
Worn out places, worn out faces



03-13-2014, 01:50 PM
The moon had made a path against the opaque sky, marking the lateness of the night with its passing, it was in this night that only an hour before he had found himself granted acceptance to this pack and was adjusting to calling this territory his home. He recalled to memory the sight of the Valhalla Alphess with the cold shades of cream that ran lengths across her coat and the outline of sapphire blue like a frozen chunk of sky against the snow of her form. Her form, scent and name where etched into his memory, and the ghost of her scent trailed against the borders of her pack. He too passed along their lengths, but this time he did so within the boundaries of the territory, familiarising himself with the terrain and layout, seeing it beneath the illuminating wash of moonlight that crystalized the foliage in shades of luminescent silver.

He was yet to meet another soul that called this stretch of land their home, those that he supposed he should consider his brothers and sisters now that he lived here too, and called Erani Alphess. Without faces and names to put to shadowy ideas of wolves he could not yet call them his family. Even as he trailed the land to learn it he supposed he was looking also for signs of the other wolves that tread here.

As he walked he considered what the Alpha had told him, he was placed now as a gamma of this pack, yet despite his status as a warrior he was to learn the art of healing and herbs. He knew very little about them, he knew a plant to fend of affections and that one fact was the sum of his herb knowledge. It made sense in its own way to make capable paws of all the wolves here, but he had never been required to learn it before. He would be happier teaching others how to fight then finding himself as the student here, but he would not argue with the logic of his new queen.


03-13-2014, 08:03 PM

He was a warrior, a fearsome barbarian. Nothing could stand before him! Massive paws slapped the ground as he bounded to and fro, traveling further from his den then he ever had before. As he had grown he had begun to stray more and more from his family, though he was still oddly attached to him mom he had started to sneak off in the night to have some time to himself. Sometimes he brought his sister along with him and sometimes he left her at home. Like tonight. Tonight he wanted to see the rest of Valhalla, for the first three months of his life he had never seen anything beyond his den and for the following three up to now he had never seen anything beyond Veronica Plains. And up until tonight that had seemed to be good enough for him but it was like he had awoken with the sudden need to see EVERYTHING. So Veronica Plains had been overtaken with leaps and bounds, rolling and frolicking through the grass. But soon the lovely plains he had spent his whole short life in began to melt away before him and the ground began to sink and the walls began to stretch far above him. Orange eyes blinked slowly and his lower jaw unhinged as he looked at the new world unfolding around him. But that all began came to a screeching halt as a ghostly form began to materialize before him. Who was this wolf and why was he in his home? So far Erion had met a great deal of the wolves who lived in Valhalla but this one did not look like a Valhallan. The pup still had yet to figure out the pack scents thing. "HALT TRESPASSER!" His voice boomed in the enclosed space to a point where his ears folded back and he cowered for a moment at the sound of it. For a moment he blinked, looking around as the echo faded away. What was that? Wait. Trespasser! Right! Tiny pup hopped, hackles raising and tail arching over his back in an attempt to look threatening. He could beat up his sister, this guy didn't look any tougher then her. "These are Valhalla lands, pack members only," his words were quieter now, with a bit of a sneer to his tone as if Valhalla was an exclusive club for certain wolves only.



03-13-2014, 09:40 PM
Caught in thoughts and lost in moonlight, he did not catch the scent of the newcomer as he came towards him. Perhaps this was also because of all the Valhalla scents that hung heavy in the air, some fresher than others and some faint and old. The yearling that burst in front of him yelling for him to halt smelt of warmth, milk and family and he immediately knew there was no way this little one was an orphan.

With the arched back and raised hackled Alpine was left the image of an angry house cat. He forced back a chuckle that would have risen unbidden in his throat and wiped emotion of his face for a moment as he looked down at the mini terror before him.
?Pack members only, eh? I hadn?t realised this club was exclusive?
He let a grin play across his face and he continued to take in the little sprout, with unwavering, unblinking eyes as he lithely lowered his body a little closer to the ground.

?You look like a pretty tough warrior here, I bet you scare us loiters off all the time. Tell yah what, I think your gona have to show off those big scary fangs of your as make me go?
He playfully swiped the air before the pups face to punctuate his words, his tail giving an equal flick behind him as he finished forming his crouch and waited for the other to attack him.
Of course, Alpine was only playing but there was no reason to dash the little kids image of himself.


