
Out With The Rabble


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
07-27-2024, 01:39 PM

The pair had proven to be a good team but Dusk wanted to expound upon that. She needed to know that Sitri would be safe if she wasn't around. Kind of condescending, but it was no secret that she was the more practiced fighter. Losing the red man would be, well... catastrophic. Dusk didn't know what she would do if something happened to Sitri. She loved him, though she hadn't told him that quite yet. Dusk was still way too shy.

The plan was to scare off some bears from the Grove since the ursines always seemed to be present there. Usually it was little black bears, but today there was big, fat grizzly ripping up bushes and shrubs, making a right mess of things. Dusk cast fiery eyes towards her... uh... towards Sitri, then motioned towards the bear. "You ready?" She asked with a smile.

Unfurling Whisper from her tail, the obsidian woman loped towards the bear, whipping the cat-o-nines right next to its head with an audible snap. "Better clear out, bear. This is Hallows territory." At least she was trying to give it a chance. A chance that the bear didn't take. It rounded on the pair of wolves and roared right at them, spittle flying from its lips. Bears were so stupid... Dusk curled her tail, ready for the fight to begin.

"Dusk & Sitri"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
08-28-2024, 12:20 PM
Sitri didn't think much of the task Dusk asked him to accompany her for, not seeing the bear that had become a nuisance in the pack's territory as some kind of test. He was always more that ready to hop into action whenever Dusk needed it from him and he assumed this was simply another one of things that just needed to be done that he could lend her a hand with. He tossed on his bracers and tucked his dagger into its scabbard and then they were on their way, walking into the grove along side Dusk. The bear wasn't hard to find–the torn up bushes and scarred trees made more than enough of a trail to find the fat grizzly bear. When she asked if he was ready he simply nodded with a grin in response before turning his attention to the bear.

He shifted into a defensive, fighting stance as Dusk unfurled Whisper and snapped her weapon at the ursine, giving the beast a fair warning and a chance to clear out to avoid the fight with the two wolves. He had never known bears to be smart creatures, however, and the grizzly continued to prove that as it rounded on them instead with a loud roar. Well, if it wanted a fight then a fight it would get. Sitri snarled in response and stalked forward in an arc around the bear's right side, keeping his attention glued on their opponent while forcing the bear to split its attention as he put some space between him and Dusk. As he neared the bear's haunch he quickly drew his dagger and lunged forward quickly enough that he was able to drive the blade into the bear's thigh before it was able to react or defend itself. The bear roared again and he quickly drew out the blade, making a slashing motion to widen the incision before he ducked out of the way and jumped back to avoid its swinging paws. He had drawn the bear's attention with his attack so he focused on keeping it to give Dusk a chance at it.

"Dusk & Sitri"