
Welcome to your worst nightmare



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:02 AM
The slog back to the Syndicate and to his island home carting a whole ass wolf on his back was less than pleasant, but the rewards that awaited him at the finish line kept Azrael going. Every so often he would glance back at the unconscious face of Ririka hanging off his back and he would grin. She was such a pretty little thing, young and nubile and just begging to be plucked and broken. Well, as it so happened, Az had openings in his Sidi roster, and Ri fit the bill perfectly. Her misfortune would be Azrael's jackpot. The Saxe brute carried the comatose girl across the border where her scent trail would be lost by any who tried to track her, then deeper into the heart of their territory. Across the sound by the bridge and up the cliffside paths until he reached his den. Mireia was out at the moment, likely gathering things to make the place feel more homely, which left him with plenty of time to begin the process of breaking in his new toy.

Azrael dumped Ririka rather unceremoniously onto his examination table in his apothecary while he gathered up his needed supplies. Ririka was to be treated like every new Sidi coming into the pack—a broad spectrum antibiotic to run off any illnesses, a contraceptive to avoid the unwanted consequences of relieving his stresses with her, and a variety of other sinister drug cocktails designed to start breaking down her psyche piece by piece to make her more subservient and less likely to try to gore him in his sleep. If his calculations were correct, the sedative should be starting to wear off, which meant she'd likely be waking up in a veeeery groggy state in a few minutes. He had to work fast.

Grabbing the antibiotic and contraceptive serums, Azrael set them down on the table beside his newest subject. Then he went back to his shelf of concoctions and grabbed a paralytic agent made from spider venom and azalea extract. Then he settled in beside the table and waited for Ririka to show signs of stirring, a paw idly wandering over her hind leg as he sought out her strongest pulse point there. As soon as her eyes began to open, Azrael fixed her with a saccharine smile and spoke sweetly, "Guten morgen." Then he swiftly jabbed the injector with the paralytic poison into her thigh, straight into her femoral artery. Another direct line to the rest of the body so the serum would kick in even faster. He needed her still for the rest of his work.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
07-23-2024, 02:10 AM

She woke slowly and stiffly, feeling groggy and strange. She must have eaten bad meat, because her stomach felt like it was crawling around inside of her. She had the weirdest memory… she went to raise her paw to touch the spot on her neck where the memory of her dream ended. She knew she was moving it, just like she always had, everyday of her lift. You just… lifted your leg. But nothing happened.

Her eyes flicked open, and she almost wished they hadn’t. Everything was too bright, too vivid, too much for her brain to handle right now. She let out a scared, wheezing breath and realised she wasn’t alone in the room. Her sensors were on overload, there was just too much going on. From her modest little camp, to… this.

She still didn’t understand what had happened. She felt a touch on her leg, inspiring her to try and move it. She felt the muscle twitch, but nothing worked. She tried to move her head, but even that was beyond her. Her breathing was coming in quick little gasps now. Fear and adrenaline flooded her system, but she had no outlet. Her body gave a soft little tremor, but even that felt like it was pushing the boundaries of what she could do. She stared at the wolf. The stranger, the friend that had shared her campfire. “He-elp me, s-s-s-omethings wrong.”



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:19 AM
Ririka awoke in a state of bewilderment, confusion, and terror. It was always so deliciously sweet to see that moment of recognition when they woke up. She tried to squirm and flee, but all her body could manage was a soft pathetic quiver beneath his paw. He could feel her muscles straining, but like a newborn pup, she had no strength in her body. Her muscles were fully paralyzed. She stammered out some words between terrified gasping and Azrael gently shushed her, his free paw coming up to pet her head while he checked her pulse on her throat with his other paw. "Shhhh... Nothing's wrong, my dear. That's just the drug doing its job. Now relax and let me finish my examination."

Paying no heed to Ri's scared expression, Azrael measured her pulse, finding her heart rate a little elevated, but otherwise normal—expected given the circumstances. Good, the drugs hadn't harmed her cardiovascular health. Taking her forepaw in his, Az lifted her limp paw up off the table. "Keep your paw held up like this for me, Ririka," he instructed her, then let her paw go, watching as it flopped limply down to the table again. Excellent. She was fully paralyzed. "Can you feel any of this?" he asked her, applying gentle pressure to different parts of her body, beginning at her shoulder, then slowly working his way down her slender side, subtly caressing the natural feminine curves of her body. When he reached her thigh, he extended his claws and dug them into her skin a bit, not quite enough to draw blood, but looking for a reaction from her. "Can you feel this?"

