
Jubilant Return



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-11-2014, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2014, 09:07 PM by Erani.)

She padded ahead of her party, a satisfied smile on her muzzle. Her visits to the first two packs she had chosen to meet with about an Alliance had not only gone well, they had gone beautifully. Ludicael and Ebony were now Allied with Valhalla. While Ebony was small now, they would grow strong, this she was in no doubt of. Ludicael was a gentler pack, much like Valhalla, but with a religious strength behind it, as Song believed herself to be an Oracle of the Gods. Which Gods, Erani wasn?t clear on. She was glad her new friend wasn?t the kind of wolf who believed herself invincible.

Her head lifted as she caught sight of the distant golden sweep of the Plains that were the centerpiece of Valhallan Territory. ?Home. It?s good to see those plains, isn?t it?? Her head tilted, canting to one side as she peered over one shoulder from the corner of her eye at her fellow Valhallans, Alsander, Chrysanthe and Odette. Later tonight, she would be calling the wolves of Valhalla together, to greet the rise of the full moon, and to celebrate. For now, she would allow them to disperse and ready themselves, or rest before the fun and joy she had planned for the night.

As she crossed the border, the old wolf broke into a playful bounding run, leaping lightly under the late noon sunlight, tail waving in windmill circles behind her. Stateliness was thrown to the winds as she raced across the plains, tongue lolling, until she slowed finally, feeling refreshed and turned to look over her shoulder at her family, a wide grin on her face. ?Go rest, my young ones. I have much planned for this evening, and some of it will require energy. We are celebrating tonight.? Velvet tones were radiant and strong, rich and warm. She then turned, intending to head off, but paused, a scent catching her nose. Seracian, and familiar as well. Themisto? She turned and headed back toward the scent, curiosity piquing her interest.



10 Years
03-12-2014, 10:24 PM

They were finally returning home and it did Odette's heart good to see the homelands. She had missed the plains, however flat they were compared to the rest of Alacritis, and the sight pulled at her heartstrings. Erani's words met ears that were attached to the head of a tired, but happy yearling. "Yes ma'am, it is indeed a beautiful sight to behold." She wanted to do nothing but have a race with Chrysanthe towards the borders and just roll in the warm grass. So, she did just that.
"Race ya, Mother!" she yelled, getting a head start with her brisk trot. Laughter rolled into a bark left her lips and she turned her head to the left to see if Chrysanthe was following. Whatever the outcome was of their miniature marathon, she was just eager and feeling lucky to spend time with those who cared about her most.
Within minutes, Odette found herself following Erani's actions. She fell towards the ground just as soon as her paws crossed over the borders, now pungent with fresh scents of their pack members. Odette fell into a fit of giggles as she rolled a few times across a particularly cool patch of shaded grass. She couldn't help but feel overjoyed about being able to completely relax in front of her grandmother. Chrysanthe already knew what she was like at home; Erani was the one who hadn't seen such antics.
She raised her head and shook her pelt free of the loose grass and dirt that clung to her body. Red and blue eyes twinkled as they looked to the white Alpha Primary, who was speaking of rest and then celebration later on. She couldn't wait for such a fun time for the pack to be together. Celebrations were foreign subjects to her and she hoped that she fit right in with the crowd and loving members. Automatically, Odette nodded. "Yes ma'am, I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us."
She stepped forward to gingerly nuzzle Erani's thick neck fur. "Let's have another adventure soon, okay Grandma? Diplomatic or not, I would love to see more of the world alongside you and our family." Her tail wagged loosely behind her as she stepped forward to nuzzle Aslander's shoulder. She wasn't close with him like she was with Erani, but she adored him all the same. A quick dip of her head was given to Themisto as she looked at the russet-faced Gamma and asked, "Mother, will you go with me to rest?" For it had been a lifetime since the young woman had simply napped with her mother.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



03-14-2014, 11:39 AM

It seemed he would not have to wait long to request acceptance into Valhalla, since suddenly Erani had emerged from the forestry and was headed straight toward him. He had just managed to break away from Twig, and it was convenient that the queen had come back around the same time he had arrived. He would greet her with a warm smile, his skull dipping respectfully as he addressed her as such. "My lady." His sunset hued gaze would glace toward Chrysanthe, and instantly the butterflies within his stomach would stir. Here he was, finally joining Valhalla to be with her. Was she as excited as he was? Now they could always hang out together, and he would be by her side until she felt safe and whole again. Plus, he could sneak away and see Twig when he wanted too. What more could he want? "I've come in the hopes that you would accept me into your home. Chrysanthe invited me to stay with her for a while. I can assist in healing, as you already know, and I'm not a bad fighter either." He would say with a chuckle, his right eye closing as he winked at Chrysanthe. Hopefully she remembered the joke he had made about his strength and the Glaciem queen. His stare would fall upon Erani though, as he waited eagerly for a response.




