
Lost Without You


03-11-2014, 09:44 PM

Life was quiet... Far too quiet for the femme?s liking. Or rather not so much quiet in general as it was around her. Sin had disappeared for some reason... And Arietta was at a loss for why this was so. She was trying her best to sharpen her skills at least somewhat, doing what she could as far as teaching herself to hunt. Her practices, however, still weren?t yielding the best results as she searched for some way to improve herself. She felt lost, as well as a bit heartbroken, that Sin had disappeared. In her desperation to feel acceptance and true love the female had convinced herself that Sin had done nothing wrong in claiming her... That he was a guiding light that had come into her life.

But where was he now? Would he ever come back to Glaciem? A soft sigh would pass the brunette?s lips as she gazed out upon the pale white rock that gave the place she was visiting it?s namesake. How long had it been since she had seen her mate? Again Arietta would sigh. Had his disappearance occurred because she was in heat? The question tugged at her. The female would lay down, setting her head down upon her paws with lowered ears. ?I miss you...? She would whisper, though she knew there was no way that Sin would hear it.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-18-2014, 01:02 AM
Sin Armada

It would be as if from nowhere that the beast would materialize. He had been absent from Glaciem lands simply due to the lack of activity therein. He had been out doing what he needed to do to accomplish his goals. To initiate his plans of creating an empire that would reign supreme over all else. None could compare, not even his old bastard of a so called father. And it would be as he strayed back into the territory that he caught the signs and scent one he had claimed some time ago. She had been idle within the confines of the pack, a reason he did not want to bring her within but alas, she would be taken away once more when his plans neared fruition.

Approaching in silence, he would catch but a whisper of her words as he neared. Amber gaze boring into her fox like form. Miss him? He would have thought she was glad of being rid of him for time, glad that he wasn't breathing down her back every waking hour. He of course, had other things to do. Satiating his thirst for satisfaction was one, for one woman was simply not enough. He had dominated her their first meeting, and now she seemed to be attached. Alas, it could not be helped. It seemed he had that effect on women whether they liked it or not, it seemed. "Do not pine for me. I am simply ensuring our future will stay in motion, you wouldn't want to stay here forever now, would you?" He murmured as he slid up beside her, pelt brushing hers as he gazed steadily down at her.


03-26-2014, 12:03 PM

At last her aching heart would have some relief. The familiar voice would reach longing ears and the woman would lift her head, ears perking as the blood stained male slid up beside her. Her heart would pound in her chest, and she would gently press against him, the relief clear on her face. She had missed him so much... She didn?t want to be here any longer... But she had waited for his return, even if she felt empty while doing so. Just ensuring that their future stayed in motion... she would shake her head, answering simply.

?No, I wouldn?t, though I wished at the very least you had said goodbye. You haven?t been around since the storm hit... I was worried about you.? There was a clear truth in her words, and a gentleness reflected her her blue orbs as she looked up at Sin. Put it quite simply she had been terribly lonely without him, among being worried and missing him. Glaciem did not feel like a home.

Arietta could feel relief in her heart, so glad that he had returned, that her worries were just that -- foolish worries. The fox-like female continued to look at Sin as she spoke. ?...How did things go while you were gone?? She wasn?t sure how much he would share with her, though the woman would be happy with pretty much any response. At least he was here with her.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-05-2014, 07:10 PM

The worry she carried for him was clear, evident within her blue eyes. He wanted to roll his eyes, to snap at her for showing such emotion. Emotion only made one weak, and even with what he had done to her, why did she care? It was something the devil did not understand, and he probably never would. He grew up detached from emotions, detached from those around him. Everything died, those who grew close eventually walked away. And so he would care not about what happened to those he came across, nor give an inkling of himself to. He was everything a Sin should be. Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Envy...there was no doubt that he could corrupt and train one to be completely heartless if he wished it so.

"No storm will stop me. I was not going to sit around here for the duration of such silliness, this place is full of weakness. I am simply biding my time." He would respond, a certain detached coldness to his tones. Amber orbs gazed ahead across the horizon, fur prickling with the sense of his plans slowly coming together. He was simply biding his time, for if he really wanted to, he could have already snatched this pack; or any pack, from the paws of another. And he would do so in cold blood encrypted with no mercy.

