
Are we alive?

Motif I


4 Years
10-25-2014, 04:23 PM

It had been a long time since she had gone to the battleground last, or found a reason to enter herself into a spar. She knew that she was likely to be out of practice by now, but she still felt strong, strong from her work in hunting and protecting her pack, clearing out the rubble left over from the terrible storm and all the other things that had kept her back from her favourite thing in the world. Now she had no more excuses, no more reason to delay this and she stepped into the battlefield with relish. Her sway into her place was made with soft swings of her hips and lightly placed paw-steps. She was already slipping into the zone of the player, how she felt when she tested herself and fought against another. A slow smile was teasing itself against her muzzle, soft and daunting, something that gave the promise of trouble and mischief, in the best way possible of course.

Her slow stride would take her to her chosen place, before she evened out her paws and glanced across the desolate plane, before raising her head in a dainty move, lifting her muzzle into the soft wind and howling out for a challenger, for someone to meet her here in this chosen place of warriors and test their skills against her beneath the ripe, full moon.



10-26-2014, 06:23 PM

The little ball of energy was confused. She wasn't exactly sure how she ended up here, and she wasn't really sure that she liked it. This land was strange and foreign. She wasn't sure what it was called, and when her paws brought her to a strange plain- that smelt of blood, she was even more confused. A call echoed about her- calling for a spar it seemed. Excitement flooded through her- and she trotted towards the sound- her tail waving like a banner behind her as she approached the strange wolf. "Hello!" She called excitedly as she came into view of the strange wolf. "I'm Remy!" She barked, a smile on her jaws.

She came to a halt, her body quivering with excitement- as the yearling looked at her potential opponent. Could a spar be the best start to this new land? "Looking for a spar?" She asked excitedly, practically bouncing in place. Of course a spar was serious, but this was the first wolf she'd encountered- of course she was excited. Her rump wiggled behind her, and she blinked several times- trying to remember all that Breen had taught her. Defenses, attacks, and counter attacks. She had to remember it all if she were going to fight an older and more experienced wolf.


Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 07:43 PM

A petite and lightly toned wolf would be the answer to her call. She would smile at the wolf as she bounded over and introduced herself, she looked like the sort of wolf who would fight fair and offer her the friendly match she had come here in search of. She hadn't fought for a while, and she knew she would need to get back into the practice of sparring. ?Hey Remy, I'm Motif? the Alpha girl said back, her tail swinging slow and rhythmic behind her as she looked this Remy up and down. She was a young wolf, 5 inches shorter then Motif and a smaller build, they could both take it easy here and get back into the rhythm of things, or so Motif hoped.

?That's right, just a friendly practice match if your up for it?? Motif replied easily, holding back her laughter at the excited ball of fluff before it. It almost felt like a crime to fall into a fighting pose before this harmless looking girl, but it was just a game today after all. She allowed herself to fall into place, spreading her legs to balance herself and evening the weight between her four paws. Her claws dug into the earth for traction, her ears folded to her skull as her head lowered to align with her spine and her tail followed suit, aligning behind her, billowing out at her back. Her eyes narrowed, her shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched and her hackles raised.
Her attention never left the happy stranger as she spoke ?Would you like the first move??

Motif Vs Remy for spar

round 0 of 3?

Defences: Legs spread equally, legs well balanced, claws dug into earth, ears folded, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward,

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: none yet




10-27-2014, 03:28 PM

The dark female introduced herself as Motif and Remy briefly wondered where the name came from. She noted the odd markings on the lady's face, but she didn't ask anything about it- Breen had taught her such questions weren't polite. 'That's right, just a friendly match if you're up for it?' Motif said, and Remy nodded enthusiastically. "I'd much like to practice." She wondered if she'd gotten any better since she'd last sparred with Breen. She wished he was here- to see her and to give her pointers. As Motif set her defenses, Remy thought back to all the points Breen had on countless occasions drilled into her mind.

