
Surprises at Dawn



03-09-2014, 05:27 AM

The black and white replica of Cherokee was restless that morning. Nightmares of him being mean to the new litter of brothers and sisters kept popping up behind his eyelids. He didn't want to open them because he knew that he wouldn't be able to close them properly again. The will to keep them that way started to die when he saw himself giving the cold shoulders to the tiny pups and Song...Song...His mother! Immediately, his eyes snapped open. Will of Dhiren: zero; Negative thoughts: one.
With an exasperated sigh, Dhiren rose from his restless slumber. All four legs sleepily wobbled beneath his lanky form, carrying him towards the entrance of his own den. Silver and gold eyes that had lost their shine and merriment looked up at the sky. Dawn hadn't even approached yet, for the dark blanket of night with twinkling stars still covered the heavens above. Sadness tore at his heart and with it heavily beating, he left the den and set out to get away from the images haunting his tired mind.
Dhiren didn't know where he would go. All he knew was that he couldn't stay on the pack lands until his thoughts were cleared. He needed to get rid of the negative gunk that rested in his chest, for it was slowly spreading through his body and making him a different person...a different wolf. He hated how he felt, despised how he looked at his mother with a new set of eyes. They weren't filled with the love that he once showed everyday. He was afraid it would become permanent and he couldn't risk showing that to anyone else.
Before he realized it, Dhiren felt the change of texture beneath his paws. Soft, green grass that had been kissed by the early morning dew had changed to rough, grainy sand. Silver and gold eyes were unfocused at first, but once his vision became clear, he realized that he wasn't near his home anymore. Raising his head to the surroundings, a secluded beach with an ocean stretching out from it rushed at him like harsh reality. A soft sigh slipped through his black lips and he decided to pad further onto the sand. He wanted a place to run away to for awhile; he had found it. With the night still being present, he appreciated the cloak of darkness and cool temperatures.


Awesome pic by Seren <3



03-09-2014, 06:02 AM

Bored, she was. as of late nothing had been pleasing her quite like it had used to. Her family was gone. Every single one of them, or so she had felt- it was like a cold shoulder, ignoring her very existence as though she where no longer important... or they where just to busy. Her mind would be left blank, void of any thought or worry, she just no longer had the effort to care. She no longer had hope. For now, she wanted to get away from her home, from the whole reminder that her true family had left her and never thought to come back for her. All three of them left, where they out of Alactria withought her? A sigh would fall from cherried lips, finding herself upon a beautiful beach, where the golden sands kiss her feet.

She hadnt realised how far she had treaded out before it was to late, and for the matter she did not care. She hadn't eaten for a good few fays now, she didnt deliberatly mean to, it just happened. Her gaze would trail upon the stars, before her long limbs would stretch, taking a late night run across the shore line. She hadn't noticed another close by, and by the time she did it was to late. Taking a sharp turn to the left she'd crash into the unknown brute, falling to the floor with him beneath her. Alerted, and some what embarrassed she'd shoot back up to all four paws, stuttering... and if it where possible she would be blushing a rosy pink " Im so Sorry!... Um, i didnt know anyone was here... um, here have a stick?" She would clasp a single stick in a moment of panic, holding it between her jaws all innocent and almost submissive, before placing it next to him.



