
Temptations of Fate



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-08-2014, 03:15 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 08:53 PM by Sin.)

The time was nearing. Stepping onto new lands, the hell hound sought to find a place of solace, a place that would bring in thoughts to his twisted mind. It had been quite a while since he roamed, havign disappeared for a few weeks in his quest. Did he dare tell anyone? No. It was not their business, he would not let anyone stop his plans. He could care less one way or another about what others thought, much less those of Glaciem. They were lazy, did nothing to benefit the pack. All bark and no bite. It irked him, irritated him to no end that he even considered joining in the first place. His father gave him no recognition, and so he would give none back. He was his own demon, none could compare...

He climbed up the rocky teeth of this nightmarish place, a place that could so easily tear apart the souls of the blind and the hearts of the weak. Would this be the place where he would rule? The place where he could rent asunder the souls of those who opposed him? Only time would tell. Sharpened claws scraped on rocky ground, venomous amber eyes narrowed as the midday sun shone brightly above. His pelt warmed up considerably, and to him it felt much better then the Northern Province. A smirk landed upon his face as he leaped from rock to rock, until finally he was standing on a ledge overlooking a considerable amount of land. Tail held high over his back and his stance that of dominance, he threw his head back and called. His howl summoned those who had previously said they would follow him to greatness. He only hoped that they would keep to their word, if not...they would surely regret it. For Sin never forgot a face.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


03-11-2014, 07:39 PM
(Insert sleezy comment here)

Aislin had yet to see Sin since the day he offered her royalty, in which she expected to still be standing. When something big like that comes down, she was the type to hold the person to it, otherwise, there was just no way they came away unscathed. Aislin had a hidden anger when it came to breaking agreements, though at least she would have a pack so it wouldn't have been a total loss. Still, Aislin would make him give her something for her time.

A howl was heard on the horizon and Aislin knew it was Sin calling. Finally - the man was stepping up to the plate. Turning from her southernly direction where she was exploring, Aislin went westernly towards where the white demon strode. Aislins paws struck the earth as she commanded her legs into a full run and she moved forward in one swift motion after another, lungs sucking in air like she couldn't live without it so that her blood could keep her legs moving. The heart within her chest barely pounded with fatigue as Aislin worked her body to the speed she was known for.

After what seemed like an hour or more, which it was only a quarter that, Aislin came upon the white and crimson form of Sin, the wolf with a name that fit the demon perfectly it seemed. Breaths were quick and forceful as her heart worked to regain its control. Aislin had put the weight back on that she needed to finally due to some abandoned caches and scavenging she went around, though with her fur it was hard to tell if she had lost any weight at all to begin with. As a smirk slipped onto her black lips, Aislin dipped her head low and walked towards Sin, happy to at least see the bastard before things got interesting.

"So, you call our followers forth to begin the reign of terror?"

Aislin inquired, automatically assuming she was queen, but that was like her to do so. If he wished her queen then he would have her queen. However, so long as she got to run she could care less. That was what made her most happy. Sliding her head under his chin, she went to stroke from the right side of his throat to the left shoulder all in one foul swoop before coming to a halt after turning right to face his left side head on. Aislin kept the smirk on her lips as she eyed her king, wondering what he would do next.


03-15-2014, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 09:32 PM by Isabella.)

A howl of summons, a howl she knew, the white wolf Sin. Isabella emerged from a den she was in with her ears up and her icy eyes bright. A spot of black and yellow was on the back of her fox colored for, Alphonso. "That is Sin's call." Isabella said in her empty voice as she looked back at the gecko. "He must have intent to start his pack. Shall we go investigate?" Alphonso scoffed at this "That rouge? His pack will no doubt be full of murderers and a lot you do not want to associate with. Besides, we have had two offers to join in Ebony. Koros is there, I like him." He boobed his head up and down a bit as he spoke nudging Isabella.

"I know of Riasa and the ways of her pack but I do not know what Sin's pack will be like. It will at least be worth our while to investigate. If I do not like my pack mates or the way Sin runs things we shall leave and seek Ebony. if we do not like it there we shall stay as loners." The logic seemed simple enough to Isabella but Alphonso was not quite sure. He wasn't a fan of the blood covered wolf and it wasn't just Isabella's safety he was conserved for. Isabella on the other hand felt Alphonso would be safe with her, if the pack showed any threat to him then she knew it would not be the pack for her.

The path was not an easy one though Isabella expected that. It wasn't anything new to her though, growing up on the cliff sides made it easy to navigate this place and follow her nose to Sin who was with another female who she did not know. Stopping before the two she nodded. "Greetings to you both Sin and Stranger. What plans do you have for your pack?" Even knowing he could be her alpha Isabella did not chance her stance or the emptiness of her voice, it was who she was after all. Alphonso was silent, hiding within Isabella's fur not much in the mood to talk and say something to tun himself into a snack. He was confident around wolves he didn't know but this one he knew and even he knew to hold his tongue. Isabella's words were to the point as always anyway, they would answer enough and perhaps determining if she would stay or not. If all else failed she could always talk to the two alphas together and decide from there.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."