03-18-2014, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 12:39 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She would make the trip back to the plains after a good meeting with Ebony. The pack seemed stable and of good enough nature to ally themselves with Valhalla, and she had no qualms about her mother's decisions. She had sat patiently through the meeting, only to politely leave along with the others. It had been a long trip home - but thankfully for Chrysanthe she was not impartial or unfamiliar with long spanning trips for the sake of politics. It was odd at times, not being the one to introduce herself and others or explain what she was there for - almost as if she was listening to a bit of deja-vu, because for over a year that would have been her - but it was more a prickle of a feeling than something that made her uncomfortable or upset. Besides - how could she be upset when even though she had failed this pack in her challenge, she got to keep her family?

Erani's voice would pull her out of her reverie, and she would glance at her mother, nodding in agreement. It was good to be home - and this truly was home to the russet faced dame. Nearing the border felt warm, and Chrysanthe would sigh - closing her eyes and letting the sunlight settle on her summer coat. She would open them though, her ears perking atop her head when her mother broke into a run, and the ragdoll really couldn't help it, she had to laugh. Good natured and surprisingly sudden, she would trot forward, before bounding after Odette toward Valhalla's borders. The girl was quicker than Chrysanthe, younger and somewhat slighter, but the once alpha would do her best to catch up with the other - her teeth clamped together into a grin all the while.

When she crossed the borders she would give a good leap - landing beside Odette in a big pile of fur, putting on the brakes with her legs and paws sliding across the ground, and her entire body would skid over the grass for a moment. Her tail would wag behind her as she looked up at Erani, noting that the woman was not done for the day even though they had been impossibly busy the past few days. "You? Rest? I never thought I'd hear the words." Odette's energy was seemingly limitless - and she would snicker - only to freeze as she noted that they weren't alone. That darn blind spot, she hadn't seen Themisto, or noted his scent near the borders during her run - but she had heard him.

"Themisto, you came!" He was here - that meant he had decided for sure that he would stay with her a while. The woman was undoubtedly excited to show the male her home, to share her family, even if it was only a temporary arrangement. Bubbling excitement would be quieted, as she listened to him request that he be able to stay in Valhalla. Yet her attempts to keep her expression neutral would fail as he mentioned his fighting abilities, his wink creating a little flutter in her chest - not that she would be the one to admit just that.

She knew that Erani wouldn't turn him away, but she would plead with her eyes to the ivory woman, for her to accept Themisto here for a while. She wanted him with her - it was the only way to truly understand why she wanted him with her so badly. Of course, she was no stranger to having a mate by her side - she had a few ideas, but there was no harm in keeping Themisto close until she was ready to make her next move.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2014, 08:12 PM

Erani listened to Themisto?s words thoughtfully, eyes flicking to Chrysanthe as she came up. The scent coming from Themisto wasn?t just his own, or Seracia?s. A female. Her head cocked slightly as she stepped forward to take a better sniff. From how he behaved, and Chrysanthe?s obvious plea for him to be accepted, Erani could have believed that they were in love. Who was the other woman then? However, Themisto had served in the War, and Cormalin had told her that Themisto had fought and freed himself of Glaciem.

Stepping back she locked eyes with the male, a long gaze that seemed to delve deep into ones soul. ?Very well. You will join Valhalla as an Eta. You will pull your weight, hunt and fight as well as your regular duties as an Eta.? And if you hurt my daughter, you will feel her pain just as badly as she hurts. The unspoken words were there in her eyes, in the glance toward Chrysanthe. Stepping away, Erani lightly butted her head against her daughter?s shoulder. ?I will see you all later tonight.? She smiled to them and padded away, wondering if she would be able to grab a rest before the gathering.