03-09-2014, 06:18 AM

Dhiren had been lost in his own thoughts, surrounded by the darkness. He hadn't paid attention to the details of what was around him, whether it be the stars twinkling, or the ocean waves as they softly hit the shore. Heck, even the figure that was racing across the beach didn't register with him. Wait...figure racing across the beach?! Oh crackers, someone should have nudged him on the shoulder or something.
It was too late for Dhiren to properly sidestep the oncoming wrecking ball. So, he took the full blow of her weight, making them both crash against the beach. Sand flew in different directions, of which landed neatly against the ground without showing signs of being disturbed. The outcome of what happened didn't show itself until the weight that was on him was lifted. His hind legs were splayed out on either side of him, while his front paws were crisscrossed at the upper portion (left over right). Silver and gold eyes had shut tightly from the impact forcing whatever air was in his lungs to leave his mouth by the sound of "Umph!" With his fur sticking out in various directions, Dhiren looked like a large, ebony mess.
As he recovered from the sudden shock, he heard the words of apology squeaking from an unfamiliar mouth. The voice was soft, like a girl's, and had innocence ringing in it. His eyes opened, cross-eyed by the impact that she had given him. He turned his head to look at her with that gaze and saw a double image of her figure. She was claiming a stick in her mouth and he was immediately reminded of his Uncle Anthem. Did she even know that she resembled his family?
She lowered the stick to his side and he was able to uncross his eyes. Thank the gods that he didn't have it as a permanent change -- he would have freaked. With his low spirits already hanging at the end of his rope, he could only sigh and let a dry chuckle escape the remainder of his full lungs. "To be fair, I thought I was alone, too...It's how I usually find myself these days." Even though he was surrounded by family, he felt like an individual in a bustling crowd at home.
Dhiren then noticed how his figure looked and he successfully moved his front legs so they were straightly in front of him. He looked down to the stick and then up to the stranger.He noticed the russet fur that swallowed her face and both silver and gold orbs couldn't look away for that split minute. "Th-thanks for the stick." It was awkward to say, but what else could he voice but the manners his parents had drove into his brain?
Curiosity then took over and he slowly pulled himself up, shifting his hind legs so they fell to his right side. He rolled onto his right side, belly exposed to the girl as he asked, "What were you running from -- or to -- if you don't mind me asking?" His bi-colored gaze met hers again as he pondered why she had been racing across the beach when there was no light.




03-15-2014, 09:00 AM

After the whole mishapenning, Guinevere would stand there awkwardly with all of her innocence, not quite sure on what to do while she stared down at him for a few moments, the whole turn out of events was quite funny, and she couldnt help but pass a giggle his way. He was extremely handsome, wasnt he? She hadnt met anyone quite like him, not that she's been particularly looking anyway. But its his eyes that caught her attention the most, the silver and orange coaxing well with his ebony cloak. For now though, she would look away- not wanting to make awkward eye contact, such a sweet girl, and yet it felt as though she had no one to confide in." It's usually quite around here... i didnt mean to disturb you"

With a sigh, she would venture to the edge of the waters, thinking about his final question before looking up to him. " I guess i just feel alone. It feels as though my family no longer care about me, as if they've simply grown bored and forgotten about me. My father disapeared soon after the war, and then a month later my mother and sister have gone with ought a single goodbye. And now? I have no one." Her gaze would trail back to the water, before thinking as to why he is also alone, he smelt as though he resided in a pack. her paw would swipe the water, attempting to splash droplets his way. " What're you doing here all alone? you seem a little... lost in thought.

