
Fucked up.



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
07-15-2024, 03:07 PM

Identification wasn't Widow and with that she understood, although at the moment that she snapped she didn't realize it. Everything was darkness and unforgiving. Something all together she was not use to. Erebos deserved happiness, and what he wanted most in the world. Power and status. Fic hoped the best for the brute that had captured her heart, and she was the one to chase him away. Not the other way around. Identification was hurt beyond words. And life was slightly lonelier but she did not mind. It gave her time to clear her mind and think. Think about what she truly really wanted.

Days turned into weeks. The pain slowly eased, sure it was there but not as hard as it was. She had hurt him and needed to talk to him. She laid there under the willows basking in the shade of midday. Eyes turning to her dear companion, the bird that has not left her side. The bird that was so small but cautious with everyone. "What had I done Violet?" A slow sigh leaves her lips. Identification couldnot allow another day to drifty away without apologizing. She was a bit skinnier than she was before. A little more rough around the edges. "Why was I such a fool?"

She allowed herself go. Looking towards her hummingbird she spoke out softly. "Go find him.. go find Erebos for me." Many nights she cried, many nights she wandered without sleep and worry. Hoping that one day it would end. But it didn't... and many nights she wanted to. Many nights she stayed awake looking to the stars asking and praying for guidance. But found none. Was she a lost cause? Would he dare hear her out. Violet didn't want to leave at all. Didn't want to leave Identification alone.

She known she lost herself for a while, a hated that she had. If he did come, she wouldn't move at all. What to allow him to see the state she was in? She couldn't nor would she. Sure he'd probably hate her with every single being of his powerful masculine entirity. Fic did miss the hell out of the dark brute, and didn't care if he was married or not. She dearly missed him. But she would not step on no ones toes. She wanted to be that fun loving woman again. Hating who she had become.

As the hummingbird flew off, she stepped down into the waters. Blistered paws sore as a whine was left out, she didn't want to allow him to see her like this so the wolf bathes as good as she could, building a small fire pulling a bear hide close to her so she could lay down onto it. Nuzzling into the warmth, allowing the warmth of the flames to make her coat glow dully. "Stupid... stupid... stupid." Was all that would slip from her maw til she fell into a sleep, repeating the words over and over. There was no need for the fire, but it warmed her as the hide she had gathered had also helped.

Not being in the state of health she was before, maybe one day she could get there once again. The sparkle within her eyes faded, the flame that burned in her soul slowly dying out.


table coding by bunni ♥