
Cold Dreams



6 Years
03-16-2014, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2014, 04:56 PM by Esperanza.)
The black femme walked through the snow that was laid out among the land. They didn't call it the snow falls for nothing, and she knew it since she lived around here. Esperanza was used to the frigid temperatures that showed around the land. The cold air bit against her face as if she were being stung by bees. Little white droplets trickled down the night as the clouds could not be seen, but the moon peaked through the clouds as the snowflakes could be seen coming down.

"It sure is beautiful here," she exclaimed with welcome paws to the snow and lied down. Her coat camouflaged her since the night could be seen, but, the only thing that would not keep her hidden was the emerald optics she had been born with. The land was barren of any prey, and she knew they usually moved farther south since the snow was higher here than anywhere else.

Her nostrils flared slightly as she couldn't catch any other scents, but, every time she took in a breath, her nose would burn like fire. She didn't see any other wolves nearby, and she was kind of happy, but she wished she had a special someone like all her friends had. But, she was okay with it just being herself. Esperanza placed her head upon her paws as she let the snow fall upon her ebony colored coat.


03-22-2014, 06:16 PM

The Knight twisted his bodice through the snow, relishing in the coolness of the north. He was a creature of the warmth, and though that would never change it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy a stroll in the chill of the northern sector of Alacritia. A smile twisted across his lips as the scent of a woman drifted toward him. It had been so long since he'd had the company of a woman, but even after the absence of their warmth he would never force himself upon one to fulfill his manly needs. The dark woman emerged before him almost like a ghost, as the night was nearly as dark as her coat. She was laying down, muzzle buried between her paws, oblivious to the world around her - and more importantly: him. He let out a garbled sound from his trachea, alerting her to his presence so as not to frighten her. "Hello miss," he offered in greeting. "M'name's Aeryc." His surname was of lesser importance, at least while in this land. No one knew of the Seaborn's save for Raisa, and it was hardly necessary to educate this woman of his lineage. He extended his front paws forward in a sort of bow, allowing his hind legs to fold neatly below him as he rested his chest and stomach upon the powdery snow. The handsome smile remained on his mask as he rested his muzzle upon his front paws, facing her and waiting for a response.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-22-2014, 06:34 PM
Esperanza could smell the presence of a brute before her. She did not know which pack he had come from for there were a few that were new. Her eyes sparkled like the stars as they shone through the night sky, giving off an illuminating green color that almost ,made her optics appear like gems in a cave. She could distinctly see scars along his right optic, the bridge of his nose. and his right shoulder. She didn't know how he got them, and she didn't wish to make a big fuss out of the scars he had received. "Hello," she replied back, her voice as smooth as the snow she was lying upon. It had a sort of elegant tone, and she didn't know much about how her voice seemed to be like, though some had said good things about it. "My name is Esperanza."

Many wolves thought of her as evil and unkind like her pack counterparts, but she actually loved to show kindness to those who've had it rough like she. Her lobes perked forward has her tall, slightly muscular build made it's presence known to the scarred brute. An elegant look shown to him, and she liked the way he was kind to her even though they met for only a couple minutes.

"What brings you here to the snowfalls?" She asked to him in a questioning tone. She did like the way this brute looked, but she didn't wish to make a big deal since they had just met as spoken about earlier. Esperanza approached him and stood a couple feet away. "Not that it is any of my business," a smile crept upon her maw and underneath her fur she could feel heat rising up to her cheeks. "And, even though I am from Glaciem, I do not wish to fight or make an enemy. I only wish to be kind." She bowed respectfully to the male and looked to the stars as she could hear some sounds of birds singing off in the distance. Owls hooting in unison to the songbirds as Esperanza turned her cranium down toward him once more. "And I also like your name."


