
Don't Trust A Stranger of Angelic Appearance



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-11-2014, 08:22 AM

The scent of despair infiltrated his nostrils. Venomous amber gaze piercing through the poison smoke that arose from the steaming pits around him. This place was untouched it seemed, and he could see why. The last time he had been here, he had fought off an attacker going after one of the females of Glaciem. A foolish woman, to kind for her own good and too kind for the likes of the pack. No matter, it seemed she had learned to stay out of trouble lately, and even if she had, he would not care anymorem glaciem was beginning to find itself on the bottom of his list of things to do, and frankly didn't care for it anymore. He had his own dreams, his own ambitions..and they would be achieved. With or without the bloody wolves whom he had informed about his plans. Those who turned away would surely regret it. He would not make empty promises, and would only reward those who chose to remain loyal. But alas, he would have to find each one and see where their loyalties lied. For to make an agreement with him only to break it...would not end in a positive result.

Today he was out for something new, someone he had yet to meet, someone he could perhaps sway into his ways and into following a path of greatness. He could mentor, teach the ways of darkness, grow an empire that would be feared throughout the lands. Remain unpredictable and mysterious, for none would know his intentions. Many thoughts swirled within the dark confines of his mind as the beast pulled forward towards the nearest bubbling pit. Staring down, he would come to a stop as piercing orbs fell upon a victim of nature. A young wolf whose curiosity got the better of it, became trapped and later died. Or at least, he assumed. The creatures top half seemed to have made a futile attempt at trying to drag itself out, yet the pit would not give up its victim so easily. A struggle there seemed to be, and the predator had lost. He stood there staring at the lifeless body, tail twitching slightly as it was arched over his haunches. His focus was on the miserable sight, but attention was always focused on his surroundings, no surprises were ever able to get the best of him.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


03-19-2014, 03:11 PM
Was it that the rainbow touching the sky was truly the footpath to the gates of heaven? Not heaven in the deathly sense, but rather that it was a place of peace where all hopes and dreams where finally meet. To the wolf who watched the alluring shades of fading colour it seemed that only this could be the answer. That just beyond the horizon of sight would lie a shape so familiar to her she could have etched his face for every detail in sand.
Her paws moved, and her eyes seemed to indicate a surprise for this simple movement. It was so lovely! How the very world around her seemed to slip past her with a few sweeping movements of her strong legs. It was a wonder that captivated until she was moving faster, and faster, and in no time she was running. Lean legs and long strides swallowed away the surroundings until it was a blur to her own eyes.

Even though she barely seemed to control her own movements, they were agile and beautiful in fluidity. Each space of her stride was even and almost purposeful. Yet, when her eyes slipped closed ? to properly enjoy the strange feel of the wind whipping across her face and smothering along her hair ? everything went topsy-turvy. It was like the world couldn?t stand to watch her move by and not make a movement of its own. Everything changed and up became down, the lady wolf found herself lying in the fine dirt, blinking open her eyes once more.
What wasn?t clear to her fragile mind, was that when she closed her eyes her mind could no longer see where she was going. It was not the world moving around her, it was simply her paws slipping, tripping on the ground and bringing her down.

Her front paws would stretch out and feel against the ground. Child-like wonder, an awe across her face at the course, yet soft feel of the dirt the claws of her front paw. If she ground it together it was like a solid shape between her paw and the earth, yet when her claws of her paw un-grasped it slid to the ground, free of restriction. A soft laugh would escape her lips, a wondrous sound so soft in her unspoiled tones.
She would find her way back to her four-paws once more ? heaven knows how, and once more she would begin to walk.

There were times where her mind could focus, where reality was before her and what she saw and heard and felt where true, but this was not such a time as she came across the marked beast and the pitiful shape of the wolf pup whom had crawled for its freedom. She stopped there, taking in the sight and let loose a cry of laughter, a musical sound of sweetness.
?My, my, my little dear. Why the loooong face?
She giggled and pushed a paw against the face of the dead pup, the face split in its last moments of agony. The world seemed to topple around her as she unbalanced herself with the raising of a paw. She stamped it back to the ground and shook out her coat in a gleeful, intoxicated sort of manner, and completely ignored the bigger brute nearby her.