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
07-23-2024, 02:31 AM

The wolf's calming demeanour should have helped, but as he brushed his paw on her head, she felt her skin crawling. She felt like the fur there wanted to fold in on itself, just to get away. But of course she couldn’t move. Her breathing sped up, her confusion didn’t lesson, it only grew. Nothing was wrong! nothing was wrong!? She couldn’t move, that was pretty damn wrong.

She whimpered when he pressed a paw against her to measure a pulse. She still wanted to get away. She loved people, hugs, and contact. But she would have given a lot to be able to slide off that table and get away from the purple wolf. Something was deeply wrong with him, and she couldn’t figure out what it was. Some instinct was rearing its head, telling her to get away. Too late, much too late.

He lifted a paw, and she felt the caress of his fur against her, and she could do nothing to stop it. He released the paw, and it flopped heavily against the table. There was nothing she could do to stop it. He didn’t seem alarmed by her inability to move. He seemed satisfied. He had done this to her. It all came so slowly, her head still felt like it was packed with cotton wool. So confused, so out of her element. That prick on her neck had been him. He did this to her.

His touch wasn’t as sharp and present as it would have been, her body felt a little numb. She would have preferred complete numbness to feeling any of his touch. The way he ran his paw across her body worsened the sickening feeling in her stomach. ”Stop, please” she whimpered. Her whimper only grew when he dug a claw into her thigh. What was he going to do to her? What did he want? “Why are you doing this?”



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:47 AM
The girl whimpered, she whined, she begged and pleased with him to stop. Azrael heeded none of her pitiful attempts to sway him. Any wolf with half a decent heart would have felt some sympathy for her. But Azrael Saxe was no half decent wolf. Ririka was nothing but a toy for him to use, a piece of property with a purpose and he would use her to that purpose. She didn't give him the answers he was looking for, but her weeping and whining as he felt along her side was confirmation enough. She begged him to stop, then asked why he was doing this. At that, Azrael did actually pause, his paw still on her thigh, resting right over her pulse point. Sage green eyes peered down into fiery amber ones, looking at her like he was studying her. Then he showed his true nature with a single counterpoint.

"Why not?"

Jab! A second injector came down into her thigh, this one the antibiotic to help ensure she was clean for use. This one would take more time to kick in, but at least it would get started while he worked. The next one he picked up was the contraceptive, which likely wasn't needed seeing as how she wasn't in heat currently, but being the medically-inclined wolf he was, he knew pregnancies could happen at any time, no matter how unlikely they were. So into her thigh the contraceptive injector went, ensuring she would not bare his pups—yet. "How are you feeling, Ri? Tell me everything you're feeling or not feeling right now," he asked her as he gathered up the empty injectors to move them aside for sterilization. For her sake, she had better answer him this time. Any more insufferable pleading and he would have to discipline her.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
07-23-2024, 02:52 AM

She was panting, sucking in breaths as she felt her body panicking. She’d never felt so helpless or vulnerable in her life. His was resting on her inner thigh, and she almost begged him to move it. Tears slipped past her eyes, and she almost did exactly that when he spoke. Shocking her out of the hysteria that had started. “B-because I’m a person!” She spluttered. In her world, that meant something. That meant everything.

She gasped in shock and surprise when she felt something push into her leg. That was how he had drugged her the first time, right? She’d never heard anything like that. She trembled, though her body could barely manage it. “What are you doing, what is that going to do.” she forced the words out through the fear crawling across her body. She didn’t even take his question into account. How could she? With everything else going on, her desperation was more important.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 03:03 AM
Aaaaaand again she ignored his question... Azrael heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. Why was it always the same questions with these Sidi? "What are you going to do to me?" "Why are you doing this?" "Why me?" For once, why couldn't they just be cooperative, like Mireia had been? Well, no matter. It just meant the Saxe brute was going to have to ramp up his breakdown of her mind. "That first injection was a paralytic serum I made from wandering spider venom and azalea extract—both potent paralyzing poisons. Not permanent, but they'll last long enough." Long enough for what? Ririka would be finding out soon. "The second injection was just an antibiotic. I want to make sure you're healthy before I keep you around and use you." She was young, but she wasn't stupid. She'd know what he was referring to. If she was somehow so sheltered that she didn't even know what breeding was... well, Azrael was going to mature her up fast.

Picking up another injector from the shelves, Azrael smiled a wicked smile and made his way back over to the examination table. "The third injection was a contraceptive. I didn't know if you were already on a contraceptive regiment or not, and it won't do me any good to have you getting pregnant, and I'd love to avoid having Sephiran tear my head off." Oh yeah, she'd know what was up now. "And this..." Azrael held up the vial of clear liquid in front of her eyes and gave it a little swirl. " going to make this so much more fun and interesting."

