
Difficult Enjoyment



03-16-2014, 09:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Perhaps it was being confined to the island that had caused her to go seeking new places outside of the pack's territories. It was not like she felt confined in them either, especially considering the new additions to Valhalla's claim. A large expanse of land to cover and investigate, but no, she was beyond that, past the border and into unclaimed, unfamiliar land. It eased the itching in her paws, but it instilled in her an uneasiness that stemmed from one of the last visits she had made beyond the borders, an incident that had not ended well for her. She still had the scar to show for it.

But the lands were quiet so far. That very well could have been from a lack of interest for there certainly was little as far as greenery and vegetation to attract the eye, at least in comparison to the lush, green valley that she made her home in and those few lands that surrounded it. Sandy stone and some trees scattered around an empty lake were all that this place had to offer, and though it lacked in vibrant appeal, at least to Ashtoreth's gaze, it did seem to reward her with a lack of company. Any other day she might have felt disappointed in the loneliness, in the lack of life that this place harbored. But considering her mind was still teasing her with thoughts that she might be in danger, that there could very well be more crazed strangers just waiting to catch her off guard, the silence was welcome.

Already she was growing eager to go back, however. Without being comfortable, it was difficult to enjoy the place, and the sooner she got back on familiar ground the faster she would ease out of this funky feeling. So the path she had been carving alongside the dried up wash was shifted, paws carrying her across sandy stone up the bank toward the trees and then hopefully beyond to where the Vericona Plains awaited her return.



4 Years
03-17-2014, 02:55 AM
Light dusty brown fur gently swayed in the breeze of the wind that guided Aoto through the serene beauty of the new lands he explored. His heart racing and mind thinking, it was peaceful here but it was off as the silence was what broke the wall of life. Nothing but the sound of his paws carrying him through at a steady pace but each step took him further and further along sandy stone and along the trees. Aoto couldn't help but feel a slight loneliness as he traveled amongst the land but it was there but nonetheless he wasn't going to ever let that break his smile that danced across his maw. Slowly but surely he was starting to get an idea of the layout of the land he was moving through and with luck he might run into another wolf.

His light blues piercing the landscape as he moved in stride eventually he came up to a spot where he swore he could see something but he couldn't be sure without further inspection and with that decided to head closer to it. Excitement and curiosity got the best of the wolf as he ran towards what he could see letting out a howl to let the stranger know he was coming. Whether they would attack him or not was a question that went through his head but with a little luck maybe they wouldn't attack him and instead talk to him. Combat was going to be out of the question for Aoto for if it did happen that would cause him to go the opposite way. The land around seemed a bit more dull than it once was in a matter of minutes which disrupted what thoughts were made before however it was nature and thus was to still be appreciated.

When he approached the stranger he stopped short with a slight smile on his face at this point. Not knowing what he wanted to say he just blurted out without thinking ?greetings stranger, fair weather we're having out here... umm? he didn't know what else to say and wanted to wait before adding more to it. Hope setting into his mind that he didn't upset the stranger but there have been times he could get himself into trouble for an immediate approach like this but maybe he could make a friend here in this somewhat lonely place. Nothing but the sound of the dull land and his breathing was there in his head.



03-22-2014, 06:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth's steps of retreat froze the second she heard the howl, ears turning upon her head to pinpoint the noise while her two-toned eyes grew wide. Oh no. That was definitely not the sound she had been hoping to hear. Why could it not have simply stayed quiet with the only noises being that of the sands shifting under the pressure of the occasional breeze? Great. For a few seconds she was stuck, contemplating what her next course of actions would be. Running held a strong and prevailing sway over her though it seemed dangerous, especially if the stranger was at all prone to giving chase. But then again, if she stayed and waited, she could be a sitting duck for danger. Ugh, I should have just stayed in Valhalla.

She had waited too long, and as she angled her head to peer over one shoulder she could already see the light brown colored wolf clearly against the plain, sandy colored stone with his ambling trot set in her direction. He was coming to greet her, or at least she hoped. Just perfect. There was nothing to be done about it now - if she turned to leave it would be too obvious that she was doing so to get away from him - and so she drew in a deep, steadying breath before she turned to acknowledge him properly, drawing her nervous features into a wary smile while still keeping to her feet. No way was she going to get comfortable around someone who was not of her pack, not after last time.

