
Until the end of days

Basilisk x Ignita wedding


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-01-2024, 04:20 AM

The Hallows had been in preparation mode for the upcoming nuptials of Basilisk Fatalis and his fiancée Ignita since the day the reigning Warlord had come to make his requests. Artorias himself had personally assisted with the hunting and fishing to provide enough food for the reception to follow, and Briar had orchestrated all of the organization and gathering of florals from their gardens and the nearby God's Garden to make the venue special. Basilisk had chosen to have the ceremony out in the Wildberry Grove, so that's where Artorias was currently, getting the final touches done on the wedding arbor set up in a spacious clearing in the grove beneath a canopy of vibrant orange, red, and yellow leaves and surrounded by the sweet fragrances of ripened fruits. Bright blue delphiniums and delicate white honeysuckle was wound through the lattice arbor, the colors chosen specifically by the bride and groom. The weather had thankfully been dry the past couple of days, the late autumn rain holding off enough to provide them with a clear if not slightly cool evening for the event. Inside Hearthstone, the last of the preparations for the reception were being made and overseen by Briar. Things were going along smoothly.

Out of respect for the marrying couple and to make sure all attention was on them, Artorias had foregone any opulent formal attire. He did not wear his crown or carry Embershard. Instead, he simply wore the deep orange sash that had been part of his wedding attire some years ago, representing the Hallows’ colors with his family’s crest on the brooch holding it around him. Today was Basilisk and Ignita’s day; he would never upstage the guests of honor. Satisfied with the quality of the set up and work, Artorias assumed his position beneath the arbor while he waited for his nephew and their guests to arrive. In truth, Art was both excited and a bit nervous. This would only be his second time officiating a wedding and he hoped he did well for the happy couple. It wouldn’t be long now before the ceremony began!

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
09-01-2024, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2024, 10:30 PM by Basilisk. Edited 3 times in total.)

The organisation of the Hallows astounded him. From the moment he arrived, he could see the buzz and flow of planning going on around him. Food was being prepared, places for the guests were set up. The scene was carefully crafted by the experienced paws of the Hallows and he felt honoured and a little baffled seeing it all take place. No, he knew if he had hosted his own wedding it would not have reached this level of detail.

Ignita deserved this.

He’d have to make sure to give Artorias one of their last bottles of Halo’s mead before they left. His thank-you gift to their host and officiant. He looked about the room, ensuring he hadn’t forgotten anything. His fur was neatly groomed, he’d requested the paint delivered to where Artorias was waiting. He’d set Spider in charge of the pups (poor thing.). He had no other reason to dawdle, and time was slipping past him. He took a deep breath, astonished at the trepidation swirling in his gut. It felt an awful lot like fear. He needed to walk to that door, he needed to conquer these last minute nerves that suddenly had hold of him. He stared at the door, and almost like magic, it opened.

Oleander stepped in, and Basilisk stared at the white wolf as the healer approached. “Ollie, what are you doing here?” had it been in the plan for Ollie to turn up at his door? He suddenly couldn’t remember.
“Oh, just taking a last minute stroll and looking for that pesky Groom, Have you seen him around here? Big fella, black and blue."
Basilisk blinked at him in confusion for a moment. “He kind of has somewhere to be right now, do you remember?” Basilisk shot back dryly.

“Yeah, I thought he’d like a sip of my special Grooms Tincture.” The healer said, adding on a wink. Actually… that wasn’t a terrible idea. Had Oleander suspected the sudden bout of nerves the Warlord would feel when that closed door was presented to him? “I’m listening.” at his words, Ollie handed him a small bottle of mead. He was no expert, but did he catch maybe a hint of something herbal in there? At that moment, he didn’t care, he took a deep swallow. Feeling.. Oddly better, just having someone else there with him right now. It wasn’t the first time Oleander had had his back.

He handed the bottle back to his Healer and walked through the door Oleander had opened. The shot of courage carrying him forward as he made his way out of the castle, the white wolf at his side. They entered the Grove, and heard the sounds of other wolves, the scents of many around them. Why did he decide to do this publicly. He started to turn, and Oleander, despite his smaller size, grabbed him by the shoulders. He looked at the white wolf, his eyes wide. All this time, and Basilisk had never anticipated the crowd. He was the Warlord, he had stood before his pack. But this was different. Oleander stared at him down, and nodded towards the clearing he was supposed to be entering. The support was clear in his gaze. He didn’t speak, but the message was loud and clear. It was too late to let his nerves swallow him now. He took another breath, held his head high, and stepped through the Grove. He found the Arbor and the blue Lord of Cinder immediately. He moved towards the Hallows Wolf, and came to a stop before his Uncle in Law. He offered the man a small smile, and turned his attention forward. To where his Ignita should be appearing any moment now.

