


03-12-2014, 02:00 PM
Life in Morhae village was of the usual sort, at least for most of the residents that lived there. The village was one of the larger ones within the country of Morgalus, and was well known for being the best when it came to producing things made out of fabric. Clothes of all kinds were made by the skilled hands of those who lived within the village, though other trades were taken up as well. It didn't matter what skill that the people chose however, for they all worked together to make sure everything went smoothly and their village was prosperous. But things are not always what they seem.

~~~Chapter One:~~~

Bright pink eyes would look around at the busy streets, a warm smile on the face of the one they belonged to. To Raja, the busy streets offered a chance of adventure, of learning something new. He hadn't been within the village long, but his father seemed to think that they would be staying here for quite some time. Raja hoped, with all of his heart, that his father would indeed choose to stay here in this village. He was tired of settling down somewhere just to leave about a month later. More than anything the young man wanted to find somewhere that he could call home.

Raja would walk away from the house he called home now, slipping easily into the crowd of people that gathered in the streets. A deep look of curiosity would fill the young man as he looked around at all the different shops that were set out with displays of their wares. The clothing here was different from the last village that he and his father had stayed in, showing off different designs that could suit any type desired. Simple patterns, complex patterns, stripes, swirls, collared, formal... it all appeared in the shop stalls that he passed by.

Though Raja didn't know it most of the people who were in the streets for the market today were in fact those who didn't live in the village. Today marked one of the large market days for the village, an event that was held four times a month. Other days the villagers would offer other wares that the villagers might need in order to survive, such as food and every day living items.

The whole concept of the market days was fascinating to Raja, whose gaze wondered from stall to stall, from person to person. The energy of the place was a positive one, Raja had decided. The people sounded friendly to each other, from what he would pick up, and things seemed to run very smoothly around him. Morhae village indeed seemed like the kind of village Raja wanted to settle down in.

At twenty-one years old Raja was surely allowed to make his own decisions, and so his father had no problem in letting him go exploring the village on his own. But family bonds were a strong thing, and so Raja had been sticking by his father through thick and thin, even if he hated moving around so much. Part of him would cling to the hope that his father would settle down permanently someday and live out a more normal life. It was a dream, but hopefully it wasn't too far off.

As Raja walked he couldn't help but notice some people turning their heads to look at him. He was a bit of an unusual male. The clothing he wore was pink and yellow, colors much more suited to that of a female. His body, however, was exactly like that of the fairer sex. His facial features were soft and more rounded, his lashes long and beautiful, his body supporting slight curves with a slender frame, and his smoke green hair falling down just past his shoulders. More than once had had been mistaken for a woman, but he didn't mind that too much. He was fine with his appearance, paying their insults or advances no mind. If they didn't like the way that he looked then it was too bad for them, now wasn't it?

Raja would pause by a stall that wasn't offering clothing as it's main wares, eyes trailing over the things that it had for display. The hair clips were the things that really caught the young man's eyes. Gold ones, silver ones, and even ones with little gems were out on display. If anything Raja had a weakness for pretty hair clips and other things that might be better suited for a woman. He would reach for one of the gold ones, carefully lifting it up to admire the beauty of it.

The golden finish was of course made out of fake gold, but that was okay. Real gold would have made the object very expensive, not to mention heavier, and wouldn't have made a very good clip at all. There was also a little plastic pink heart added on the end of the hair clip for added flare. It was definitely a beautiful piece overall. A smile graced his lips as he debated on whether or not to buy it. It would definitely be nicer to wear than the plain black clip he wore now.

"That would look stunning in your hair, you know." Raja would blink, getting a bit startled by the sudden voice that reached his ears. He would lift his pink eyes to see the face of another man, a bit older than himself by the looks of it. He wore clothing that showed he was a visitor to the village. A collared shirt of checkered reds graced his top, the collar turned up to cover his neck. His bottoms were a simple pair of black jeans. He was handsome too, his facial features sharper and more masculine than Raja's own...