
Friend Shaped




Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
09-19-2024, 11:06 PM

Having entered the valley, the first thing that Sucre had noticed about it was the sweet scent that the grasses gave off. Much like the grass that had been by the lake she and her companions had visited, the grass was soft and lush, perfect for grazing animals to feed on. It was these smaller prey animals that had caught the young cat’s attention as she neared a stream running through the area. She could smell various prey and her mouth watered at the thought of catching something for herself. Anna and Nina had remained at the lake, so she wouldn’t have to slow down for them… maybe a little hunting couldn’t her?

Ears pricked forward as the tabby feline slunk down into the grass. Her pupils narrowed into slits, nose twitching as she tried to decide which critter to go for. Settling for a vole, she began to creep toward its location. She could hear it nibbling on something, the cracking suggesting it was a seed of some kind that the rodent was breaking into. Tail twitched as she crept closer, until at last her prey was pinpointed. With a shake of her rump and a widening of her pupils, Sucre took off like a shot.

The poor vole had no chance!

Sure she might have fumbled and had to slap after it for a couple steps, but in the end Sucre had managed to catch her meal. With a bright smile she held her catch. Nothing beat the satisfaction of having a little hunt.

"Speech," 'Thought.'