"Basilisk" | "Ignita"

Oleander Powerplaying directly approved by Elin

[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
09-01-2024, 11:41 PM

Ignita watched as the crumbling towers loomed ever closer. It was a fantasy scene she would never get used to. She had been so naive and awestruck the first two times she had arrived here, this time was no different. She glanced at the children as they all saw the castle and saw her delight echoing through most if not all of them.

After the typical welcome pleasantries and getting everyone to their rooms, another check on Jamie, and another stern talking to everyone else to mind their manners (Selene, stay where they can see you for sun's sake). Telling them things like stay on the first floor, mind Spider, all the works. She was finally able to step back and let the babysitters have at the gaggle of munchkins while she got ready.

She entered the hallway, suddenly feeling alone. It was both refreshing and... startling. Determined to keep moving forward she started to head toward the room where she was to get ready. Yara would be waiting for her there. Then she saw a shadow coming from behind her. Who was this?

“I heard you had no one to walk you down the aisle, granddaughter.”

She turned with a quiet gasp, to see the Elder Fatalis, Sirius, the heart of the line she had already furthered and was now about to officially join.

“Sirius! I… I don’t, no.” She replied half startled. He leaned down, and she felt him kiss her crown, she didn’t know what to make of it until he said,

“You and I are already family, and I cherish the gift of great-grandbabies. It would be my honour to walk you forward if you’ll have me.”

Oh… Oh! Already the warm tears welled up in her eyes. This was a gift she had no idea she would receive. She had already tried her best to tuck away the grief of having that space be empty beside her. Then here, the grandfather of Basilisk offered to fill that place.

She quickly tried to wipe them away and nodded emphatically.

“Yes… Yes! I would very much appreciate it.” She sniffed. The grief of her absent family of origin would weigh upon her more this day than perhaps any other.
“Thank you. I will treasure every second of it.”

She heard her name being called down the hall and smiled warmly at him. With a wave of her tail, she quickly went to her room to get ready.

Yara helped get Ignita properly cleaned up, scrubbed, and groomed until her pale fur was shining and luxurious. Overwhelmed by the beauty of it all, Ignita was constantly wiping tears away from her face until she felt she could cry no more. Tears of joy, and trepidation, of that ever-loud grief of not having a mother or other family known to her, an orphan, welcomed so fully and completely even by Sirius Fatalis himself.

With an inward breath, she stepped back from the mirror to take herself in. Her engagement necklace shone around her neck and laid over her chest. Was she ready? Will she ever be? One way to find out.

It was time. She enters the hallway again, a pleasant crown of honeysuckle encircles her head. She spied Seer patiently waiting for her and was surprised when he tucked a desert flower behind her ear. Well, that started another wave of quiet water works.

“How did you know?” She asked quietly, wiping another wet tear away as quickly as it appeared. It didn’t really matter but she was always full of questions.

“Us old wolves have to keep some secrets” He replied and she closed her eyes in silent thanks.

When she got a hold of herself, once again, she let him lead her out of the castle and down the path, toward where everyone was waiting. Somehow Spider was able to wrangle the littles into behaving. Honestly, the littles behaved for them the best. Yara followed after them and took an empty seat.

And suddenly… He was there. And she was here. And the great chasm between them looked long and so… so full of others with all their eyes on her, but feeling Seer next to her, reminded her of just who was standing under the beautiful arbor. Waiting for her. She glanced up at the elder with a sheepish thankful smile and began her careful walk down the aisle, his gentle, powerful presence guiding her.

As she walked, her dainty paws carrying her, suddenly it didn’t matter who was looking at her, or why. Just him, his towering blue painted deep night fur and his hungry cerulean eyes were all that mattered. Everything else melted away. He looked so dashing, so noble standing there. He dwarfed everyone around him. A sight to behold and he was hers.

Before she knew it she was standing beside him, in front of Artorias and under the delphinium and honeysuckle arbor. Her smile was only half teary but all joy.

She swallowed shyly and steadied her breathing. She wanted to say how handsome he was, or even a quiet hello, but she was trying so hard not to runaway only to hide. So she dipped her head to him demurely. And turned to Artorias to begin their vows.

"Basilisk" | "Ignita"

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-01-2024, 11:41 PM
The wedding party had arrived, and the last minute planning was a blur around him. He waited until the two guests of honour were preparing, before he made his way towards the ready-room of his soon to be granddaughter in law. He found the door open, and sent Bast ahead for her to peer around the door to ensure he wasn’t entering at a time where he shouldn’t. Given the all clear, the tiger backed away and he stepped forward, free of the shadows.