With a dark little chuckle, Azrael jabbed the injector into her neck this time, wanting the serum to flow through her nerves and brain as quickly as possible. The sensitizing agents hadn't been tested yet, and Ririka would be his first. He wanted to see just how sensitive to touch he could make her. Would she even begin to enjoy this? "Tell me what you feel, Ririka," he directed her again and began to slowly stroke his paw along her side from shoulder to hip. Would she actually obey him this time, or was he going to need to get a truth serum dose in her too? He hoped not. He didn't know what her body's tolerance to his poisons and serums would be, and overdosing her would ruin the fun too soon.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
07-23-2024, 03:11 AM

She was surprised when he actually answered her, and was even more surprised to realise she wished she didn’t know. Horror swamped her as he explained what he had put inside her body. She was finally getting it. She was in the monster's leer. She whimpered, her eyes showing whites as she fought the drug swirling through her body. But no matter how hard she fought, or begged her body to move, nothing happened.

”U-u-u-u-us-” she gave up trying to speak, panic had fully set in by now. If she could move, she would be thrashing. No, he couldn’t mean what he implied. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t real, none of this was real. This wasn’t the way her life was supposed to go.

Contraceptive the word broke through the panic swamping her mind, penetrating her mind as he confirmed exactly what he meant. She was in hell. She was in some twisted, awful hell. She tried to thrash as he came back to her with something he described as ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’ her vision was misty with tears that she couldn’t wipe free. Hee little gasping breaths felt like they weren’t drawing in enough oxygen.

But she couldn’t stop him, and he jabbed her once more, this time in the neck. It pushed through the numbness that he had soaked her body in with his earlier injection. A numbness that started to fade as this new toxin made its way through her body. She was gasping as new sensations and information flooded her sensors. She could feel the table beneath her, rasping against her body. It felt like sandpaper, as the tiny movements of her breath brushed her fur against the surface.

He touched her again, and this time there was nothing numb about it. Her sensors had come to life, and she could feel every inch of his brush. Too much, it was too much. She whimpered. “F-f-f-eels sharp.” she gasped out, understanding now. Slowly, slowly, that ignoring his questions would only make this worse for her. “S-s-s-top, it h-h-h-urts.” She whimpered.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 03:22 AM
Azrael watched Ririka's face contort with displeasure, overstimulation, fear, and agony. The tears that streamed down her cheeks from her amber eyes were all but ignored by the brute as he studied her expressions for the information he required. She was whimpering again each time his paw brushed her coat or touched her skin. She cried out that everything felt sharp and his touch hurt. Az's brow furrowed and the smile on his face was replaced with a displeased frown. Hmm, that wasn't what he had expected... Perhaps he had gotten the dosage wrong for her? Too strong of a dose, maybe? Returning back to his shelves, Az selected a significantly smaller dose of the paralytic agent, hoping this might numb some of those oversensitive nerves just a bit to let her feel heightened sensations without being overstimulated to the point of pain. Pain was not his goal right now.

"Let's fix that up a bit, shall we? Lie still." A little cruel snicker at his own joke before he jabbed this one into her leg. He had to be extremely careful with these venoms. Too much would kill the little fae. Not enough and she'd still be too sensitive to touch. After a few moments of letting the serum take effect while measuring her pulse to make sure he wasn't pushing her body's limits, Az slowly ran his paw along Ririka's side again. "And how does this feel now? Still sharp?"

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Beginner Hunter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
07-23-2024, 03:30 AM

She was gasping at the overwhelming sensations flooding her body. Thank goodness he had let go of her, that had been one straw too many. But oxygen burned going through her lungs, the table beneath her felt like an anthill. Everything was too strong, too bright, too awful. She was openly weeping, and an absolute mess. Her mouth was moving, mouthing begging, pleading words that didn’t leave her lips.

She didn’t notice when he returned until he was poking something into her leg. She tried out at the pain of it. Feeling the injector enter her skin, feeling the warmth of fluid hit her veins… and then things started to slow down again. She was still panting, breathing heavily, but the overwhelming part of her sensors started to dim. She still couldn’t move, she wished like hell she could move.

Now, she could feel Azrael’s paw against her side. His fur soft against hers as she felt that brush against her. Almost tender. Her body was still heightened, but no longer to an excruciating degree. She had to answer him, she had to make her brain and mouth work. “S-s-s-soft. S-s-kin crawling.” his touch revolted her, and she hated the high intensity in which she could feel it. Full sentences were beyond her, everything was too big and awful.