?...How did things go while you were gone?? Slitted pupils turned upon her, the silence of his core emanating as he thought about responding. But of course he would respond, she was his. And she knew if she betrayed him then her life was forfeit. "The plans of the future are coming forth in a timely manner. However, I do have a concern...those who claimed to follow seemed to have backed out, betraying their word. This is where I need you to come in. I need your help to bring in followers. If any choose to harm you or force themselves on you, you are to call on me and I will ensure their heart is ripped from their miserable bodies." His gaze became intense, focused. He never asked for help, however, was this really asking for help? He wanted to build an empire strong, and would not rest nor stop until he achieved what he wanted. And that, was domination.



05-06-2014, 12:20 PM

She would listen, a frown upon her face. She could hear those colder tones to his words... Though she had known that Sin?s place was not here in Glaciem... And her place was beside him. Such a strange thing indeed... This strange sickness that lead her to believe Sin was more a god, saving her from her miserable life. But sitting here idly... It was killing her. Even if Sin was detached Arietta had developed a strong need for him. For his company. To know he was there. As for why he was bidding his time here she knew not... But Arietta would wait to be granted what information Sin wished to give her.

Sin would speak, his plans for the future, their future, underway. But the followers he seemed to gather, other than herself, had disappeared. This was hardly good news... But the next thing Sin said... Well... It had Arietta?s eyes shine just a little brighter. He needed her to help look for followers... To find those willing to be part of a superior pack. She did not worry about those who would try anything... She trusted Sin and knew he would end them if they dared touch her. She was his. She would always be solely his.

Arietta would dip her head. ?I will look for such followers, Sin.? The femme would move just a bit closer to him, happiness swelling within her. Sin was willing to let her look for these followers... Spend time away from this place. Arietta knew she had to work hard, to ensure that they could leave Glaciem as soon as possible. She wanted to help Sin achieve his goal... Even if it meant leading others to their demise if they stood in his way.

Her tail would give a little flick, light brushing against him. An empire would need heirs as well, she would think... She would be the mother to wolves that would live up to their father?s views and expectations... But when that would be... She was not yet sure. She did not want to bring up the question... Sin was the one who called the shots. When he was ready for heirs he would take her during her heat. It didn?t necessarily have to be this year.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-13-2014, 08:23 PM

Her response would please him. Amber eyes boring down on her with a pleased expression. It seemed he had done well in selecting her to take as his own, among others of course. Though she in particular had caught his attention much more so then those he had come across. "Good." He purred, a single word falling from blood stained lips as his shoulders rippled with the force he carried within his body.

His body shivered with the touch she had given him upon his sides, her body pulling closer to his as they sat there. There was something she wanted, something she felt. Though what it was he could not determine for himself. She had entrusted her a task, and he hoped she would not fail him. Leaning his head ever so slightly towards his foxes ear, maw would open just slightly as his tongue flickered out to touch upon the tip of her ear as lightly as possible.

"Is there something you want from me, little fox?" He would breath into her ear, like the breeze upon the surface of a calm lake. Stirring the surface, trying to find whatever was hiding within its depths. Would she cave and give to him what she so desired? Or continue to cower in what he had saved her from? Slowly, his muzzle would slither down the contours of her crown, her nape, her shoulders and then upon her back. He would draw the prey from its hole, tempting her desires from their hidden wells.



05-15-2014, 08:56 AM

The woman felt the happiness continue to well up within her at his praise. Anything, if it would please him, would be done. Soft blue eyes would shine. Things about Sin that others would find off-putting about him might seem strange... But to Arietta they were wonderful things. The blood stained coat made him different... And though it wasn?t the most delightful of smells it allowed Arietta to know whenever he was near. She had come to, in a way, appreciate and even like the smell. It was Sin... And that was all she knew.

Her delusion had grown into a more permanent state, no one pressing the matter of their relationship any further had simply allowed her dependency and ?false? love of him to grow. She needed him, wanted to please him, and would go through all lengths necessary to get him whatever he desired. Sin was, essentially, already a mighty king in her eyes. He now only needed the followers to make his reign real.