When she saw him, he smiled. “I heard you had no one to walk you down the aisle, granddaughter.” The last time he had attended a wedding had been here in the Hallows as well. It had been Artorias and Briar, and he had walked his daughter to the Lord of Cinder. It seemed only fitting that he would do so again, this time for the wife of his most beloved son’s child. He pushed aside the grief thoughts of Azure gave the old wolf. He understood by now that the older he got, the more regrets would assemble around him.

The golden wolf before him stood for something. A symbol, a new life for his grandson. The both of them were filling the shoes that had once been held by himself and his Zee. He only wished them better fortune. He kissed her crown, pushing aside his memories once more. This time of Zee, and what he had lost.. “You and I are already family, and I cherish the gift of great-grandbabies. It would be my honour to walk you forward if you’ll have me.” He said. His voice had changed with time and old age. But he held it firm as he spoke.

She was called away, no doubt to get prepared. Basilisk has supplied her with a maid to help her get ready. He had done that right. He stood in the hall, standing to attention as if that guard he had once been still ran strong in him. Thoughts of the palace and Deathbelle had been strong in his thoughts of late. When she returned, scented with herbs and cleaned to a shine, he smiled and tucked a little flower behind her ear. Moved from where he had kept it safe in his leg bracer. She was clearly moved by the gesture and in lieu of a proper answer he only winked. “Us old wolves have to keep some secrets.” With that, he led her from the Heartstone, and towards the Grove. Where her chosen future awaited her.

He kept his pace sedate and slow beside her, walking her past the people, towards Basilisk. Who stood waiting for them. His grandson looked a fool, with eyes centred hungrily on his bride. Ah, young love. Another pang that he ignored. He let her go when they reached Basilisk, and the ageing Warlord took a seat at the front. Near the Grandchildren.




The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

09-02-2024, 12:41 AM

There will come a soldier

Best behavior, best behavior. It was like a mantra in the young Carpathian's head. His mom and uncle had made him promise to stay quiet and be good until the ceremony was done. It was going to be hard but he was determined to do exactly as his mom said. After all the reward outweighed everything else.

Said reward was a bunch of other kids, sitting in the front row. How was it a reward one might ask? Well to the young man he was just excited to potentially make a new friend, not that any friend would be better than his mom right now. And uncle art was pretty darn cool too. He'd let him sharpen a sword, or so he kept telling himself thats exactly what he'd been doing. His ears pressed forward and his dexterous paws were perched on a seat in front of him as he watched and waited. Only once Art was in sight did he flatten his ears to the side and settle his wagging tail.

He quickly ducked back to his mom's side quietly and sat. Quiet, he needed to remain quiet. And he did. He kept his eyes forward, though the wag to his tail had returned. This was the boring adult bits, but he was told there would be plenty of time to meet the other kids. He'd been eyeing them from afar ever since they arrived and he was determined not to mess up, again that was. He'd even stayed out of uncle Art and Aunt Briar's way. Though he might of once or twice found himself staring into the forge wishing for more lessons on sword making.

Walk, "Talk", Think

He will slay you with His tongue
He will tear your city down

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
09-02-2024, 01:49 PM

Oleander had a grand time traveling. His mind was free to reset and reconnect with his body as it traveled over the terrain. Though he still struggled with being winded, overexerting himself, and the like, he was able to reconnect to his humor after the ordeal of the blight.

It was the first time he would see the castle and this side of his extended family. He was glad to be a part of this event.

When the bride and groom separated to get ready he waited by the door, letting Spider know that he was available to catch any of the wandering pups if they needed it. The groom seemed to be taking a little longer than he probably should be. Good thing he had just the thing to help with those sudden nerves.

He opened the door and found the warlord lingering in front of it, looking more nervous than he had ever seen him. Those deep fierce eyes laid into him almost accusing him of going off plan but he knew what he was doing.

He asked what he was doing here.

“Oh, just taking a last minute stroll and looking for that pesky Groom, Have you seen him around here? Big fella, black and blue. Ollie teased lightly with a mischievous grin.

He almost laughed when Bas replied “He kind of has somewhere to be right now, do you remember?”

“Yeah, I thought he’d like a sip of my special Grooms Tincture.” He said with a wink. He waited for the warlord to refuse or concede and when he mentioned in his usual tone that he was listening, Oleander presented the small bottle of his mother's honey mead. With just a dash of nerve-calming passionflower extract.

Ollie smiled to himself as he watched the Warlord take the swig and visibly relax back into his confident self. Could Ignita's integral nervousness be rubbing off on the big guy? He took the bottle back and hid it in a small pocket of his polar bear cape. His thin figure needed that extra warmth in the cool autumn here. He strolled easily next to Basilisk up to the arbor and sat off to the side. Waiting expectantly for Ignita to arrive and the nuptials to begin. The hallows really knew how to throw a party!