Thankfully he did not seem like he was up to trouble, and the smile about his face was not plagued by unease or jittery thoughts. No, it seemed sincerely friendly if not a little unsure. It was enough to keep Ash on edge, however, and so she continued to watch him closely, grateful that he at least respected her comfort by allowing room to remain between them. His greeting was swift and conversational, and it became apparent rather fast that whatever he had thought to say to her had left him during his short trek to join her, if he had had anything to begin with. "Yeah. A little warm, but not too bad," she answered, her tone a bit restrained but tolerant for the time being. "At least there's trees around for shade," she added, hoping her minimal help toward the conversation would be enough. She was still not sure this was where she wanted to be.



4 Years
03-31-2014, 07:58 AM
Aoto couldn't help but chuckle at her response and with that proceeded ?I concur to that and must apologize for my rather hasty approach... I was just traveling and happened to have spotted you so I thought I would let out a howl to give note that I'm around the area since I'm not sure if this place belongs to a pack? he stopped to catch a quick breath and bow to the female in a respectful and polite manner. His gentle smile still shown on his maw. His gaze took note of the female that was before him and noticed something very peculiar... a scar?
Aoto was left pondering what to do however he couldn't be sure unless he gave it a full examination but he didn't want to pry into her business.

He had to be careful with how he would asked his question so he could see it and maybe do something to treat it if he could. ?I noticed you have a injury or what looks like it and would like to examine it if you would let me do so I don't expect you to just let me do that since well you don't really know me but I don't like seeing others hurt... so let me introduce myself, I'm Aoto Akani at your service? he flashed his caring smile again. Before he knew it he opened his maw again to speak more ?I'd like to help you and if you know anyone else who might need a injury treated please let me know.?

Not knowing what her answer might be he just continued to smile. For now she wasn't threatening him and thus that pleased him to no end but still he wanted to take a closer look at her wound but he would respect her if she didn't want him to. Looking up to the sky and then back down to the female. Aoto just couldn't stand to see the intriguing female hurt intriguing in the sense that she is someone he hasn't met before.



04-03-2014, 09:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wolf appeared to recover from his uncertainty as she had voiced her answer, and for a second Ashtoreth wondered if he could have possibly been like herself. Typically on lands where she felt comfortable she had no qualms about approaching strangers and striking up conversation, but where she knew she held no certainty of safety every unfamiliar face was also a potential enemy, a threat to her well being. Did he see things similarly? Or had he simply been drawn to the prospect of a friendly face and companionable conversation? He did seem better now, words trailing easily off of his tongue in the form of an apology. "No, no pack," she answered, allowing her guardedness to abate if only a little. "At least not here." Honestly he did not seem so bad, just eager. And could she really blame him in a place as empty as this?

The lithe grey wolf had not quite realized yet just how observant he was until he spoke again, though at first she was confused. Scar? Had she gotten a scratch somewhere without realizing it? Her brow furrowed, gold and purple eyes puzzled, as she followed his gaze and realization dawned. A chill settled within her stomach, her petite body discreetly beginning to turn itself and move the scar upon her hind leg out of view. "It's an old wound. Nothing to be done about it now," Ash stated tersely, leaving no room for question about it regardless of who this wolf said he was. It was a touchy blemish for her, and even touchier subject when it came to the story. In no way was she ready to share that again, not when she had been doing so well in forgetting it existed.

Perhaps she had been a little more unfriendly than she needed to be. It was only a sensitive subject to her, and he had not known when he asked that she had issues with it. Trying to make up for shutting his offer down so quickly, Ashtoreth made herself ask, "You're a healer?" She knew nothing of the craft herself - her stomach was nowhere near strong enough for it - but it was still no less important than either hunting or fighting.



