
Wandering Hearts


03-10-2014, 09:26 AM

The cruelty of the world around him only pushed him to carry himself high. His light gray pads separating from the ground before hitting back with a thud as he pressed towards the lake. He had no idea that he was trespassing for often things flew by him. He had a strong feeling like it was the right time to be there and his mind had never discouraged him before. He had to trust his mind and his gut and so he would. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Steady now. He told himself as he continued forth on his quest for a purpose. The benevolent man did not have the powers to manipulating of the mind, nor did he know much about herbs. He wasn't a fighter at all as he loathed conflict that was expressed through violence, but he did know one thing. He had a hunter heart. He could take down about any prey the world had to throw at him and he could do it with a passion. He had taken down bears, with assistance of course, when times had gotten rough. He knew that as long as he held to his nature he would be just fine.

He reached the water and let his ankles fall to be submerged in its cool embrace. He slowly leaned down to lap up the water as he looked out on the beauty. It was a magnificent lake and a site he wouldn't mind visiting once more. The trees that had provided little comfort to him and his rugged fur in the summer months to his back as the cool water seemed to make him forget his heat. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, catching something very exciting. Deer. There was prey about and he felt like it was necessary for him to go after it. His eyes opened as he traced the scent. His nose had never let him down before and he wasn't about to break a record. He sped off towards the woods and when he reached the brink he stopped. He was concealed in some bushed and as soon as he left them the deer would be alerted of his presence and start to run. Could he even take down a deer himself? He'd never taken one down without a partner but what was life without a challenge? Life was nothing without it.



03-12-2014, 01:41 PM

A rouge was loose within his territory, unknown that an Ebony Wolf was lurking within the shadows. Did the man not realise the consequences that lie ahead? And what could happen if Vaughan wasnt so understanding. An irratated sigh would fall of loose lips, the hot weather not helping to brighten his mood. His eyes would pin upon the unknown wolf, he seemed to be no threat but it did not excuse such behavior. He would pull free from the darkness, his body slinking slyly to where the loner had found his entertainment. As he was directly behind, he would raise his self to his normal height, fangs bared and defenses set. A growl would rip free from his mouth, passing through the air, Vaughan just was not in the mood. " Give me a good enough reason as to why you have trespassed before i run you out myself, boy." His tone was serious, The high lord was protective over these lands and he will not take kindly if this man was arrogant.

OOC: sorry for the introduction, Vaughan is friendly and will cool it after he explains;P

image by Luisiana


03-12-2014, 02:09 PM

OOC: Totally fine, I understand.

Dominic was perfectly happy minding his own business in the water with the attention to catch the deer on the wind. He heard a voice and turned in an unusual manner. "Shhhh." He whispered moving his head in the direction of the deer. "I was getting a drink? Why does it happen to matter. Is this not neutral ground?" He said with a confused manner as to why the man was questioning him. His voice as soft as a whisper or the wind. Sometimes the man's nose didn't work right which was why he couldn't scent the borders when he crossed them. "I found a deer, wanna help me catch it?" He asked with a small smile. He lived for the hunt and the hunt was his life. His elegant dark gray fur almost disappeared as he hid in the shadows. He did not expect the man to turn down his request so he prepared to start off the hunt as a runner. Deer could be taken down with some difficulty with two wolves but the challenge was well worth it.

A smile growing calmly on him as he looked to the man. He would figure it out after he or the both of them had eaten. Surely this wolf would not turn down food in this heat? The deer seemed to turn, had it heard him? No, it was just grazing. The light and tan doe happening to graze in the forest. His dark brown eyes steadied on the prey as he waited for the right moment. His tail was level with his body. His muscles tensed and he was crouched down. Once he started he could not stop. He closed his eyes thinking to himself for a second. Let the lords of light and sky bless me as I attempt to take down this prey. He told himself before his eyes snapped open. Just a few more seconds and he would have his meal for sure. He refused to not take down the deer and would rather die trying. He was the hunter and it was the prey



03-14-2014, 12:55 PM

Infuriated he was, to see such arrogance prancing upon his lands. His warning didnt even make an impact, nor his signals. He'd rip a growl once more, his teeth bared before stepping closer to the loner, defenses still up and ready if it came towards a fight. " Your upon pack lands, remove yourself Now, ive just warned you. Perhaps you dont understand what a kind invitation to leave truly means, perhaps you'd like me to take a different approach?" And with that he'd dash quickly into the rouge, closing the distance and attempting to slam his side while he's focused upon his prey, hoping to make him fall and lock him down. " Now please, give me a valuable reason why you found it appropiate to waltz into my lands,where my family resides."

OOC: Im not planning to fight, but i guess it just depends on how it goes. He can still join, but dued- you might wanna take Vaughans hints;)

image by Luisiana


03-15-2014, 11:53 AM
Sorry this is really short!

Dominic was slammed into and the prey bolted. He narrowed his eyes in frustration as the normally benevolent wolf hissed. "What are you talking about?" He had honestly missed the border and his nose wasn't quite working right. "I didn't smell a border, this is neutral land." He said in obvious confusion as he watched the wolf. His side hurt and he watched the family of deer bolt. He looked from them to the wolf. "Sorry, I was caught up in my mind and must not have scented it. I'm sorry for trespassing and acting rude. I caught a scent of deer and I live for the hunt. It's fascinating. I'm Dominic." He said with his head bowed in apology when he finally caught the pack scent off of the wolf. "I honestly had no idea that is was pack territory." He explained as he looked to the wolf.



03-16-2014, 01:06 PM

so much was going on, so much happening and yet the unknown man was baffled with confusement. As the prey bolted Vaughan would stand up right, eyes locking upon the man on high alert. It was obvious that the man was telling the truth, his nervousness showing and the manner of his speaking pure. Vaughans facial expression would soften, but he would still keep his position known that he was of high ranking. " Your apology is accepted, but it'd do you well to familiarize what grounds are claimed. Im vaughan, high lord of this kingdom, i see you have an interest in hunting?" he would muse, and even if this boy wishes to join, there was no denying vaughan would be keeping a wary eye on him.

"Talk" "You" Think