03-13-2014, 10:09 PM

The trespasser didn't initially seem as frightened as Erion would have hoped, but soon fear flashed over his features and even if it was a fake emotion Erion didn't care and simply ate it up. Tiny shoulder would roll proudly and little chest would puff out to make himself look bigger then he really was. Though he had grown in hight in this past 3 months it mostly made him look gangly and scrawny. And despite groaning he was still far from full grown and still had to glare up at this male. "Yeah! My auntie owns this place!" He said, stomping a paw that seemed far too large for his spindly leg against the ground. Though he had no relation to Erani he had come to look up to the older lady and his father had always referred to her as Aunt Erani. Who was he to question it? But despite his declaration the male seemed content to stay, grinning even as he lowered himself closer to the ground. Erion would snort and bound a few steps closer now as if he could physically intimidate the male by towering over him, pushing his little chest towards the male's face. Funny how when he grew up he would never be as big as he was trying to pretend to be now even. The man spoke again and this time swiped at Erion making the boy hop back quickly to avoid the attack. An attack on Valhalla lands! How dare he! "Teeth hey?" he half grumbled under his breath so the words wouldn't be heard by the male. Front end dropped and the boy scooted closer, every so often flip flopping backwards and forwards or side to side as if trying to confuse the male. And then all at once tiny legs launched him at the male in a similar attack he had done to his mother multiple times. Looking to pounce on the male's face and chomp on his left ear at the same time. Once again when he was older he would probably look back on this and realize that had the male been an enemy he probably could have snatched Erion out of the air and killed him. But right now he was defending his home and he was invincible.



03-13-2014, 10:32 PM
Alpine looked at the li? mite as he seemed to draw himself up on gangly half-grown legs to glare up into the older wolf?s face, but when the little one stomped his leg against the ground to empathise the point of his auntie owning this place, the laughter was so hard to fight back that he bared his teeth and loosened the pent up amusement in a snarl
?Auntie, eh? Show me that strong Alpha blood then

He said as the gangly boy bounced towards him and threw an ?intimidating? chest into the others face. Before the mite hoped back a pace and began bouncing about like a bunny on energy herbs, before bunching up his ?muscles? and pushing his weight on his hind legs he shot himself at the larger wolf, going for the face an ear. Alpine kept low on his paws, with its heightened sense of balance, his front legs bent slightly before the attack to absorb the impact of the lightweight wolf. He tossed his head with a weak motion, pretending to try loosen the other as his little claws gripped into his flesh and his teeth chomped onto Alpine?s left ear. The larger wolf waited until his weight was fully committed to Alpine?s before tossing his whole body to the side and into a half roll, bringing them both to the ground so he could move to wrap a paw around the body of the other wolf

?Don?t give up your stability to a bigger wolf!?
He called out to the welpling
?Especially when they themselves had cantered their gravity. A lither frame like your own should be used for agility until you?ve built up more muscle. Should nip around my paws, get me up, then try to bring me down?
He couldn?t help the laughter now, he hadn?t even tried to pull the other off him, his move was simply to show the other about their differences in height and weight. He shook himself free now and pranced back a step.
?Don?t try such a head on confrontal attack like that one, try and trick me a little more and get me off my feet first. Come on, try again?
He encouraged the nameless pup.


03-13-2014, 11:04 PM

There was no cry of distress or panic like he had hoped as milk teeth chomped into tender flesh. Though seeing as he was used to play fighting only he didn't even bite hard enough to draw blood, just enough to make his presence known. But even as he gnawed on the male's ears in a seemingly more playful then vicious manner the man already had other plans in mind. Suddenly they were falling and not in the kind and gentle manner his mother did when she wanted him to stop gnawing on her ears (apparently it was his favourite target), but in a way that made him squeak and tumble off the mans face and onto the ground as they both his it rather hard. "Oof!" He would grunt as he hit the ground and suddenly dead weight dropped down on him. Spindly legs moved every which way all at once. A paw aimed at the males massive paw, which was bigger then his head he noticed in dismay, another at the males nose while he also tried to climb his face and break free. And then all at once words were flowing around him, taunting him and yet giving him advice at the same time. What the hell? Who gave their adversary advice? For a moment Erion rolled onto his belly as the male got up and bounced away, white tail flicking like a cat behind him as he watched the male and listened to his words. Despite the fact the he was a fearsome warrior he did know he had some work to do and decided to listen to the male. He may have been a trespasser but he was kinda fun. And he had let Erion chew on his ear. He was okay. For now. He would try and get Erani to spare his soul when she came to throw lightening bolts at him or something. Whatever it was that alpha's did to trespassers, it was another topic he was kinda hazy on. "Hey mister! How to yo know so much?" He asked bright, honestly curious but he didn't wait for an answer, hoping maybe the male might be distracted by giving an answer. It was a game now, but it didn't stop the little pup from showing some teeth, hopping up and landing on his feet as he once again charged at the male. This time he tried to duck low, looking to run to the males left, nipping at his ankles as he went but looking to dart underneath the male this time and launch himself at his opponents tail.



