
Like a puppet on strings



5 Years
03-15-2014, 05:11 AM

Clouded skies blocking silken rays of golden heat. Summer time was perhaps the worst that Desire? could possibly face, the sweaty; drowning expanse something she had not grown used to. Infact, she would much prefer a colder climate instead of a groggy one. But today, she would take a brake from the sun, the clouds giving her the perfect oppurtinity to roam across the splendor of the beach. A lore she was, by appearance and confidance- and she would not hesitate to show everyone around her of what she where to be capable of. A sigh would drop out of loose lips, her toes sinking into the sand as she strolls around, staring within the water. Her purple cloak would be highlighted with the dawn, showing shes far from normal and will bring a hell of a lot of spice to these forsaken lands. Her mind would drift to Viridiana, how was she coping? Was her strategy coming along to claim a pack. Such ideas and ambitions, so exciting and yet Desire? is here, knowing little as to when she may strike. With a few moments to think, De would lay down in the vast open, caring little if others see her.

image by Serendipity


03-15-2014, 06:59 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 07:15 AM by Sirus.)

Sirus' aurous eyes blazed with the first few shining rays of the sun that steadily rose just beyond the distant horizon. Steaks of mauve and periwinkle were the first signs of the coming dawn, and for the first time since he had stumbled upon this foreign land, the beauty of the scenery kindled his sense of awe. There had always been something mystically peaceful about the early hours of the morning, just before daybreak. It caused one to wonder what the hours ahead may bring, and instilled a sense of mental acquisitiveness in the one who bore witness to its splendor.

Though Sirus could have easily been deemed more indifferent and dispassionate than his sister Neika, he was not without the deeply rooted desire to explore new places and experience new things. He was wise enough to know when to disregard his curiosity for the sake of their safety, but not so stoical that he couldn't be moved to act on his officiousness. In truth, his heart was full to the brim and overflowing with longing to find them a new place to call home; impatient to belong a pack and again know that he was a part of something bigger than himself.

At first, Sirus failed to notice the wolf who shared the shore line with him, too busy observing the hundreds of tiny bubbles left behind in the wake of a wave that slid steadily back to sea. It made him recall the words his mother spoke to him and Neika when they were but pups; that the bubbles were made by tiny crabs that lived under the sand. Both he and his sister had dug and dug and dug in a quest to unearth one of these elusive critters, but never did succeed. Now that he was grown and far more logical than he'd been in his youth, he believed the emerging bubbles to be nothing more than air escaping from among grains of dry sand. Still, it amused him to think back on how easily excitable and carefree he'd once been.

The chill in the ocean air and the mist that drifted along with it made him forget of the stifling heat of summer. In a spontaneous decision to enjoy the coolness while it lasted, Sirus rose up off his haunches and bounded wildly towards the sea, eager to be reunited with its salty depths for the first time in well over a year. Not slowing until his chest met the resistance of crashing waves, he waded further until his ivory fur was thoroughly soaked and his paws could hardly stand firm in the sand. Only after fully submerging his head did he turn his attention back to the shore, not wanting to drudge out so far that the tide would make it difficult for him to travel back. It was then that he noticed the wolf with fur the color of a bruised evening sky. He couldn't recall ever having seen fur in such a hue, but whilst standing there in silent watch of the female, he decided that it was certainly an exquisite color to have to wear.



5 Years
03-15-2014, 11:09 AM

She would lie there, letting the breeze play with her soft curls as they ruffle side to side, giving a nice bounce. Desire? was well aware of the cacophony of alerting noises, her triangular ears that lay atop of her crown swiveling to detect where this stranger was, but then the splashing in the waves would give it all away; and how the efforts of the purple nymph was on ground zero. With a moment to spare, Desire? would lift half of her body up right, staring at the placid man bathing in the waters. Her small tiara would twist to get a better view, while her thick lashes pat together lightly. with a smile musing upon thin lips; she would take her stand, stretching her long legs before venturing over towards the waters herself. the two small paws would ooze slowly into the crystalline liquid, but she would venture no further.

If she was of another sort, her interests would have been entirely on him- such a handsome face he had, but her attraction for the woman who dines in red was far to strong, and it seemed no other could replace her prize. " Hot?" She cooed under her breath, the calculated; sultry calls tingling against narrow ears. Her tail would flick against her heels, as she wonders what he was thinking, and why he was here. " Beautiful isnt it, this place? Desire? Carmel, who are you." If it wasnt for her calm, european accent, The purple babe would of sounded rather demanding, but yet being within her presence can always cause uncertainty.

image by Serendipity


03-17-2014, 04:09 AM

Standing in silent observation of the wolf who wore a coat of royal purple, Sirus was at first unsure of how to make her aquaintence. It was obvious that she'd noticed him, having seen her ears swivel in his direction. Being that he was on foreign soil, though, he knew better than to assume that a fellow wolf would be friendly. For all he knew he could've been tresspassing on claimed territory.