The shiver that coursed through his body was felt, though Arietta didn?t say anything about it. Just taking in his presence, feeling him close after so long made her happy. She could feel the change in the air... Knew that their future was brighter than ever... And she would help bring it about. Her ear would give a slight twitch as she felt just the lightest touch of his tongue across the tip, body giving it?s own shiver as he breathed into her ear.

Light blue eyes would seek those of amber, her heart quickening just a bit. Was there something she wanted? Yes... There definitely was. Something she wanted and wanted quite strongly. Her hormones were raging.. And only he could douse the fire that they had caused. Her body would tingle, a light, happy rumble coming from her as she rose, brushing her body against his just a bit more, flicking her tail across his back.

?There is. I want you, Sin... All of you.? Her voice was soft, yet pleading as she moved just ahead of him, looking back with blue eyes that were once filled with innocence. Now they held a corrupted gaze... Though still far from what the male could shape her into. There was no doubt, however, that Arietta was Sin?s alone, and her entire life would be devoted to the male. She would raise a brow, swishing her tail teasingly. She wanted to become a mother... And she wanted only to be the mother of his children. His heirs.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-07-2014, 10:20 PM

She would bend to his will. Not only could he see it in the desire of her eyes but he could feel it within the meager touches she presented to him. Amber gaze followed her movements, his groin growing hotter by the second as she told him what she so desired. ?There is. I want you, Sin... All of you.? Maw would twist up in a smile, though not of happiness but of content that she had cracked. Though she had been since he had first corrupted her, taking from her the innocence that she was slowly losing whether she liked it or not. The heathen had sought to damage her, to make her his. And she did, but in an entirely different way then he had initially expected. No matter, as long as she was faithful to him and him alone, then she would be spared the punishments she would have otherwise received. Tongue would slither from between his teeth, lightly flicking at the tip of her ear as breath came out in no more then a whisper. "Is that so, my little fox? Then your wish is my command." He would utter lightly in a low teasing voice. He would not refuse the request for an act he too, desired.

Without hesitation, he would brush against her sides as he turned around. roughly yet gently pressing himself against her as his teeth slid down her back. He was not generally one for teasing before pleasure, though he would allow her some before he cut straight to the chase. He would circle around her, tail brushing ever so lightly against her small frame, waiting for her to shiver with the upcoming delight before he would continue across her form. The creature nibbled along her neck, listening as her heart seemed to pick up in pace. Before, she had not wanted something like that...and now, she did. It made him crave her all the more, to corrupt once again the tainted purity she held. Teeth flashed in a hidden smile as he would prepare himself, his inner thighs growing hot as hers seemed to grow moist. He would settle behind her, rising to take his place upon her as slowly he would draw forth teasing movements. Teeth would take hold of her scruff, roughly but not enough to harm her. "Prepare to be satisfied, my will not be disappointed." He would whisper between his teeth. Body would shudder as he penetrated her already corrupted innocence, taking from her what belonged to him. The Devil would not falter in his movements, rocking her as the pair would utter their pleasure to one another. And it was today, in this moment, that the Devil would plant his seed into the womb of his trophy.



You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


06-08-2014, 06:09 PM

The small brown woman would watch him as he turned, brushing against her side. She would shiver ever so slightly, smiling at the foreplay the other offered her. Arietta craved this, perhaps more than the blood stained man of white. He was teasing her, more than she expected as well, though it only made her own desire burn stronger, light blue eyes following the other, each light brush of his tail against her body bringing a shiver of delight through her body with each touch. Their relationship was surely a strange one, but her mind had been broken. Altered quickly as a way to save itself from torment. Arietta would never be able to regain her innocence, lost forever by a man whose very name symbolized him. Sin.

Arietta would giver a shudder as he rose up, taking his place both behind and across her own smaller body. He would take hold of her scruff, the action sending the waves of desire through her all the more in anticipation. She did not doubt his words, that she would be pleased by the actions of the white Devil. She would carry his children, give birth to children destined for greatness by following in their father?s footsteps. She would closed her eyes, giving in to him completely as he made the actions that would bind their blood together forever.

-Fade To Black-

Speech, Thought