03-14-2014, 01:24 AM
He was proud of the spirit the pup showed, first going Alpine's paw, much larger then his own before he seemed to realise a smaller and more tender target might be more appropriate. A paw scrubbed against the ebony black of his skin and he felt a tang of pain as a claw snagged his flesh, although he made no noise of discomfort as the pup fought him.

They had split apart now and the pup seemed to squirm on his belly with the release of Alpine's paws, like a tossed turtle. He loved how this little one wasn't afraid to show spirit, to fight back, to have not only curiosity but to ask questions and to learn. He showed the life of a wolf who was content in his life, not afraid and eager and it touched at Alpine's heart.

But enough of that, the little bugger was on his feet now in a bound, even as questions flowed from his mouth in bright, cheery tones.
?Because I was taught, and because I practised every day for a long time to build muscle-memory and strength?
A pup couldn't get a more honest answer then that, he would leave no illusion to the training it took to build a fighter, training the pup might be too young to have started yet.

Alpine was pleased to see the still unnamed pup learning, he didn't go height in this attack, he went low and nipped at Alpines strong legs, shooting beneath and going for the tail. Alpine allowed him to follow the attack through, his teeth nipping at the skin of his legs and attaching to his long tail. Alpine pretended to trip against his own tangled legs as through in an attempt to follow the pup's attack with stumbling movements of his own, falling on his stomach with the pup untouched hanging onto his prize behind him.

Alpine laughed again, surprised at his own enjoyment, if this would continue on the older wolf would make it increasingly difficult for the other, encouraging him to think harder act quicker and perhaps improvise in the head of battle, but for now the pup was already proving he could listen.
?Alright, alright brute, if you're gona give me a work out you can at least tell me your name. I'm Alpine, by the way?


03-20-2014, 10:33 PM

This was probably one of the first times that Erion had met someone outside of his family, and yes he counted most of the old Valhalla members as his family especially Erani and Odette. So far it wasn't super bad but once again he couldn't shake the feeling that this fellow was a trespasser and had to gtfoutta his home. His mom had always said that trespassing was rude and his dad had even taught him how to howl at other packs boarders. Apparently they had lots of other packs in the lands and lots of them were suuuuuper nice and friends with Valhalla. Was this guy and ally? Maybe he was allowed to be here? Oh shit was he attacking a friend? It was almost at the same time that this dawned on him that he realized that this male was answering his questions with an equally cheerful tone. Wait, was this all fun and games to him too? Suddenly Erion was hit with a wave of a mixture of 'awww maaan' and 'whoot whoot' as he realized at the same time that he was maybe not as scary as he thought he was and that maybe he had possibly made a new friend. So when the male spoke about training Erion actually listened even though he continued his attack on him. He kind of wanted to prove himself now, prove that he could infact be a terrifying barbarian warrior like he had so imagined himself. Puppy teeth connected with ankles enough to scrape skin but not draw blood and then finally he chomped down on his intended target and all of a sudden the male was falling and tumbling. Miraculously Erion managed to not get kicked in the face or flung anywhere and while the male landed half on his side and half on his belly Erion stood and hopped up, landing so he was standing on his hind legs and his forepaws were on the male's flank. Still the male's tail was in his mouth, he wasn't chewing it, just holding it like the trophy it was while he spoke. Alpine hey? "Erion Sovari! Nice to meetcha! But seriously man. Erani is super nice but I don't think she likes trespassers?" He said with a frown, head flopping down on the male's fluffy flank. "Whatcha doing here? Where are you from?" He continued to ask, chattering on with this complete random quite contently. Obviously his parents had not yet taught him the meaning of 'stranger danger.'



03-21-2014, 01:26 AM

Having let himself fall to the quickly improving tactics of the pup, he found then that the weight of his forepaws on his flanks, felt the gentle grip of his teeth on Alpine?s tail and almost laughed. He imagined the pup must look somewhat impressive standing upon his prize, Alpine?s own tail as his trophy.
A moment later he felt the pup rest his head against his flank, feeling the contact of fur on fur and the breath of the other as he spoke. Erion Sovari now he had a name to add to that face and raw, unchanneled talent.

It was then however, as he could hear the frown in the pups voice that he decided to shake out his fur, and mostly likely, shake lose his new attachment. From there he would slid out from under him and stand on his own four paws again. He turned to face the other, pulling his tail free from the jaws in the process.
?Well, actually I?m a new recruit. I?ve already seen Erani and she granted me a Gamma position here. I?m one of you guys now?
He said cheerfully and moved forward to butt his head against Erion?s in a playfully, familiar sort of way.

He looked at him seriously for a moment and opened his maw again
"I had you going for a minute through didn't I?"
He said, and dropped a wink to Erion. He had already grown attached to the pup, he liked his spirit and the challenge Erion proposed.
?Tell yah what, Erion, no promises, but if Erani agrees to the idea would you want me to mentor you in fighting??