Sorry this took a while<3



03-18-2014, 01:54 AM

While he lazily rested on the beach, the stranger walked towards the water and began to speak. Both ears perked when she mentioned being alone and the story behind it made his heart want to break. He knew all too well about the ways of being isolated, kept away from family for reasons that were too piety to publicly mention. Dhiren sighed a sigh that would be deaf to the girl's ears, but not to his own before he rolled back onto his stomach. Her story was so familiar and yet...he wondered why it was so important when he had only just met the pretty female.
She flicked a paw in the water, gently splashing droplets that rose and fell in his direction. Dhiren was a bit far from where she stood, so the water didn't touch him, but he realized the conversation had turned to him. Awkwardly, he rose from the ground and shook out the sand clinging to his pelt. After taking a couple of steps forward, he stopped beside her and reclined to his haunches. Silver and gold eyes looked down at her paw and the area of sand that had been soaked by the tossed droplets. "I am always lost in thought lately, m'lady," he softly said, tones filled with evident sadness and pain. "My woes do not compare to yours, but they are woes just the same."
It was then that he sighed, this time making it loud enough for her to hear. "I am the firstborn and only son of Song and Cherokee Destruction's first litter. My titles are something I am proud of and I thought it would always be that way. All of my littermates were girls, so I stood out among all of them. My mother was my best friend and I adored her with every fiber of my being. She always encouraged me and made sure I didn't want for nothing. Of course, she shared the same love and affection for my sisters, but I felt like our bond was closer..."
His eyes lost their sparkle as he took a proper pause. "You may notice I used the past tense. Everything changed in my world when Mama became pregnant. This was only a couple of seasons ago, but to know that I wouldn't be the prodigal son of the Destruction clan once that litter was born..." His gaze looked out to the water and his ears slowly slipped back to his skull. "I have been a jealous son, one that has surely disappointed the Oracle and his family in general. I didn't want to have little brothers and sisters, not when it had been me and my sisters for so long. I can't imagine having more siblings craving my mother's attention and love. Despite being a year old now, I feel as if I need her...She says that nothing has changed, but I don't believe it. Everything has changed and she is na?ve to it."
Dhiren's gaze then turned to look at her and he met her own pretty gaze. The way her opts were set with her facial structures and the colors were beautiful combinations that made him not want to look away. The pain disappeared from his eyes as he felt the sadness slowly overwhelm him. "I am alone in this, for the world continues to change and I am stuck in a time where I can't do anything to fix why I feel this way."


Awesome pic by Seren <3



03-22-2014, 09:29 AM

It was strange to listen to a story quite like her own. His parents werent missing but he felt detached all the same. She would look towards him once more before walking over, sitting comfortably next to him. She had only just met him; but there was no denying Guin felt an attraction towards him, perhaps a strong friendship forming. He was the firstborn of song Destruction. The last the youth remembered Song was a queen, but no longer kept up if it had changed. Not wanting to sound rude, Guinevere would say nothing about it. "It seems as thought you where close to your mother, but even with the new litter on the way, im sure you'll love them all just the same. There your blood and they'll look up to you like an older brother and protector. You may no longer be the only son of the Destruction family, but you'll always be the FIRST boy that your mother had." She says it in almost a murmur, wondering if his mind would ever change to his family expanding. Guinevere is currently the youngest out of her family, but her older siblings loved her arrival and protected her from harms way, she saw them as superiors and wondered if Dhiren can view it her way. " You dont have to be alone,ive already made that mistake. Maybe we could stick together? Im Guinevere Adravendi by the way. My father was once king before the disappearance, my aunt lost her crown to Artemis. So... whats Ludicael like?"



03-24-2014, 01:53 AM

The young prince was wondering what Guinevere had to say about his situation. He didn't know if she would give him proper advice or just speak about it with uncertain words. Instead, he was welcomed by the best thing he could ever hear: he would always be Song's first son. It was a given fact that Dhiren had clung to for a long time, but having it seen in a light by someone different made him feel more unique. For the first time in a few weeks, Dhiren smiled.
His face brightened with the change of his stoic expression and he nodded to answer her question. "Yes, I wouldn't mind having some company right now. These days, the only wolves I actually spend time with are two of my four sisters...and even then it can be frustrating." Novel adored the puppies and that got on his nerves. Canta was more moody and he appreciated her point of view about not wanting the babies born. He felt closer to her because of it, but it was still a bad thing to think about.
Guinevere introduced herself and he dipped his maw to her in a regal bow. "Pleasure to meet you, Guinevere Adravendi. I suppose that you are a part of Valhalla? Most of the Adravendis who have come to visit us are from there." To meet a wolf from a different pack was something he found interesting, for he had only been social with wolves from Ludi. As Guinevere asked what his home was like, Dhiren started to think. Finally, after a minute, he answered. "Ludicael is...a peaceful place to live. There aren't any wars, there is life wherever you look, and most of my family makes up the ranks." He shrugged half-heartedly. "I guess I should feel safe and secure because of it, but sometimes, it feels overwhelming."


Awesome pic by Seren <3