
Blind Faith



03-17-2014, 09:38 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2014, 09:38 AM by Pharos1.)
OOC: Pharos is a bit moody so he may get violent.

The south was a harsh land this time of year but for one who believed he was on earth to do the work of the Gods this was just a test. In Pharos's mind it made sense that the south was harsh in the summer and it made more sense to visit the land as the God of the South was in charge of fire, summer and all things hot. The long legged cream colored wolf lowered his nose to the dry ground a moment to sniff at the seemingly dead earth. "The Gods must be punishing the world this summer, I can hope to understand their wills, but that does not mean I must like it." He said for once frustrated with his lot in life.

It wasn't that he was angry at the Gods, no he would never be angry at them. He was angry at all who called for this kind of punishment something so severe as to curse those who do not deserve such harm. "Blood, blood always sets things right with them. I must find blood to shed in hopes of enriching the earth once more." His ears fell back and a harshness came to his golden eyes as he walked on hoping to find someone to judge now more than ever.

With a heavy sigh he moved on looking around for scent, sound or sign of anyone. There was a sent in the air, or rather a stuffiness. For a moment Pharos froze as he looked around, ears up to catch the distant sound of wind. "Gods lead me." He spoke softly as he looked at the wind raging before him starting to cause a dust cloud. Closing his eyes to protect them he moved against the winds in hopes of going through the cloud blindly rather than wait for it to pass over him.



03-17-2014, 10:29 AM
Take me to the place where the white boys dance.

?owyn had been venturing in the southern regions to meet more wolves and hopefully convince a few more loners to join her efforts. She had been completely focused despite what was going on. She had caught the scent of a familiar wolf, one that she had already recruited. "Gods lead me." She heard the words and it peaked her curiosity. She headed towards Pharos with a small smile on her muzzle. "Hello Pharos." She said respectfully to the man who had agreed to be part of her inner guard. He appeared to be troubled, or at least that was what he led on to be.

Take me to the place where they run and play



03-18-2014, 08:23 PM
Pharos found his paws moving without much interference. The wind ran all around him ruffling his fur and throwing dust at his skin. Growling he moved on ready to lash out at anything before him. "Gods let those who deserve punishment show up soon."He thought not in the mood to open his mouth and the midst of the dust. The dust passed quickly and soon after it did a voice reached out to him. Looking around he was glad he got thought the dust cloud unharmed, it wasn't violent after all just an annoyance. And it seemed the Gods showed more favor to him as the owner of the voice showed up. It was none other than ?owyn his Queen, or Queen to be. He wasn't much in the mood to smile but he did not to her.

"Hello my Queen, it is good to see you again but I had hoped for someone to rip into, someone who had made the Gods angry enough to curse us with this summer." He growled a moment his lip quivering over his fangs. Turning from ?owyn he paced back in forth in front of her. "I must not have been doing my job for this to happen, so many deserve to be punished but I am only one wolf. I must work harder than ever a show of blood may make the Gods happy enough to ease this weather. The God of the South is aggressive after all."Pharos's mind seemed to be in two places at once, he was focusing on ?owyn and wanted to act present around her but his anger took over. At least he knew she was a virtuous wolf, one not to be harmed.



03-18-2014, 08:34 PM
Take me to the place where the white boys dance.

?owyn would have been scared of Pharos' anger had she not known how pious he was known to be. Glad that he had deemed her virtuous before this encounter, she tried to calm him down though she had little faith that it would work. "It is such a shame that so many wolves have caused the God's wrath to come across them." She agreed. Although she knew little about these gods, the harsh summer conditions had led her to start believing them and she even sought out more information about them too. She had never really focused too much on religion until the summer.

Although ?owyn had noticed one thing that summer and that was that everything was changing. She learned who her allies would be, Queen Raisa of Ebony. Then she and Birch had decided pups would be an excellent addition to their efforts for the pack. Things were happening so fast and she missed the times when she was little and still learning the ropes. Those had been pretty fun times but they were no more. She had a responsibility to the wolves that she had promised she would start a pack too. She still wanted it, it was just taking longer than she expected to get the support for it.

Take me to the place where they run and play



03-19-2014, 04:54 PM
Pacing didn't help his anger much a he found his ears twitching and his growl growing deeper. He almost lost himself in his own mind and he would have if not for the presence of ?owyn. He was not so caught up as to miss her words, and that was good for they were well spoken. He did not stop in his pacing though his face relaxed a little as he spoke.

"Indeed it is, and I am glad you think so, the more that think this way means there is hope. I don't really know how much hope but between virtuous wolves like you and I and the work done to please the Gods.... Fall, I have hopes for fall that it might not be so harsh. The God who watches over fall, the White God of the West, he responds most well to mortal actions." He nodded as he paced and at a final turn stopped in his tracks and looked to ?owyn. "There is hope, now all that must be done is to work for that hope, act, judge, and live well." He was still angered and wanted nothing more than to take his anger out on something yet she was the only one before him.

"My Queen.....a hunt? I mean would you like a hunt? Boar are very destructive creatures that do not lead good lives. It may take time's a start though and it shall fill us." His mind was moving faster than his words which were a bit scattered and vague but in his mind he knew bore were destructive things that trampled over anything in their way with no reason. Killing one of them could very well please the Gods, make his anger go down and feed the two of them, if they could find one.