Carefully watching as she approached, he blinked through beads of water that fell in rivulets down his alabaster pelt. Her warm smile diffused the tension a bit, but not fully. Lifting his head and righting his posture so as to stand at his full height, he responded to her first question only after a moment of silence passed between them. "A bit," he stated, sounding very matter-of-fact. By the look of uncertainty etched on his face, it was obvious that he was leery of strangers, regardless of how friendly they seemed. This wolf was no exception.

"It is..." he agreed with her comment about the landscape being impeccably beautiful. Somewhat mesmerized by the aqua blue and jade green eyes staring back at him, it took him a moment to realize that she'd also asked his name. "My name is Sirus," he stated simply, finding it oddly difficult to look away from her bewitching eyes. Glancing to his left and then to his right, he scanned the perimitere just to ensure that they were in fact alone and that he'd not soon be ambushed by any who might have accompanied her. "Is this your turf? Do you live here?" he asked curiously, his gaze eventually returning to her just to be entranced by her munti-colored eyes all over again.



5 Years
03-17-2014, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2014, 12:55 PM by Desireé.)

her eyes would look over him greedily; half expecting him to lash out or cause some sort of disturbance to the peace. Though, her angular face would remain void of concern or worry; feeling far more comfortable to appear unpredictable. For now, she felt anchored to this one position, having no desire to move any deeper within the clear waters. Slowly, her paw would trace over the liquid, teasing its surface and wrecking the fine imagery that mirrored the oracles appearance. She would give a nod, his name sounding rather serious for a youthful and sensitive looking man. "Thats a handsome name, Sirus." the name would fall of her sultry tongue, its foreign sound adjusting sweetly upon her thin lips. His next question though, would pickle her interest and she would not hesitate to proceed.

She wanted him, yearned to rule over him in any way possible; and perhaps one day that may be possiblem if he chooses his path wisely. Viridiana was many things that a woman or even a man could possibly want; her looks and boldness enough to catch any one. " These lands are not yet mine. But perhaps one day i shall claim them as my own. Im currently a rouge, but i have plans to take over a kingdom in the near future with the hopes viridiana will win the challenge, she'll be a queen that most of us would want to rule beneath." Desiree had high hopes for her sphinx, and she knew that her kingdom would be a force to be reckoned with. " So, do you have a place to call home?" Her curiosity would continue, spiraling into a closely knit web, wondering where he decided to move on from here.

image by Serendipity


03-18-2014, 03:52 PM

The hot gleam of Sirus' golden eyes remained upon the female when he dared step nearer to her, burning like twin suns in the strange half-light of morning. In studying her gaze and body language he quickly discerned that despite her apparent calmness, she was not truely at ease. And rightly so; to be relaxed in the presence of a complete stranger would've been foolish. Her true nature was less obvious to him, but that was the intrigue. There was something predatory lying just beneath her cool exterior; something deceptive in her vibrant stare.

Not one to be easily wooed by compliments, Sirus overlooked the one she paid him. It wasn't that he couldn't appreciate a kind word, but more so that he distrusted her genuineness. Highly attentive to the words that she spoke, the cogs of his mind turned rapidly to process the information she confided to him. With his head held at such a height so as to remain eye-level with her, his hackles bristled and his tail was raised high. Slowly he began to step around the she wolf, circling her as if to examine her more extensively.

"Take over a kingdom?" he asked, silently sizing her up. "For what gain?" While Sirus was not familiar with the packs in this foreign land, he had to wonder why she wished to rule. Was it that the alpha of the pack she wished to overcome was a poor leader? Or was it that that this wolf before him simply thirsted for power? Ultimately, it wasn't any of his business, but that didn't diminish his curiosity. Depending upon how she answered him, it would speak volumes of her character.

Before coming to stand in front of her again, Sirus breathed in her scent; inhaling deeply to bring it rippling into his lungs, then coiling around his brain. He would not soon forget it; especially if he deemed her to be a true beast of prey. "Who is this queen you so eagerly swear your loyalty to?" he asked, blatantly ignoring her question about where he belonged and who he belonged to. He was not so quick to divulge information about himself, apprehensive when it came to sharing anything that could denote weakness or vulnerability.