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

Extra large
09-03-2024, 07:15 AM

by the time her family arrives at the venue, Jamie is…admittedly rather grouchy. she’s tired and overexcited simultaneously, physically worn from the travel but eager to take in as much of her unfamiliar surroundings as possible. as such, she becomes rather irritable with her siblings as Spider attempts to wrangle them into their seats, smoothing down their rumpled pelts and distracting them with silly little songs. unfortunately, none of the usual tricks work. “i want Mama and Dad,” Jamie complains, scowling. her gaze darts about, searching for their familiar pelts. “where’d they go?”

“they’re getting ready,” Spider explains. “getting all prettied up for the ceremony.” Jamie just huffs, stomping her feet. “why couldn’t we come?” Spider nudges her with a little smile. “because you pups don’t need it. you’re all cute as a button. but your parents need the extra help because they’re big and stinky.” okay, fine, that pulls a giggle from Jamie, even as she protests, “no they’re not!” her giggles only increase when Spider makes an exaggeratedly sceptical face. “if you need a quick nap,” Spider continues, a gentle note in their voice, “i won’t tell anyone.” Jamie scowls. “i don’t need a nap. i’m not a baby.” but a moment later her jaw cracks with a yawn, and she finds herself settling absently into Spider’s side, pillowing her head on their shoulder. “wake me up when they come back.”




Master Hunter (246)

Master Fighter (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
09-03-2024, 07:24 AM
yikes, children are tough. and keeping track of five of them at a wedding in unfamiliar territory surrounded by veritable strangers? Spider casts an anxious eye over their siblings, attempting to hide their uncertainty with a bland smile. kids can sense weakness, after all. thankfully, Bas and Ignita choose that moment to make their appearance - Bas first, then Ignita with Sirius on her arm, practically luminescent as she reaches the alter. the chain around her neck shimmers, her coat bright like spun gold. Spider looks from Bas to Ignita, at the open love on their faces, and gives an internal sigh. no matter how they might feel, it’s obvious how absolutely gone for each other the pair are. as the ceremony begins, Spider allows themselves to loosen their grip on the final remnants of their life with Hazel. as much as they’d cherished their old life, they have to accept it’s over now. new chapter, new page.

“psst, Jam-Jam,” Spider whispers, nudging the sleeping girl, “wake up. your parents are back.” Jamie sits up, gazing around excitedly. Spider points to the alter, and Jamie finds her parents with a gasp. “are they doing marriage now?” Spider rumbles with laughter. “yeah, kiddo. they’re doing marriage.”

"Araneae Fatalis"

Spider has a male raven companion named Doomsday and a female snake companion named Lady Snakeskin. Assume they are present unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

Toy size
09-03-2024, 10:50 AM
Spriggan didn’t know her family from the north, but of course she had heard about them fro auntie Briar and Old Grandpa Sirius. The Carpathians and Fatalises were quite wound together for a long time so even if they weren’t blood related they were still family. Her curiosity showed through strongly as the tiny girl made her way to the festivities, following after uncle art as he made his way to officiate. Sprig enjoyed all sorts of flowers and plants, as was obvious in the green moss that grew upon her back and the little flowers that bloomed there, so she had done her best to help Artorias even though her tiny little paws were still quite clumsy when it came down to it.

Eventually guests would start to file in and once Spriggan saw her mother and brother she departed from the arbor and made her way to sit with her close family. She nuzzled up against both Titus and Bowen before curling up and waiting patiently for the ceremony to begin.

"Spriggan Carpathius"


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

Beginner Fighter (0)

09-03-2024, 05:32 PM
This was by far the farthest Odette had ever been from home before, Auster was a long way away from the north. Thankfully they had enough time to rest up before the ceremony and she was feeling a bit more spry by the time everyone began to gather for her not aunt and uncle’s wedding. She was excited to meet her family here in the Hallows, but for now she was just being on her best behavior for her elders. This was also the farthest and longest amount of time that she had been away from her two dads. She already missed them but being here in this new place was by far enough to keep her distracted.

The winged girl sat politely looking around, trying to guess who was who. Artorias, her aunt Briar’s husband, was at the arbor waiting for the couple to officiate, and as wolves started moving she watched as an old man, she assumed her grandfather Sirius, walked aunty Iggy down the aisle. Ode wasn’t sure she had ever seen Uncle Bas and her smiles so big before. The emotion was infectious and the little girl smiled wide as she watched, oddly still for such a young pup.
