
Important Targets of the area



6 Years
03-18-2014, 01:09 PM

Well his hopes of going to Elysium had been destroyed after Artemis vanished. Right after winning Valhalla too, it made him pissed, but he wasn't entirely the one to get mad after all he was more mad at his mother. He had seen those pups she carried with her, and they were most certainly not Isardis' but because of his fathers reputation he was certain they were probably posing as his children. He wouldn't hate them, they did no wrong unlike his mother. Though Vereux still felt that she had done a disservice to them as a family. The boy gave a sigh, sitting on the dirt considering it was rather warm this summer. He was glad to be growing up though, he was no longer the small innocent little lad who could not do anything with his life.
"I wonder if I'll ever be able to prove myself to father." he thought out loud. The half blind pup closing his good eye, its green glow giving him away over his blue body and white along with darker black. His arm also scarred, and he wasn't even a year old. Building up a pain tolerance was good at least. Not that he also had some secret to protect on a definite note. He flicked his tail in boredom, looking at the melted snow, and little patches of it everywhere.




3 Years
03-18-2014, 01:32 PM

Talvi still felt at quite a loss here in Glaciem, she was finding it somewhat difficult to make the place home, especially without her family there to support her. To be honest she should have settled in by now, a part of her knew it and yet it was taking longer than any had probably expected to reach a completely content stage in the pack. There was so much space here, though the biggest problem was perhaps the vast number of wolves, so many that she didn't possibly think she could ever meet them all properly and she suspected it was the mixture of the two things that was driving this awful wedge between her and her family.

There were plenty of pups a similar age to her and occasionally she found herself joining in games with them. It was nice, though still she longed for that closeness to her family, the tight bond she'd once had with them all. She couldn't recall the last time she'd spoke to Kasai, Desdemona or Minos though even her mother had been distant from them all. She had other siblings, a fact she had been made aware of very early on in her transition period to Glaciem. But even they were practically strangers to her, it would be nice to alter that, if only to have some sort of relationship with members of her family.

Her wanderings had brought her to the Polar Sound for now. Alone as usual she hadn't really anticipated company. Blue eyes however soon caught sight of another wolf ahead. The slate blue colouring certainly didn't seem to be odd to Glaciem, and certainly wasn't to Talvi either this male, his appearance rather similar to her own was one she could recognise and name; Vereux. She didn't exactly know him all that well, though of her older half-siblings, he was probably the one she would say she had the closest relationship with. The young girl moved closer, eager for the company and hopeful that he wouldn't mind it.



6 Years
03-20-2014, 03:06 PM

Vereux would have been distracted, if not for his implemented instinct of being aware what was around him. It came from him being attacked, and having one eye, so he was more aware of his surroundings because of that. His green eye caught the appearance of the girl, she looked nervous which he didn't blame her. In glaciem it wasn't entirely a good thing to get too ahead of yourself. He knew this, but had ultimately teamed up with his uncle Etern to lead something of a double life. That was a secret all in itself though. Vereux sensing her rather nervousness gave a kind smile towards her, trying to make himself seem less threatening.
"Hello, feeling left out?" he asked politely. It was hard to come to terms being in Glaciem. There were so many of them, that it just became normal to be the underdog now. He learned this from eulari, and many others. Though who knew what happened to Genesis his brother he loved so but ended up not being able to see really. It pained his heart, just like when his mother had left and he went on a outburst of cussing when he shouldn't have.
"My name's Vereux, what's your name sister?" Vereux asked turning towards her so that his good eye could fully see her. His tail flicked the blue boy hoping he wouldn't make the girl nervous, Vereux kept a stern soft smile. Wagging his tail slightly, maybe one day he'd be able to be a great leader like his father. But he didn't mind if he wasn't.




3 Years
03-26-2014, 07:21 AM

In terms of appearance, Talvi certainly resembled Vereux even more than her full siblings, Kasai in particular with her deep red certainly had looked somewhat odd against the dark, slate blue. It was never something that had struck her as odd though, that all of those with this blue colouration in Glaciem were all part of the Armada family, and here she was blending in amongst them perfectly. Others may have been a little suspicious by it, or simply assumed that the four pups Argent had returned with were in fact Isardis' as well, though Talvi had never thought anything of it. The absence of a father was something she had never questioned, she'd certainly been adopted into the Armada family with these assumptions floating around, though Isardis was awfully busy and she'd seen less of him than her own missing family members.

"Hello, feeling left out? My name's Vereux, what's your name sister?" She had her brother here now though, a chance to form some sort of bond with family, something that her life felt like it was severely lacking right now. Left out, lost whatever she was feeling, Talvi simply didn't feel as though she belonged her in Glaciem. She gave a steady nod of her head in response to the question. There wasn't really any use in denying it. "Hello. My name is Talvi."

She came to a stop before him, certainly feeling anything but nervous. Though she still felt somewhat out of place, the wolves of Glaciem hadn't done anything in particular to cause her to feel that way, and that included the male standing before her now. She hadn't really seen her other half siblings, though on the brief occasions she had seen Vereux he had been kind to her. His tail would wag slightly and her own would mimic the movement.