
Plotting for Mellers!


03-15-2014, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 02:28 AM by Flamesong.)
Bravo (Rogue)Bravo is a free-spirited and very happy individual. He has not experienced much in his very short year of life, but has found that nothing can bring him down. Cruelly enough, I would love for him to get mixed up with some negativity, whether that means a fight or being claimed into a pack I'm not sure. But I am very open to ideas with him. He could also always use friends of any nature, and perhaps a buddy he can hang out with, or convince him to join a pack.

Flamesong(Valhalla-Gamma)This man is 6 years old and wise beyond his years. He is very confident in himself and of his abilities as a warrior of Valhalla, and puts loyalty above his own well being. Flamesong is very respectful and kind, which was simply the way he was raised. He recently met a Tortugan, Qanik, and has a pretty big crush on her. Other than that, he has no one. He once had a family back in his birth pack but after a nomad raid the man found himself alone and without family. His daughters are Melody(played by me), Sonata(not yet adopted), and Harmony(not yet adopted). ADOPTABLES FOUND HERE. He also has a son, Fugue Flamesong(played by me). Not only would I love if his daughters could be adopted for family drama, I would also love if I could get him some more Valhallan friends.

Fugue (Ebony-Ebon Knight)This 3 year old russet male has been through a lot. SInce he was born, he has heard multiple(seven, to be exact) voices constantly speaking in his head, usually arguing. As he grew older, the voices began to haunt him, teasing him and pushing him every which way until he felt he was no longer in control of his actions. While in this self-induced daze, Fugue raped multiple women including Roman Armada, daughter of Isardis and Queen of Tortuga. Since that day, he met Raisa Xonilov and began to change his ways. He is a completely different man now, the voices having gone silent and his persona calm. He is cocky and arrogant and sees himself above others, but feels that his past actions were horrendous and may never be forgiven. He hates himself, feels as if he has allowed himself to fall for the wrong girl(Raisa), has allowed himself to get too caught up emotionally and realizes that he has allowed himself to be,once again, put under the control of another. I would absolutely LOVE for Fugue to have a new love interest, preferably a fling. It wont be likely for him to fall in love with another, but a one time consensual mate may ease his poor troubled soul ;) Pack alliances with the femme don't matter to him, but wouldnt it be cool if he became a father? Ohhhh the drama.