4 Years
04-09-2014, 07:37 AM
Aoto realized that asking her about the scar was something of a subject that should best be left alone. He would just leave it alone as he heard her ask about him being a healer. This subject was a very entertaining for him because he could talk about doing what he loved as Aoto began by clearing his throat a little ?Yes I am indeed a healer, I come from a family line of healers so by trade that is what I know best over hunting and other things. I know that its a task that not everyone is capable of doing really well not saying no one can do it but they would just lack some of the knowledge for it or they may not have the stomach for it...? Aoto's voice trailed off as he became quiet thinking about his elder brother who didn't want to carry on the line as a healer for he was more of a fighter and Aoto was the healer.

He began again ?I have been traveling offering my services to those who would let me help them but have no where to actually call home nor a place to properly take care of others who are injured... all I would actually need is a den that has a small pool of water and enough room for myself and possibly two others who are injured or ill, nothing makes me more joyous than to see those I help recover and get back to doing something they enjoy or take seriously like hunting or scouting... or even fighting... but fighting I just don't know I personally refuse to fight but I will if it means protecting those I'm taking care of...? once again he slowly trailed off what he was saying.

Would this stranger move on and leave him here alone because he couldn't answer completely and concisely. He tried to explain to her that he was a healer but maybe he just let her in on more than she wanted to know. Aoto felt a little bit lost... now that he met someone else he thought he might find a home somewhere that wasn't so lonely. He didn't want this wolf as his mate for he didn't even know her let alone the fact he didn't know her name still but perhaps she could help him find a home so he wouldn't be so lonely. Aoto took his gaze towards his own forepaws and let out a gentle sigh ?Perhaps what I'm really looking for is a pack that I could be apart of, somewhere that would let me help out those who are injured or ill... I'd even look after pups and play with them to teach them stuff? He couldn't help but chuckle a little bit before looking back up to the female.



04-23-2014, 11:08 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had to hand it to the wolf: even with her quite plainly shutting down his offer he had not lost his stride in their conversation. As if she had not made an untrustworthy remark against him Aoto continued to tell her about his family, about the line of healers that he stemmed from, and the importance of his craft. Though her expression refused to show anything but the guarded look she had acquired, she had to admit there was truth to what he said. Healing was a special sort of talent, one that took not only a strong will but a strong heart. She might have been skilled in aiding her pack take down a sickly doe or injured stag, but in no way did she possess the sort of baseline standard that was required of healers. It was all part of the reason she was very happy with her placement in the instruction of the sigmas.

He seemed only to need a moment to catch his breath before he would press on worh his answer, surprising her with how detailed it was and how free he was with the information about his life. Wandering freely, he claimed to offer his help to any and all that he came upon, and described the type of home that might potentially make him happy. There it was, a perfect opportunity to bring up the pack she was a part of, but Ashtoreth hesitated. He had spooked her once already, drawing attention to something that was better left unmentioned, a sore subject for her. Was that a quality she wanted to bring home to Valhalla? Would he even be received well by the pack as a whole? Overall she thought his chances decent - his personality was friendly and he at least sounded knowledgeable regardless if he truly was - but still she was reluctant to make any such offers herself. She was only a hunter; it was not her job to recruit.

But he did make his case well. If not for her own insecurities that made her feel out of place this wolf seemed a likely candidate for any pack, harboring a skill that would be put to good use in any of the packs available to him. Would it be rude of her to suggest a he that was not hers, an allied pack persay? Maybe it would. Maybe she should just tiptoe around the subject for now. Or just be incredibly broad with her answer. "Healers are a necessity," she commented, thinking of her own leader who was, perhaps, the most skilled healer in all of Alacritia, "I doubt you'll have any trouble getting into a pack." Likely he would get scooped up quickly if he was so quick to offer his services. Was she possibly doing Valhalla a disservice by not at least taking him to the pack's border?