03-22-2014, 11:34 PM

He liked this guy, but then again there weren't many he didn't like when it came to wolves. Everyone seemed so nice here after all. And though he realized now that Alpine was simply letting him win some little part of him appreciated the fact that Alpine could joke around and have some fun. His dad always seemed so serious and always worried about something where as his mom more or less just seemed tired of him most of the time. Even Isis seemed pretty lethargic lately and that lead to a little puppy who had probably way too much energy. So his new companion was a welcome one, hopefully he would stay. But then Alpine would stand, sending Erion tumbling off his hip in a tangle of lengthy limbs. He didn't mind being tossed to the ground, even ended up grinning as he gathered himself up into a seated position, tail thumping against the ground happily behind him. His next words were a welcome shock that sent Erion bouncing to his paws. "Sweeeeet! That means were pack mates which pretty much means were family. That's good cuz I like you!" The explanation was blunt and to the point, Erion happily bumping his own skull playfully against Alpine's as he offered the gesture. He had him going? Erion sniffed and raised his chin in a dignified manner as if such a ruse could never get by the youngster. "Hmph... Maybe a bit. Man I totally coulda taken you if you were a trespasser though! I got some moooves!!!" He said, front legs dropping to the ground in a play bow as he hopped around Alpine and took fake swipes at him here and there. But the older males next words stopped him cold, butt plopping to the ground as if the sheer force of Alpine's words had knocked him back. He wanted to teach Erion how to fight? "My dad is a healer and my mom is a hunter. Never thought about fighting... Really? Could you? Pretty pleeeeaaasseee!!! I swear I'll never sleep in for lessons like I do for healer lessons!" He begged, scooting forward towards Alpine as he spoke. Once he was close enough he would lift his forepaws off the ground and reach out to press them against Alpine's foreleg so he could gaze up at the male, tail wagging so hard it was making a dust cloud behind him. Could he really be a fighter?



03-23-2014, 07:27 PM

The energy's of a young was always something to behold as the young wolf bounded lightly back to his paws, his tail swinging behind him with the effort of his joy. The statement of the whelp liking him, brought a warm smile to his muzzle and as Erion bumped his head to Alpine's the older brute rasped his tounge against his forehead in his own warm response.
?I have no doubt that you'll be a fine hunter, just so long as you don't forget that brute strength isn't everything?
He teased, even as Erion bounced around him swiping playfully and Alpine shook out his mane and bared his teeth in a joking challenge to the little ones swipes.

The pups next words, again, had Alpine chuckling. It was hard not to grin in the presence of an over enthusiastic pup.
I should hope not, if you slept in you'ld miss all the fun!? [/b]
He winked down at Erion, who had taken a begging stance in front of him, he assumed in an attempt to win him over with puppy like charm. In response Alpine wrapped a large paw around the others back and looked in directly in the eye/
?Alright then, I'll do what I can, but don't forget it's Erani's choice to make and not mine. I'll speak with her tomorrow and tell you her answer. If she says yes we'll work out a schedule. Sound good??
Alpine's fondness for the pup seemed to only grow and he knew he would be honoured if Erani agreed to let him teach the other.

Ooc: We can finish this soon and restart it after permission granted if you want?



03-24-2014, 09:37 AM

Not everything was about brute strength? Wasn't hunting all about strength? Didn't you just jump on the creatures back and break it's neck? Though he didn't voice these questions he still looked up at Alpine with a slightly confused look on his face as if everything he had ever known had suddenly been turned up on its axis. Ah well. His mom could teach him those things, Alpine was gonna be his fighting instructor. And hopefully he could skip out on healer lessons completely because he had always found them super boring. Even though he had come from a long line of healers and blah blah blah he just couldn't find it in himself to love plants like his dad did. "Healer lessons aren't fun... But I'm sure fighting lessons will be!" He grumbled out the first sentence but his normal exuberance came back with his last exclamation. His mom still hadn't taught him to hunt so he was stuck with just learning about plants right now. But as Alpine put his paw around Erion and met his gaze, saying it was Erani's choice and not his he frowned. He was gonna chomp her ear if she said no, already he was making this promise to himself as he nodded along with Alpine's words. "Okay! My family's den is in Veronica Plains... I'm not reeeaaaally supposed to be here... But you can find me there." He said, speaking it as if he was skirting around the subject of him sneaking away from his parents in the middle of the night. But a mischievous smile touched his lips as he ducked under Alpine's paw and bounded a few steps away before casting his glance over his shoulder at the white male. "I should get back before my parents miss me. It was nice meeting you Mr.Alpine!" He half called over his shoulder as little legs sent him bounding off the way he had come. It had been an eventful night and now he was actually kind of tired and looking forward to getting home to his parents. So with a big smile on his face he set off at an awkward gangly lope back towards the plains and his family's den.

-exit Erion-