
Heavens Gates Won't Open Up For Me


03-12-2014, 12:41 AM

Summer. It had to be Aiden's favorite season. He always enjoyed the warmth, the Sun high in the sky and the scents the season had to bring. It also meant that the herbs he needed were in full bloom, and that was what he was searching for. To create his special concoction, he needed his precious herbs with him, in case any sort of mishap decided to happen. He had to be ready, else he face his demise. A cherry blossom would distract him from his thoughts as the delicate petal landed lightly upon his nose. Standing still now, he smiled softly as he blew it back into the air. He watched it drift gently back into the atmosphere, joining its comrades once more as they danced in the warm breeze. This was such a calm and serene setting, one that he was sure he'd never get tired of looking at. He remembered the day when he had been at the beach, when all his troubled thoughts were tearing away at him. They still did, however, not even they could breach the serene calm he had accumulated from being in this location.

He moved forward again, flower petals floating all around him as they gently landed upon his fawn like coat. Gentility radiated from him, as if absorbing the gentleness of the surrounding area. Then again, he was nothing but gentle. He had not a mean bone in his body, and if he did...then it would be of protection. Never had he known jealousy, or the will to fight. Never had he known hostility, or the thoughts to harm. If anything, he would be protective...but there had yet to be something to find that he wanted to protect. He sat within the shade of a cherry tree, the noonday sun shining brightly around him and illuminating the various colored blossoms and fruits that surrounded him. What would today bring, he wondered.

"Talk here."


03-14-2014, 06:03 AM

Things were not going at all as she had hoped, and Destruction couldn't help but blame herself, being the alphess, that things were her fault. If she was a more trustworthy leader, if she was a better leader... would they have stayed? She felt she was letting everyone down... especially Loccian... and for the longest time the poor woman's heart felt divided and hurt. Her friend had been counting on her while she had been ill to take care of things... and what did she do? Leave the pack in an even worse state.

Perhaps that was why Destruction had wandered away from Seracia, needing time alone. To clear her mind. Maybe something would come to her while she was gone... something that could help liven up the pack. But Destruction wasn't so sure anymore. She felt like it's true inactivity was because of her as an alphess. The Queen of Seracia shook her head. Some members were trying but... the pack didn't seem to have the same life it once held.

Paws would lead her to the Orchard, single orb downcast, and the empty socket of the other open to the world. A sigh would escape the woman, shaking her head as she walked along. She felt so lost... more than anything she just wanted some moment, just a moment, where she could smile and laugh and not have to worry about anything. Just as the thought crossed her mind she would catch a scent, one that she remembered, but hadn't caught for quite some time. The woman would lift her head. Perhaps this was the distraction that she needed.

And so Destruction would search for him. Search until she found the male sitting beneath the cherry blossom tree, approaching him with a relaxed body. "Good to see that you are still well, Aiden." The last time she had seen the brute he had been alone on the beach. Destiny, she supposed, worked in strange ways, especially when it brought two wolves of different paths back together. Perhaps their paths weren't so different at all.



04-02-2014, 09:36 PM

The sun streamed gently upon his coat, the males eyes closing in relaxation as the serenity surrounded him. The scent of the cherry blossoms surrounded him, blocking scents of most else around him. Then again, he hadn't really expected anyone else to be out here, but it was quite a surprise when he heard a voice so familiar. His head would quickly turn to face her, golden honey amber eyes seeking out the familiar crimson and white ringed eyes of her own. Subconsciously, his tail wagged slightly as he sat straighter and ears perked forward, his gaze turning slightly excited and vibrant. "Miss Destruction! I did not expect to see you here, it is nice to see you." He greeted her happily, his heart lifting suddenly at the sight of her.

He remembered to the time they had last seen each other at the beach, they had gotten to talk for a decent amount of time before they had to part ways. He rolled his shoulders, shifting the leather pouch that rested across them. He had gotten a chance to replenish his store for future emergencies, though it had been quite a while since he had to use his stock. Lucky for him, he didn't have to worry about it just yet. He inclined his head to her, inviting her to sit with him. "How have you been?" He would inquire, though when he got a closer look, he realized something seemed off. She seemed to have acquired a scar or two on her face, something he had not seen last time they had run across each other. "What..what happened?"

"Talk here."


04-17-2014, 02:50 AM

The happy greeting was well received, and certainly welcomed. The time away from Seracia would do her a bit of good, she was sure, especially in good company. She would move to sit next to him, curling her tail around her front paws as she looked to him. He would ask how she was and then, moments later, notice her eye. The scared area around the outside and how the left orb was now gone from her head. The female had gotten used to being down to only one eye, though it must have been strange seeing her without it now.

"A bad storm ripped through the lands during spring. In the territory I live there are two human dwellings, a barn and shed, that is around our main den site. The winds were so strong that part of the shed collapsed and derbies were sent flying. I happened to get struck by some metal in the eye... it was badly damaged so it ended up getting removed. Even as my face looks now it looks better than it did I'm sure." She would shake her head. "But I am alright, and that is what matters. Quite a lot has changed since I last saw you. I'm actually in charge of Seracia right now as Queen while Loccian recovers from an illness that overtook her after the storm."

She would chuckle softly. "What have you been up to? You still have yet to carry the scent of a pack on your coat."