4 Years
05-19-2014, 07:56 AM
Aoto was surprised by her response. He didn't quite believe that he wouldn't have trouble getting into a pack because if he didn't have trouble getting into one why was he a lone wolf still which caused his facial expression to become sour as his grin twisted its way down into more of a frown. He tried to smile again but it quickly went back to a downed frustrated look that danced across his maw ?If that were true I would more than likely be in a pack already...? Aoto mumbled to himself under his breath ?healers are indeed needed but as a loner I can't exactly go about my duty as a healer and help others if no one needs my services and thus my skill will go to waste much as a fighter or a hunter who's skills go to waste if they aren't able to hone them amongst others who also practice what they do? his voice was less cheerful and a bit more serious in tone one of which he didn't like using if he was in a cheerful mood.

He didn't want his skills as a healer to go to waste because if they did he would feel like he lived his life like a failure, healing was his duty in life and one that he loved. He managed to turn his upside down frown to a more joyous smile once more as he thought about it ?I guess I'm just meant to be a loner, one without a place to belong ...? He couldn't help but release a stifled chuckle and a quiet sigh. Aoto felt like there was nothing he could do about his current predicament and would soon be back on the road again and alone at that. He didn't want to be alone anymore but it seemed like he was bound to be alone for what might be the rest of his days and that slightly annoyed him a bit. His joyous smile that he regained for only moment turned into a sorrowful gaze as he no longer knew what to do if he had to revoke his skills as a healer and become a simple pup sitter for a pack he would do so... he just wanted to be somewhere instead of nowhere.

Aoto couldn't hold back letting one thought out loud ?I don't know why I carry on my family's line of healers... my mother and father would be proud to know I took on the duty of a healer but I'm not so sure about my brother... would he be proud of me even though he refused to be a healer and instead chose to be fighter? He let out another sigh as he looked down at his paws. He hated being a no one to everyone and just wanted to at least be a someone to someone else even if he were to be known as a pup sitter. Aoto went back to what the she wolf said I doubt you'll have any trouble getting into a pack and perhaps there would be some truth to what she said. He attempted to smile again ?I'm sorry for being a bit of a mess, your words just got me thinking about things... I guess this is just a one time conversation and might be the only time I ever get to talk to you if I do get scooped up by pack... hopefully one that won't mind my behavior too much? he chuckled once more as he bowed his head towards the female ?but if this were to be the only time I got to talk with you I hope the wings of the wind carry your legs across the boundless earth and the glorious sun and moon help light your path in the day and night and I thank you for just listening to my ramblings? he trailed off, he didn't want this to be the only conversation with this stranger as he enjoyed her company as he was a loner and any company was much better than none.



07-15-2014, 01:01 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He did not sound convinced in the least of her idea that he should have no trouble getting into a pack, concerned that, if that was the case, he would have already had offers. Ashtoreth stayed quiet, shifting a little in place. What did she say to that? She had no idea why he was not already a part of a pack, or what it meant that he was not. Was it that no packs that he had seen so far required healers? Were they full? Was it perhaps something to do with him? Had he been turned away because he did not mesh well with the packs he had tried? It was impossible for her to know. But at least he seemed resigned to accept it, even managing to smile again despite his moment of sour disappointment.

For a second, as he continued to speak, she thought he might have begun speaking to himself, saying something about his family and what his worth might be to them because of the line of work he had decided upon. Again, she had no answer to give but to shift her weight from forepaw to forepaw anxiously. She had no idea how to take the self-proclaimed healer's words, no idea how she should have reacted to him. Overall he appeared rather harmless but he was still a stranger, and a rambly one at that. Not even had he already been a part of Valhalla would she have known just how to answer his statements and questions.

But at last she could sense a moment for her to escape, to get back to Valhalla, the familiar lands she knew, and the wolves she was most comfortable with. A part of her doubted he had intended it that way but Ashtoreth was too out of place not to take advantage of the opening she saw. "You too" she answered after a hesitant pause, knowing full well she could not repeat everything that he had said to her back to him. But it seemed wrong of her to leave without some well wishing, at least since he had started it. Ash hesitated one last time, her tail giving a nervous flick, before she dropped her head into what she hoped still mirrored a polite farewell and then turned to head back through the sandy terrain toward the fertile lands she called home.

-Exit Ashtoreth-

OOC: Long overdue closer for Aoto~