
Partners In Crime


03-11-2014, 06:44 PM

The sun had risen well above the horizon, shining brightly in the afternoon sky. The heat was intense, but Finiarel did not care. He hadn't been feeling well lately, and so he chose this day to go to the hillside to do some exploring and to see if anything of interest would happen. Subconsciously though, he hoped to run into his sister Celeste. He had found himself missing her company, adventuring with her and even just talking to her. He wondered what she was up to...wondered even if she would be up to getting into some mischief. The idea of that made him slightly uneasy, as he had always been a good boy...but, kids were kids right?

The boy clambered up the hill until he came to sit under a small tree on top of the hill. He watched the herds of buffalo below as they grazed, and curiosity was peaking within his mind. He wondered if Celeste would wander by today, if not then he would go seek her out again until he found her. Better yet, why not call for her and see if she was near enough to hear? Tilting his head back as he had seen the adults do many times, he let loose a howl that was not deep, as he was still young. Hoping that Celeste would respond, he lowered his head and waited. Neon green eyes observing the creature below.



03-13-2014, 03:52 PM

After exploring the lands outside of Seracia, the girl had wandered back to her home, heading towards the lake for a few minutes. During this time she would take a short dip in the cool water, refreshing as the hot summer weather was drying everything up, making daily activities exhausting and irritating. With a drink she would move out, give a shake before moving on. Today's list of things to do was empty, having had a good amount of time exploring, perhaps she would chill for a bit in the Kingdom, find a shady spot. Until she heard the call of a familiar voice, her brother who had remained here with her while her parents and Caeto went their separate ways.

Off she went at a brisk jog, tail held up, calm, in a decently good mood. Did her brother want to go play some games or check something out? She would have to find out. Within minutes of following the direction his voice came from, Celeste would find herself in the buffalo knolls, the large animals grazing on the dry, browned grass. Why didn't they move on to lands with green, lush grass? She would shake her head at the thought, moving away from a small herd and towards a hill, the small form of her sibling at the top beneath a tree. ?Fin!? She barked with a grin, running up the hill and sliding to a stop right beside the boy, giving him a playful push. ?What're you doing here?? She would ask curiously.


Awesome table by Shelby <3