
some nights


03-09-2014, 08:45 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Some would think he was the stupidest man to ever step amongst the earth now. But really, he thought this would be amusing. Fight or not. Oh yes. He was now stepping upon the Ebony pack's territory. Heh. Of course the queen of this pack chose the prettiest place to be her territory. This place was heaven to him. Or it used to be before it was claimed. So he saw no reason why he couldn't wander it and maybe even deal with a wolf or two on guard. But either way he'd enter this beautiful place, with tiny yellow bugs drifting upon the surface of the massive lake within the center of the territory. But he just couldn't wait to tease an Ebony member for being on their territory. He loved spars though, so what's the worst that could happen?

The sandy-coated boy giggled mischievously as he entered the territory, his paws immediately sinking into the moist soil near the lake. His emerald pools casted upon a group of fireflies from a distance, zipping around each other or just hovering over the shimmering water peacefully. Rivulet already liked this place. He made his way through the tall grass and scanned the ground for anything interesting, while pulling his mind away from the strong smell of other wolves. Ebony wolves. But this didn't bother him as much as the tall grass did. This vegetation kept brushing against him and tickling him. It was awkward. Rivulet parted his maw to a soft, soundless sigh before jerking forward and trotting his way to the lakeside. Fireflies surrounded him. He let forth a chuckle and began to chase them around and capture them in his mouth. Like a pup. But he was only doing this to catch some attention from nearby wolves. But just to ensure he was noticed, the boy let out a rather loud 'howl' and tripped forward, only to faceplant into the mud. But of course he meant for this to happen.



5 Years
03-15-2014, 07:06 AM

Raisa could hear the boy's raucous play from afar, and it drew her forth with a sullen glare on her face. Today was not the day for such things. In fact, in the interest of keeping whoever this was in one piece, she had considered calling on Vaughan or perhaps Sif to deal with the matter. But, no, she was Queen here and it was her duty to confront such matters, even if all she wanted to do was lay in the sun, feast on last night's kill, and wince at the twinges in her stomach. Now she walked, gingerly and on sore pads still not accustomed to the extra weight. Not even born and these kids are already a pain... So it was that she came to the lake in a rather sour mood, and looked upon the frolicking youth with narrowed eyes. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She asked, voice sharp. Queenly? No, not exactly, but she was in no mood for decorum. The way she saw it, if the need arose she could call on her Knights, as she was in no state or mood to fight. She just wanted an explanation, and gods above, she wanted this ridiculous creature to stop making so much noise!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



5 Years
04-03-2014, 09:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2014, 09:17 PM by Aldoro.)
Ignore this. Mistake happened! Dx


04-03-2014, 09:16 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? Oh, was this what the brute would live off of? Bouncing around territories like a clueless pup and looking to be killed? Pft, what was to life anyways? A big game that you can win simple prizes to, like mating, or earning a wife of your own to have and to hold. Mmm, he'd never have that. A mate to love. Even though that's what he's always wanted. But with his 'inappropriate attitude', as his mother always reminded him, it seemed to never cross his path. That wonderful opportunity to love a woman so much that you raise children with her, and call her yours. He's only thought of attempting to impress a girl, so that she could at least become his friend of have the slightest interest in him, but he always thinks she'll shoo him off as if he was a pest. If life was a game- it was strange game. And one that took great skill to win.

The massive, sandy-hued man only stopped his bouncing and giggling when the sound of loud steps filled his large ears. He skidded into a mere stop, causing mud to splatter all over his chest. But the man acted as if nothing happened. The boy was more interested in seeing who had come to punt him off their lawn. But he wouldn't go easily. No, it might take a little bit before he decided he's hade enough of the constant commanding as if he was their slave, "Get off my territory, rat!" Or, "You ugly douche, get lost!" Eh, he's been called those names so much as a child, that the agony he used to feel from it faded like an old wound. And, not that it affected anyone anyways. It didn't hurt him, he didn't give a shit. The boy would only get angry if a foolish soul decided to harm him.

His attention was quickly drawn to the massive woman, who had just now emerged from the tall grass surrounding him. She didn't look very happy--- but what did he expect!? For her to be dancing with joy because he was on her property? The man spread his legs out a bit and kept his eyes locked onto the girl, who he knew already was the queen. His tail slowly began to wag with excitement. Emerald eyes glittering to the moon's faint rays, a smile twisted onto his maw and crept it's way near his eyes. It was very wide- and unusual at that. As if he was staring a massive, untouched doe to eat. Her words slithered into his ears, sending excited shivers up his spine. Mouth would part slightly to a few devious-sounding words, "Oh, your majesty! Is it necessary to blurt curses in front of your children?" Rivulet simply smirked and lifted his foreleg, pointing a single ebon claw to her swollen stomach. A laugh bubbled from his inky black lips before he continued. "...And, well, actually I was just strolling through this ol' place, playing around with the fireflies. Aren't they just gorgeous? I have to admit, I'm jealous of your territory." His emerald pools left her stomach and rested back on her dial, smirk remaining planted onto his maw. The boy's tail continued to wag happily. He found it amusing that a 'queen' would blurt the word 'fuck' out loud like that. It wasn't very queenly- but he guessed that's how all pregnant woman were like.
