




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
08-18-2024, 01:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 02:07 AM by Lolaf. Edited 1 time in total.)
((CW: Allusions to alcoholism and passive suicidal ideation. Take care of yourself and read only if it's safe to do so.))

Flurry was well and truely fucked up at this point. How exactly she'd gotten out of the ravine and onto the land bridge would be lost to her forever and in the coming years when she tried to remember this period in her life it'd be obscured in thick cloud of alcohol, only able to pull up scattered moments in time.

But in the now? Flurry stood on the northern point of the bridge, the southern most part of Boreas. Before her stretched an empty expanse, Auster on the horizon but feeling impossibly far away... Between her and it was nothing but sand and a hungry ocean, ready to swallow her up if she so much as stumbled... Which she probably would... Flurry and sobriety weren't exactly on speaking terms right now...

But it honestly wasn't the drink that was the biggest issue... It was the gnawing hunger, the exhaustion. Flurry hadn't exactly been taking care of herself as of late. Hard to feel motivated to do so when she saw no possible future ahead of her anymore. She'd thrown that away and now she was simply existing. Not dead, not actively looking to die... But not really trying to live either...

Frankly, she was depressed. Deeply depressed. But it would take a lot less numbing herself to the world to be able to even register that.... As the woman wobbled her way down the land bridge she wondered idly if it was possible for a giant wave to come by and wash her away... Would she even care if it did? Drowning certainly wasn't high on her list of comfortable ways to go but it also was better than many others she could think of. Plus maybe it'd mean her family could go on assuming she was out there somewhere... Better than a body to bury and mourn...

But it wasn't a wave that finally stopped Flurry in her struggle towards Auster, it was the hunger, and the exhaustion. It was her body finally deciding it had struggled enough. If she wasn't going to rest willingly then it was taking that choice away from her! Flurry hardly even registered surprise as her legs buckled out from under her. She wasn't that far from the northern shore of Auster when suddenly the world tilted and the sand rushed up to meet her. Her chest hitting the ground first, which hurt, followed by the rest of her which also hurt. Flurry groaned, it suddenly felt like she could feel her own weight, the idea of moving a limb seemed a distant dream, surely it'd be impossible when it felt like her bones has turned into boulders. Her eyes similarly felt heavy... Somewhere her survival instinct was trying to break free, telling her not to close her eyes... But she'd learned how to shut that part of her up long ago... And she decided it couldn't hurt to just close her eyes for a bit...

She didn't even register the sound of the cat as it rushed out towards the nearby shore, distressed mew rising from it as it searched frantically for anyone nearby, unwilling to go too far but unable to do anything to help her itself.

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.