
Something about running through Corridors?




Intermediate Navigator (30)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Extra small
09-06-2024, 04:46 PM

Her best behavior. Not a move or word out of line, especially when away from home. Sitting still was the worst punishment anyone could think of for Selene. She couldn't not move! Her tail wiggled in the seat, her shoulders wiggled in the seat, and her paws wiggled as her parents said something ooey-gooey together.

Finally! When everyone was done being boring in their seats little Selene dashed onward to follow the crowd to file into the... Castle!

Her pink eyes roved over the stones and walls! She walked a few steps away from the throng entering the castle. Was that a curly climbing plant? It climbed up the walls so high! Wow! Was that a statue? She nosed around a stone wolf statue but then heard her name being called from the entry. What was it like inside? She dashed her way back to the line of people, her eyes still drinking in the tall towers when suddenly she felt herself crash against a soft body and she scrambled backward.

"Oh! Sorry sorry!" She quickly exclaimed! Bright orange fur filled her gaze as she looked up at the chocolate and orange pup. Who was this? She jumped up and play bowed!
"Hi! Do you live here?" She asked with exuberant excitement.



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

09-09-2024, 04:15 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2024, 04:16 AM by Titus. Edited 1 time in total.)

There will come a soldier

He had sat through the boring ceremony, done everything he was asked and was waiting patiently. He was following his mom and Uncle Art into the castle for the thing they kept calling a reception when his hocks buckled from a weight crashing into him. A yelp of surprise came from him, causing a croak to be heard from the sky and he turned a glare back to the offender.

Only he was met with a white and blue furred girl, about his size. Maybe smaller, if he was honest. She was tiny like Sprig. Hopefully she wasn't as delicate, he liked his sister just fine and heck he would bite someone who picked on her, but she looked much to delicate to play like Titus and the boys of his litter.

Her words of apology had him shaking off the glare and a grin meeting her in moments. "No worries, takes more than that to take out a Carpathian." a look was thrown back towards his mom, a silent question, could he now? He just wanted to meet the other pups. Maybe find a playmate his age that wasn't so worried about hurting each other. And after she gave him a smile and a nod a silent celebration was given. Finally! He would definitely start with this one.

Turning his head back to her he gave a little bounce and easily returned her play bow. Her question had him nodding enthusiasticly. "Titus Carpathias! And that's Andrei up there! What's your name?" his tail stood tall and a wag to it as he grinned ear to ear. Best behavior given to her like his mom had asked. Manners first then he could definitely play with her! He indicated to Andrei the white raven as he introduced his bird. The bird was key to him being allowed to go anywhere he liked. Mom said he could go anywhere inside the pack territories as long as he had Andrei or took Bishop with him. Easy peasy.

"Wanna see the castle? I could show you around! As long as we take Andrei i could totally show you the Grove or the plains too!" make friend with her, easy. Then he could definitely make friends and show the other pups that had come with her around too! He could have so many friends and his siblings would be so jealous! But ya snooze on the friends and ya lose!

Walk, "Talk", Think

He will slay you with His tongue
He will tear your city down

Met new wolf 1/3

Ooc: we could even have them spar after he gives her a tour and gets to know her some for fight points if u like :3

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.



Intermediate Navigator (30)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Extra small
09-10-2024, 07:18 PM

A Carpathian! What a title! She paused her wiggling tail into an easy soft wag while she watched him silently check in with his parent. She glanced at her parents but they were kinda busy. She glanced at Spider and they seemed busy too. Oh well!

He mirrored her play bow! The game was on!! She bounced from side to side as he fully introduced himself and pointed up at Andrei!

She looked up and saw her mom and dad's Peregrin falcons circling among some of the other birds. Looks like her mother's falcon, Galileo, had his eye on her!

"I'm Selene Fatalis and that one over me is Galileo!" She replied and bounced forward then back excitedly! "Yes yes yes! Show me the castle!" She replied. Her eyes followed up on the sheer height of stone and castle windows.

"What are the plants on the side of the wall? How high does it go? Does it have dens underneath?" She asked, she didn't see many vines back home, not many that grew up surfaces anyway. Could she hear the ocean a little further away? Was the other side of the castle on the ocean? All the questions interested her.


New land 2/3
((Yes! Spar!))