
Halloween Hellions

Widow x Stolas - OPEN



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
10-04-2024, 01:58 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 02:00 AM by Skelle. Edited 1 time in total.)

It’s time again for another halloween litter from Widow, this time done the right way! Complete with a loving father, these children will be loved and treated well, but don’t expect life to be easy for them either! Widow won’t go easy on these kids and will have high expectations, so please keep this in mind when applying! Also, given the nature of the pack, of course they won’t always be goody-two-shoes. However, in the beginning, there shouldn’t be any reason for them to hate their family, pack, etc. If IC things change that over time, though, so be it!

Litter Size ─ There are a total of 6 pups in the litter, leaving 3 available for adoption. However, we have the ability to add two additional slots to this litter if we're too indecisive :) Only three pups in this litter are free, so there will be a discord bot roll to determine who all gets a free pass. You will be responsible for paying for the extra pup pass, however if you need help please reach out! We may have a few gems to spare around the time they're born~

Activity ─ Due to Widow now being an alpha, as mentioned before this litter will have higher expectations that previous children haven’t had. We want these children to be active characters, so after two months of inactivity on their account, you will be contacted to confirm that you are still interested and if so, you will be granted one additional month. If there is no activity within that month, the pup will be reclaimed.

Pups will be expected to be mastered in one skill and at least half way through a second skill by their second birthday. With Widow sporting the professor specialty, you’re always welcome to bug me for threads!

Name bank ─ All children will share a name with one of the characters from Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss! Many names are already in use with both current and old characters, so please make sure the name is available (or inactive and old enough to use) before applying! It would be easier for you to look up the shows and their characters as there are many mains and even more sides. Feel free to use any name, or a similar name (Serpent instead of Sir Pentious, for example).

Names that have already been claimed are Octavia, Velvette, and Vox.

Mutations ─ The free mutations for this litter through the Cursed Litter Pass have been claimed, however you are more than welcome to load them up with any mutation you desire, or none at all! Neither Widow or Stolas will favor mutated kids over non-mutated ones, so this doesn’t have to be an expensive character! If you want to use an inheritance pass, Stolas does not have any mutations however Widow has feline claws and dexterous toes.

Discounts ─ Widow offers a 25% discount on blue (and maybe gold?) while Stolas offers a 25% discount on red! Both of them have dire height, so there is a 50% discount on height up to 42” as well.

Colors and Markings ─ Although they are both Keins, they are distantly related enough that the litter is not considered inbred and won't have any disabilities due to it. Widow is also related to the Carpathians through Ox, and Stolas is not blood related to the Destructions. Albinism and melanism is extremely common through the Klein family, some even sporting both, as well as asymmetrical markings, stripes, piebalding, etc. Widow even has leopard spots and Stolas has a starry-look, so go wild! As far as eye color, anything is welcome, but Widow has silver eyes and Stolas has dark grey eyes.

Designs ─ As with the litters passed, these designs are available to use however unless you purchase the design from me, the design and any art will stay with the character should they be reclaimed. I sell the designs cheaply (at or less than $10), so I urge you to consider it or to bring your own design. You are also welcome to buy the design any time, so if it needs to wait a month but you're set on it, don’t worry! Whether you're able to purchase the design from me or not will not affect the decision.

more to be added

Pups are born on October 31 and playable on November 14.
Players will tentatively be chosen on October 31, but we may extend it!

Apply ─ We don't want to restrict any creative juices, so as long as your application includes required profile information at the appropriate word count, feel free to style or add whatever you would like to your application. The appearance of your application will not matter in the final decision, so do as much or as little as you would like. Anything extra (moodboards, playlists, etc) are also welcome, but by no means required.

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥



Easter Egg Hunt 2023ContributorEaster 2022Rapid Poster - GoldArtist - SilverToys for Tots
10-04-2024, 09:36 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2024, 09:31 AM by KatG6. Edited 9 times in total.)

