
What are you waiting for?

Lucy, Beau



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

09-08-2024, 11:31 AM
Ooc: please let beauregard and lucy post first, any welcoming them home are welcome

Lucy had done her best to patch him and Beau up but Bae-Syl was a stubborn ass. He had insisted getting her home and getting them both behind guarded borders. Back to the families they had lost time with. He had let Beau lean against him when he needed and had done his best to not push him or the dog too far. Both suffered a broken bone, and Bae had a limp himself. It wasn't broke but he was also tore up pretty bad. He had let Lucy worry over him, as he did the same to her, she had little choice and truth be told he had missed her worrying over him, though the soldier in his bones refused to let her know how much her loss had affected him. Refused to let her know that he had been on the edge of a ledge, metaphorically, when he couldn't find her.

He limped with his one ear pinned towards the border. He expected his kids to come when he called for saga, having likely all been told by Gav what he was doing. That he was either bringing their mother home or dying trying. He expected things to have remained unchanged. But approaching the borders, the scent was off. He knew it would lack his scent, being as he had been gone and no patrols would have been from him, but to find less scents was disturbing. He let the emotion play on his face, but instead of stopping on the border he gave a gentle nod to Beau and Lucy, stopping might mean Beauregard falling asleep from pain and the man needed a good den before he did that, the closest would of been his and Lucy's. He'd refused to stop at any of the packs along the way as well. He wasn't about to make the man go farther than necessary but he wasn't going to let someone he didn't know or trust help him either.

He moved until he could see the den before giving a cough of a bark for whoever it mattered to. He knew fully well Lucy and his den was close to the heart of the territory and therefore the communal areas. He didn't care if they were trespassing in regards to some right now, this was home as far as he was concerned. He lead the way inside and nodded to Ink as he entered, knowing the cat had stayed waiting for Lucy the entire while. Ruby didn't enter though, instead flying towards the creek to Gavarache's chosen hovel. He was likely worried and Bae had told the bird before to go tell him in her ways that they were home and safe. His dog limped into the den and unceremoniously laid on the bed that was intended for their companions. Bae nodded his head towards the bed that he and Lucy had shared.  "You can lay there and sleep. I'll speak with Saga while you two sleep. be prepared for the kids though, heh. They missed you from what I could tell. We have Gav to thank for me even finding you two though." With that after he made sure Beau was comfortable he made his way outside. His left back leg causing a slight limp, the scabs fresh on his hide as he waited for whoever was going to show up. His eyes hard but tired as he watched.


As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-11-2024, 11:18 PM

It made her fur prickle and stand on end as she walked with Bae-Syl and Beauregard back to Polaris. The journey had been taxing, and what little herbs that the slavers had at their camp was quickly used on the wounds that the two male wolves and Bae-Syl’s canine companion had endured. She was tired, but she hadn’t been able to sleep as she stressed over them all. There was no soothing her, not with Bae a walking rag doll at this point with all the injuries he had sustained. If those wounds got infected, if he died in order to save them, Lucy knew that she would never forgive herself. It was the goring incident that they had as kids all over again… only this time her father wouldn’t be there to help them.

Tears silently pricked her eyes as they made their way through Polaris territory. The best thing to do was make their way to the den and rest on the furs. Her mind was throbbing, ears pinned against her skull. Staying in Polaris was almost feeling like it caused a magnet for trouble to be upon them. She was afraid, frustrated and tired. She was tired of things going wrong, of her family and loved ones being hurt. She was tired of feeling like she was helpless to help the ones she loved when they needed it most. Some healer she was…

Once in the den she made sure Beauregard was situated on the furs before following after Bae. She knew he wouldn’t like that she was outside but she couldn’t settle down. Not yet. Not without him. Lucy slipped up to his side and unceremoniously flopped her rump onto the earth before carefully pushing against him. She didn’t say anything, but her aura made it clear she wasn’t going back in until he did.


Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
09-12-2024, 10:19 PM

Eltrys had set up Alexandrite with her new duties as Haydee's constant caretaker while she recovered from her illness. The teen was left with clear directions about dosage and howling for him if the former Ethne leader showed any signs of distress. He was out marking the territory down by Cattails Creek when Feyr, his swallow-tailed kite alerted him to movement over the borders. Hm... The new Chief padded quickly toward the center of Lazuli Falls ready to give it his all to defend the pack when he heard the harsh bark for a Leader from a vaguely familiar voice. He had tried to connect to Bae-syl before but they had passed like ships in the night most days.

His alarm grew into elation! The scent of Bae-syl and Lucette was clear with another scent he didn't recognize as well but was similar to Trixy.

They came into view, a little worse for wear. Eltrys's tail was high in both status and nearly unbridled joy.

"You've returned! Thank all the Gods! Lucette! Haydee will be so happy to see you when you've had some time to settle back in and rest. Take all the time you need, both of you. Is Alex with you?" He asked, dipping his head to peer into the darkness for the dire wolf hunter. A different form was in the shadows. They seemed more than weary. They can get acquainted when they've all had some proper rest.

"Do you need treatment? A meal?" He asked, elated to see them home after hearing about Bae-syl's leaving to go on his search. He wanted to make sure their needs were sufficiently met before telling them any pack news. It can wait.


"Our character is often revealed at our highs and lows... Be humble at the mountaintops, be steadfast in the valleys. Be faithful in between." - marcandangel.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
Yesterday, 04:37 AM

When he and Lucette had been taken, Beauregard had been shaken. His faith that he might return to the pack that had given his family refuge and see them again had been shaken. First he failed them as a leader, father, and mate, and then… But no, that hadn’t mattered in the end. Help had come. Lucette’s mate had been given their location and arrived like a bat out of hell to free them. And once his own cage door had been released, broken leg be damned, Beauregard rushed to aid him. The others fleeing were of no consequence. Beauregard helped ensure their freedom, though he’d be lying if he said Bae-Syl and his companion did most of the legwork there.

Their travel from the north had been grueling. Both he and Bae-Syl’s companion had a broken leg and Bae had been torn up pretty badly. Lucette fused over them all, especially after the limited supplies of herbs that the slaves had were gone. Temporary bandages of torn blankets had been made, as well as slings for himself and the dog. Beauregard wanted to see his family again, but exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. The only thing keeping him awake at this moment was momentum. He’d be crashing the moment they were able to rest.

Bae-Syl had led them to the den he and Lucy shared, and at the offer to lay on the furs Beauregard gave a grateful nod to the man. He unceremoniously flopped down and closed his eyes, quickly drifting to sleep. He was going to need to speak with whomever was in charge later once he had some rest…

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
Yesterday, 04:50 AM

Some time had passed since Gavroche had given his father the location of his mother and Beauregard. He hadn’t told much of anyone about where his father had gone… even if it had his fur on end knowing that he couldn’t go after them. Guilt still gnawed at him for keeping it from Bellatrix for as long as he had… he’d confessed once his father was gone, but… He did his best to shake the thoughts from his mind. He kept himself busy organizing things in the den he’d made for himself in Cattail Creek. But the moment Ruby arrived everything was dropped. Gavroche knew what her coming home meant.

Paws carried him from the pack’s second territory in the direction of the falls. Anxiety gnawed at his gut as he feared for what state his parents would be in. Ears pinned against his head the whole trip. He’d find Eltrys had arrived before him… and his father in rough shape. That was probably nothing compared to what had happened to the slavers that had dared take his mom. His mother looked tired, both mentally and physically, but there were no physical wounds on her body as far as he could see.

The winged male didn’t stop until he had moved past Eltrys to press against his mother’s side. He was full grown but he was still smaller than his mother. Not wanting to interrupt whatever connection Eltrys was trying to make with his parents he didn’t say anything… but there were no words needed as Lucette leaned back into him, silent relief shared between them.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