Paws spread for balance, he'd say, it makes it harder to for your enemies to ball you over. Her own tan legs straightened out, slightly bent- as she'd been reminded to give her utmost balance. Her ears pinned back against her head, her gums curling up to expose her teeth, and her eyes narrowing. Her shoulders rolled forward slightly, to push her thick fur into rolls upon her neck- so she'd be less likely to take a severe wound there. Even if this was a friendly match- she supposed she couldn't been to careful?

Her waving tail stilled, leveling with her spine so it could act almost like a rudder, and it would help her balance. She lowered her head, tucking her chin slightly, as she would leap forward- towards the other woman. Remy would attempt to close the distance between them in a few strides- aligning her body to aim for the right side of Motif. As she attempted to move forward,she would take great care to try to line up her own shoulder with the other lady's, assuming Motif didn't move of course! As Remy attempted to draw close to Motif- she'd attempt to rear up on her hind legs, to accommodate for her shorter height, and her jaws would part- in an attempt to grasp the scruff of the other wolf. Internally she reveled in the brilliance of her move, Breen would be so proud!!

Remy vs Motif

Round 1 of 3

Defenses: Legs spread, eyes narrowed, ears pinned against her head, shoulders rolled forward, tail level, head level, chin tucked.

Attacks: Remy is attempting to close the distance between them, while aiming at the right side of Motif. As she nears her, she's attempting to rear up and grab Motif's scruff.

Injuries: None yet.

Notes: So I'm trying to stay true to how Remy would attack - based on her ego and lack of knowledge XD. Try not to laugh to hard at her ;D She's having fun though! If this confuses you- please PM me or skype me. This feels extreme chaotic but I also picture Remy bouncing around like a jack rabbit because someone is talking to her. She has issues.


Motif I


4 Years
10-30-2014, 08:03 PM

Remy would nod eagerly in response to her words and Motif could help but smile at the open enthusiasm. She would watch for a moment as she girl fell into her own defences, Motif still held hers from how she had begun, with her legs to balance herself and evening the weight between her four paws. Her claws still dug into the earth for traction, her ears folded to her skull as her head lowered to align with her spine and her tail followed suit, aligning behind her, billowing out at her back. Her eyes still narrowed, her shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched and her hackles raised, she was ready for this excitement.

She would watch Remy carefully, noting her body language, her size, the light nature in her eyes before the youth was moving towards her, covering the polite gap of strangers that had been between them. Motif steeled herself, rocking first forward, to give herself a cushion of space to pull back on well the blow meet her, to lessen the bruising. She had seen Remy lining up her left shoulder a moment before it hit Motif's right shoulder and Motif rocked back, pulling her weight with her to balance herself and cushion the blow as their shoulders locked ? not that Remy's slighter frame and build could truly unbalance a prepared Motif.

Next Remy would rear up on her hind legs to grab Motif's scruff,. She let the wolf land her teeth, her scruff was thick and bunched up and offered her plenty of protection. Meanwhile Motif jaws went for the right side of Remys upper neck, hoping the other girls alleviated position of reaching for the back of Motifs neck would open up a spot there for Motif's teeth to latch onto. In the same moment she lifted her right paw to punch and scramble at the left side of Remys upper part of her under belly, hoping to put some of her weight into the blow and perhaps wind or knock the girl of balance. She shifted the weight onto her other three paws to compensate the rising movement. However, even in making these moves the older girl would 'pull her punches' in regards to not overly hurting the girl or giving her any serious damage, if she drew Remys blood it would be minimal, this spar was part practice and play, and the innocent nature Remy displayed brought out a softness in Motif herself.

Motif Vs Remy for spar

round 1 of 3

Defences:Legs spread equally, legs well balanced, claws dug into earth, ears folded, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward,

Attacks: Aiming to latch her teeth onto the right side of Remys upper neck, also attempting to throw her right paw into Remy's upper half of her underbelly to wind or unbalance the girl.

Injuries: light bruising to her right shoulder from Remys impact, minimul damage and grip marks from Remys teeth on the scruff of her neck.