Name: Angel
Biological Sex: Male
Adult Height: 42"
Build: Light

Appearance Description:
A cloak of a dark night covers the majority of the svelte man's body. Darker dusk at his shoulders and lightening as if a hint of dawn at his undersides. This gradient of deep color is marred only by dark rosettes and spots all along his form, filled with a brilliant pops of starry eve. The dark markings line his eyes though don't show as easily through the darkness of his socks or features. He is gilded with gold around his eyes and three perfect drops along the bridge of his nose as well as the claws from his toes. However, these are not the most startling of markings upon him. All along his left side is the vestiges of chimera like markings. Over his face, down his neck and left legs. Though it becomes more broken up around his hips and remains only scattered spots at the base of his tail. This alabaster fur holds rosettes similar to his right side, though with the pale mark of albinism.
His body is a slender and almost feminine type with soft curves and small waist. Angel is elegance incarnate, delicate paws and sculpted features augment this reality. This beauty is supplemented by the luxurious fur that makes up his dual toned coat. This look is finished by his silver eyes on both sides of his face, though his darker side boasts a normal pupil while his albino has the pink flesh and pupil.
Bold ~ Charismatic ~ Overconfident ~ Emotionally Reserved ~ Secret Soft Spots
Angel is a striking wolf, his powerful presence and flashy features setting him apart. With a name that suggests purity, he embodies a complex blend of traits that make him a compelling individual. Bold and charismatic, Angel commands attention wherever he roams. His boldness drives him to take risks, often leading him into uncharted territory, fueled by an unshakeable confidence that sometimes edges into overconfidence. This bravado can result in impulsive decisions. He tends to rely heavily on his instincts, often underestimating potential consequences.
Beneath this commanding exterior lies an emotionally reserved nature. Angel is not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, he keeps his vulnerabilities closely guarded. This emotional distance can create a barrier between him and others. He often prefers to project an image of strength, believing that revealing his inner struggles would undermine his strength.
There are hidden layers to Angel’s personality. His secret soft spots emerge in unexpected moments, particularly when he interacts with the vulnerable or the young. In these instances, his fierce exterior softens, revealing a nurturing side that few get to witness. This duality makes Angel both an admirable leader and a mysterious figure, a blend of strength and sensitivity.

Skills: Fighting / Healing
Puppy: a lot of trying to prove himself. I want him to be overconfident in his abilities and end up failing. Resulting in either a more humble man or clinging to bitterness depending on how his failures are taken.

Adult: Mostly depends on how he develops as a puppy, I'd like him to embrace the warlock/sorcerer persona as Hellborn leans heavier towards witchy-ness.



10-04-2024, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 04:08 PM by Vass. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Vass, short for Vassago Moxx (Goetia? Nightwing?)

Biological Sex: Male

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Adult Height: Dire 45

Build: Balanced
[Image: W2RpuUx.png]

Appearance Description: Don't let the pink nose fool you... If you could look up "Dark Prince" in the dictionary, there would be no words, only a picture of Vassago. There is no wolf in the world more handsome, dashing, rugged... you get the idea. He's very nice to look at. The brutes coat is primarily a deep, rich black. Not the black of the abyss, but the black of deepest charcoal; a throwback to ancestors long gone. Upon this charcoal lay a variety of slash-like stripes. These stripes are redshift closer to his spine and bone white closer to the lower extremities. All except for the giant wolf's tail, which is a long, sweeping cape of black.

A striking visage indeed, but more striking still is the brutes handsome face. His muzzle is straight, perfect for when he looks down upon you. Upon the dark face is a blaze that stretches from forehead to nose. Like his striping, the blaze is redshift at the top and fades down to bone white. A bit of this mask had a mind of its own and broke off to wind beneath his left eye, creating the perfect frame for the cold, pale orb within. The opposite eye couldn't be more different. While one eye is cold as ice, the other burns with the hottest fires of hell.

Vassago holds himself well, back and neck always straight. The taller that he can appear, the better. He loves looking down upon those around him, enjoying the feeling of superiority. The brutes gaze is often narrowed, piercing, obviously judging all within his sight.

Personality: Arrogant, cruel, superior, selfish, vindictive, spoiled, intelligent

Vassago, known simply as Vass, exudes calculated arrogance with every step. His presence demands attention, not for any inherent charm, but because of the oppressive superiority that clings to him. He looks at people like they're beneath him, as if acknowledging them is a chore. Vass moves with the self-assured confidence of someone who has never been denied, carrying himself with an air of entitlement that comes from a lifetime of indulgence.

His intelligence is his sharpest weapon, and he wields it mercilessly. Vass isn't satisfied with simply knowing more than others—he has to make sure they’re aware of it, too. His words cut deep, carefully chosen to exploit every weakness he can find. Cruelty comes naturally to him, and he relishes in watching people crumble under his sharp gaze and biting remarks. When crossed, he doesn't forget. His vindictiveness is legendary; he holds onto grudges like a predator stalking prey, waiting for the perfect moment to exact his revenge.

Spoiled by privilege, Vass sees the world as a game board, with people as mere pieces to be moved or discarded as he sees fit. His desires come first, always, and he pursues them with ruthless selfishness, tossing aside anyone who no longer serves a purpose in his life. Morality doesn’t factor into his decisions—victory does. And for Vass, winning is the only thing that matters.

Behind that cold smirk and those piercing eyes, there’s no empathy, no remorse—just the relentless hunger for power and control. In his world, he reigns supreme, and everyone else is there to remind him of his dominance.

Skills: Fighting / Killing/ Intellect, I suppose.

Plots: Be a bad, bad boy with skewed morals. A tolerance for family, but really he's out for his own gain. This will really come to a head when he's grown. As a pup, he'll be a sponge and he'll want to learn as much as he can. Knowledge is power. Please. Please. Please... Arranged marriage!