woman's scent to her, but also to the tapir they had both apparently been tracking. The pig creature's attention suddenly snapped up and looked around a bit as it began to trot away. Dang it! She sprung off and began to run after it, still determined to make this kill one way or another. "Come on!" she called to the other woman as she ran by her, hoping maybe this impromptu hunting party would be able to stop this tapir before it got too far away.

WC: 474
Total: 707 / 1500

"Aylin Adravendi"