


03-13-2014, 09:07 PM
Out-of-Character Name:dai.
How did you get here?: rpg directory.
Age: 21.

Character's Name: arkham.
Age: three years.
Season of Birth: winter.
Adult Height: 36 inches.
Appearance Description:
arkham is a rather large wolf; peaking at almost thirty-six inches tall with nearly a hundred and thirty pounds of lean mean fighting machine attached. a good bit of the brute's weight is toned muscle that is well hidden by his rather fluffy fur. his physique allows him to run at an adequate speed and fight quite fiercely. a long slender muzzle adorns his sly features that are always plastered with a crooked grin.

his coat is a pure white, except for his black stockings -that run from paw to elbows & knees-, tail, and half-tipped ears. the fur along his slender legs is shorter than that of his body and tail, which is thick and fluffy. beautiful light lilac eyes adorn this white and black wolf; a trait he is most embarrassed about.

a deep scar runs from the corner of his left eye down to his jawline; the skin forever showing. two smaller ones jut upwards on the right of his muzzle, starting at his lip and slightly curving over the top of his snout. his long legs also bear many cuts, curving around the limbs. along both the brute's ears are little slices in the skin, parting it to make notches; two on the left and one on he right.

personality description:
one of the first things to know about this big bad boy is that he isn't afraid of anything; not the dark, not fighting, not killing. the only thing he has ever been scared of was losing someone who he cared about and since the death of his mother he no longer feels that emotion. that being said, arkham is not a very sensitive wolf. he does not care about the lives of others, only his own. he will do whatever it takes for his survival. however, no other wolf has ever really tried to get through to him, so the question of weather or not he is able to have any sort of relationship with another is not clear. it would probably take a very patient and persistent being to crack his thick shell.

although he will fight until he's almost lost too much blood, ark will not forfeit his life for one. if death is knocking at the door he will make a hasty retreat and not feel a drop of shame afterwards. live to fight another day is his motto. however, if the brute feels that he will come out on top in a brawl then he will not budge. it doesn't matter if his body is torn to shreds, as long as death doesn't come from it ark will be more than happy to finish a fight soaked in blood. ripped open flesh does not phase him in the least. if anything it hypes him up more; sending euphoric feelings through his mind. the tearing of flesh delights him to no end, weather it be his own or someone else's does not matter.

fighting may induce manic behavior in the big white beast. this may cause him to have more confidence in himself, which urges him to fight longer and harder, along with a more exaggerated rage; this can sometimes cause him to make irrational decisions while fighting. afterwards he can be hyper, quick to speak, and doesn't sleep for very long. (not that he sleeps for very long anyway) the last few symptoms may also occur when consistently irritated or insulted. the insomnia usually lasts for a few weeks.

ark can also be quite sadistic towards others. he delights in the pain he can cause via words or physical violence.



5 Years
03-14-2014, 05:21 PM

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