03-22-2014, 07:08 PM

She stood out in stark contrast to the snow, her black figure appearing muscular and strong despite her obvious feminine persuasion. Wandering eyes could not help but flicker over her frame for a moment more before focusing upon her eyes of green. In all aspects she was beautiful, but he refused to allow his mind to remain there for long. There was no point stoking a fire that would never be able to burn. Her voice came, smooth and supple - offering a greeting and her name. He smiled and raised his head from his front paws by a few inches, filing the name away for future use. Esperanza, it seemed foreign. She came closer, standing to her full height. With a slight movement he stood to his own paws, unwilling to lay down while a lady stood. Perhaps half of that was reasoned by wariness, but the other half was certainly fueled by his manners. "I was just taking a walk, I haven't been in Alacritia long - I want to see what all it has to offer." She named herself from Glaciem, and he stiffened ever so slightly, but she quickly refuted her pack's general demeanor and stated she meant no harm. "I know little of your pack, but I promise not to hold it against you." From what he knew, Glaciem and Ebony were not the best of friends. She gave him a compliment on his name and he found his head dipping in a bow. "Yours is nearly as lovely as you," he offered in response. "What brought you here, Esperanza?" It was not his business, but as she had asked he felt it okay to ask the same question of her. He suspected she simply wanted a break from her pack, or else this was very near to her packlands and she'd only strayed too far. Either way, he found himself semi-interested in what had brought here here.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-22-2014, 07:23 PM
Esperanza gave a small smile and bowed her head gently before raising it back up. "I was only away for a little while since I am not really welcome in my pack. I am only a brood for the alpha, and I only wish to have a mate that I could call my own, and not have to worry about having my pups turn evil on me" She didn't like to have the idea of broods being chosen just for the idea for the alpha's lineage to continue.

She lied down and placed her cranium upon her forepaws and whimpered slightly. She knew she might never have a mate, or pups whom she could love and see whenever she wished. The alpha would have fought for her, and she had never been chosen to have pups with him, and she was somewhat happy that she had not been chosen.

"I'm sorry about my ranting, and I only wish to have someone who I could call my own and love me for who I am.." Her eyes shimmered as tears trickled down her cheek and onto the snow below.


03-23-2014, 02:53 PM

She began to spew her woes like a fountain - but it wasn't something he was unfamiliar with. Somehow, his empathetic demeanor often made him into a sounding board for wolves' problems. He breathed slowly, evenly, letting her problems roll off of him like droplets of rain on a freshly waxed car. Oh, it was certainly easy to face problems when they weren't his own. She mentioned being a brood, and worrying that her pups would turn evil on her. It was a natural fear to have, but unsubstantiated. She seemed broken as she lay upon the earth and whimpered. "Esperanza, you needn't worry. Even if he does sire your children it is unlikely they could turn evil with a mother as kind as you." He felt the impulsive urge to make her feel better, to save her from her oppression and do justice by her. This urge was soon overwhelmed by his desire to do right by Raisa, which was apparently much stronger than the desire to help Esperanza. He breathed a sigh as she apologized for ranting. "It isn't the first time someone has shared their problems with me, and it won't be the last." He relaxed onto the earth in a laying position, a few feet away from her and facing in her direction. "Don't cry, I'm sure it will all get better." Truthfully, he wasn't so sure, but there was no reason to tell her that. It didn't seem as if her home were a peaceful place, and he knew that he would have to be wary of Glaciem in the future - but not of her.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-23-2014, 03:56 PM
Esperanza looked to Aeyrc and nodded. Her emerald orbs shimmered slightly as she bowed her head in thanks to him. She stood once again, thinking of it to be rude to lie down when she was in the presence of a brute. A smile came across her and she looked to the sky as small droplets of snow continued to trickle down upon the land, and on the ebony wolf's pelt. "Thank you, Aeyrc, it's been a while since I have been in the presence of a kind male like yourself." Esperanza bowed her head once more as the sound of crows filled her ears. A sigh escaped her throat as the crows began to fly toward the ebony femme and caw loudly in her lobes. Frustration came over her as she snapped down onto one and the others flew away. "The only thing I'm good at Glaciem, I suppose, would be getting rid of crows and being alone."