05-08-2014, 03:01 AM

He offered a kind smile when she decided to sit next to him, his own tail wagging slightly in a light rhythmic tapping on the ground. He was happy to see her, not entirely sure why, but her presence just made him happy. His tail would stop wagging, however, when she began to explain to him what happened, his heart would drop and an almost quiet whimper itched in his chest. He couldn't imagine what it was like to lose an eye, but there were other things he had to be careful about. Losing a body part for him, or any type of wound like hers would most likely kill him. Amber gaze fell to the ground as she continued, but he would look up again upon her mentioning she was okay. Without thought, the male leaned forward and gently nuzzled where her bi-colored eye once was. "I think you're still beautiful." He murmured as he looked at her.

It was then as he realized what he had just done, his face would suddenly turn hot and he would blush an incredible amount, luckily his fur was not so light, though he felt embarrassed. He quickly glanced away, body somewhat rigid as he tried to find his words again. Clearing his throat, he would look back to her, all the while his eye contact seeming to misfire with heated embarrassment and shyness. "I uh..well, I..still haven't found a place anywhere. Still...looking for my family and trying to find my place in the world... He glanced down at his paws, toes pushing around a few cherry blossom petals. His voice quieter. "Still trying to find a cure.."

"Talk here."


05-08-2014, 06:21 PM

Destruction would blink her remaining eye, taken aback when she felt the gentle nuzzle where her other eye once was. Her gaze would met with his for a moment before the dark woman would quickly glance away as well. Aiden was not the only one thankful for their dark fur at the moment. How hot her face felt, heart even speeding up some. Beautiful he had called her. Such an unfamiliar term... But so pleasant to hear. It was so kind... It almost made her want to cry in happiness at having anyone, particularly a handsome brute, say such a thing about her.

She had, for the most part, given up on finding a mate at this age. No wolves looked at her in such a way... and the woman had come to accept that. Now though... She wondered if maybe, just maybe, she might have a shot at love still. Destruction would give just a small nod, still trying to process the compliment. ?T-Thank you.? Even stumbling over her words... It wasn?t easy responding to things you weren?t at all used to.

Finally she would look back, their gazes meeting again. Honestly it was as if two young wolves were interacting with the opposite sex. Both had embarrassed and shy looks to their eyes, perhaps a bit uncertain of where they stood with each other overall, but still glad to be in the other?s company. She would give a nod, trying to turn her attention now to his new words. Looking for family still... Trying to find his place. The woman knew what that was like all to well... And at his last sentence the fae would frown deeply. For a moment she would look at him before giving a gently nudge to his shoulder.

?You will... You will find the cure, your family, and your place here. A long road my await you, but as long as you keep going you will eventually find what you are seeking.? Her words were soft. ?If you give me the names of the family members you seek I can check with Seracia?s members to see if they have seen any of them... And to mention that you are in Alacritia and looking for them if they come across them... As far as the cure you seek... I would recommend talking to the healers in this land. I know nothing about herbs... But they might know things that you don?t yet about the condition.?

Desturction would shift a bit, giving a small, sure nod. ?Fern Gully, a territory Seracia holds, has plants that may be useful to you as well. If you wish you are free to check for some there. Should any Seracian stop you simply mention my name and that you have my permission... They should leave you be then. The only wolf I really see you encountering there is Arian anyway... She is our Priest and my step-daughter.? Destruction didn?t really notice how much, nor how easily she was talking to Aiden.

?...If you ever seek a place to call home, or simply just to rest and gather strength, you are welcome to come to Seracia, Aiden... And if you find any familiar member seeking refuge they are more than welcome to come along as well.?



05-19-2014, 03:58 AM
ooc//I apologize if my posts are weird or don't make sense today...depression led me to smoke weed to calm down and sleep >.>;

Honey colored eyes would seem to glow, though with what he couldn't quite name. He felt comfortable around her, despite only knowing her for such a short time. He felt like he had known her his whole life. Her shy words causing him to glance at her, ears cocked at an angle as his own shy embarrassment washed over him. A small shake of his head followed by a half smile wound its way to him. "No need to thank me. I only say what I feel is true, and sometimes I guess you can say I'm a little too honest." Whether or not he wondered was a good thing was beyond him. He always avoided hurting others, though it wasn't in him to be dishonest. However, he had a good balance of sensitivity and honesty, and never would he decide to hurt someone with knowledge that would only break them..unless it was something they deserved to know. Ah, his mind had strayed for a moment. He felt so befuddled he hadn't realized his mind had wandered. It had been quite a while since he had someone to talk to like this. And it warmed his heart more to know that she enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed hers.

He couldn't help the feeling his chest swelled with. She was encouraging, telling him he would find the cure. He hoped so, because he wanted to feel like a normal wolf. To be able to help in hunts, play fight, do things normally without having to worry about bleeding to death. But perhaps it was just a far off dream...if only for a moment. For Destruction's words would give him hope, that perhaps there was a way. That he shouldn't give up. She would ask him then for the names of his family. He wasn't sure of those within, all he remembered were Io and Cynrik. However, he wasn't sure if there were others. "My sister, Io Sovari. She's an albino, really pretty one too...and my brother Cynrik Sovari. He's a golden tan color, and he sleeps if you ever come across a wolf sleeping like a sloth, i'm sure it would be him." He smiled sheepishly, remembering his brother. Oh how he missed them...

She would tell him that he was welcome upon Seracian lands to retrieve what he needed. And for that he would dip his head in thanks. "Thank you, Destruction...for aiding me in my endeavor. It means alot that you are willing to help a poor soul like me. I appreciate it." He would blush slightly, tail wagging gently against the ground as he leaned over and nuzzled her gently under her jaws. Though he hadn't realized what he was doing, he was truly grateful for the support she was willing to offer.

"Talk here."