


03-08-2014, 03:01 PM

She would stray from the lands she called home, unable to tolerate being there a second longer. Celeste needed something to do, needed some action to kick her back into her usual moods. Seracia felt strange now, her parents were gone, Caeto leaving for gods know what and the rest of her siblings no where to be found. The growing girl would smack a pebble aside thinking about her family, it was frustrating, did they really not thin about the future of their children and only cared about themselves? Whatever it was, even if the girl wanted to understand it, she just couldn't yet, couldn't face it.

With a small growl the child would hop down from her little perch, sliding down a small slope till she got to the bottom, giving herself a quick little shake before moving on. She hoped something interesting would happen today on her outing, perhaps find a pup around her age to wrestle or play with, or even an adult that could help train her or show her a new path she could go down. Either way, she wouldn't go home till something happened.


Awesome table by Shelby <3



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-08-2014, 03:54 PM

The southern heat was vastly different then the northern terrain. And truthfully, he preferred the warmer weather as opposed to the cold. However, he also preferred the shadows as opposed to the daylight, then again the sunlight disguised him as blood stained angel, seemingly with innocent intentions, however, his black heart and dark mind would prove otherwise. Amber gaze burned into the scenery before him, the blood stained beast clambering over barren hills to a place unknown. He didn't care, as long as he was nowhere near the pack of Glaciem. They did nothing, and so he would do nothing for them. He would continue as he had been doing, gathering followers for his future pack. And one day, those who proclaimed to be his enemies, he would watch their empire fall.

A scent distracted him from tempted thoughts, twisting his body to face the smell, he would catch a glimpse of a pelt unfamiliar and yet peculiar. He wasn't sure whether it was wolf or prey animal at first on sight, but the scent told him it was a young female. A smirk presented itself upon blood inked lips, and quietly he strode towards her. Perhaps she would make a good addition, and he would take her...willingly or not. It was time to get back in touch with his roots. He was not a nice man, and he would prove that to the world. Approaching downwind, he would find himself appearing behind her, her spotted backside glinting in the sunlight. "Children should not be wandering alone..." He purred.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


03-08-2014, 04:40 PM

Lost in her own little world, Celeste would not notice somebody had been wandering just a couple yards behind her, the wind not really helping either. It wasn't till he spoke that she would find this out, head turning to the side to glance at who it was, her gaze being greeted by a large white male with... blood on his pelt? Quite unusual, the girl had not seen such a thing before, it was interesting. Legs would crisscross, turning the girl around to face the stranger before her. He told her children shouldn't be wandering alone... true, but she was growing, and she was out here for a reason in the first place.

"Children know better than to wander off, but I'm not here just to explore." She responded with a raised brow. Would this be her ticket to excitement, to light the fire within her? The smell of blood would flow into the pup's nose, and for a moment she would have missed it but, there was something mixed into it. The girl's gaze would narrow the slightest, his scent was different, cold almost and distinct. "You smell like a pack from not around here... " Or was he not even from a pack?


Awesome table by Shelby <3



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-08-2014, 08:21 PM

The child would turn, her answer amusing upon tainted ears. She was not a pup, yet she was still a young one...a fresh mind to corrupt. Already he felt hell bent on taking her as his own. She seemed to be on her own after all, and to be down in the south he figured she must belong to the southern pack..or did at one point. Her question about his own scent did not surprise him, and all he did was chuckle as amber gaze drifted across her form before returning to her Brown gaze. "Do not worry about where I am from, for soon it will not matter." He rumbled gently, completely disregarding his allegiance with Glaciem. Why should he say he is even there? He couldn't give a Fuck about the pack, they were weak. Did nothing to prove themselves as a pack, the supposed superior empire was crashing down, and becoming the downtrodden Atlantis of packs. So the beast would leave it behind, uncaring towards those within. He had his own things to do, and he would strive to accomplish them.

Giving a shake of his fur, the blood stained male took a seat where he stood, eyeing the young girl as she stood before him. She seemed determined, and there was a fire that danced within her eyes. Perhaps she could prove useful, after all, it had been sometime since he had seen any of his followers, and was quite sure that some of them had decided to turn their backs on him. No matter, he could start anew...and start with her. "Where is your family, young one? Surely you're not wandering all alone?"


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


03-08-2014, 09:10 PM

Celeste wasn't sure if she should be frightened of the man or impressed, power radiated off his pelt, his gaze seeming to burn holes into her body and the smell of the blood coming off his pelt was a bit disturbing. An ear would twitch at his voice, apparently where he came from didn't matter... was he going to try taking her? He didn't seem frightening however, and even took a seat. A brow would raise, unsure whether she should continue talking to him or just take her leave. The queen wouldn't like this, and would possibly be upset to find a pack member conversing with such a wolf. Eyes narrowed at the thought, there were plenty of other children in the Kingdom, and her family wasn't even around, what harm would she cause?

Where was her family, surely she wasn't alone... ?They left, unable to handle their kingdom being run by another.? Her tone would hold a coldness to it, clearly annoyed by her parents deciding to leave Seracia for a pack similar. The truth to why they went there was unknown to the girl, her only assumption for it being because Loccian had taken it then passed it to Destruction while she was ill. ?Now I'm looking for a path to go down, my home no longer feels like home.? She would admit to him, hopefully he would give her something she could follow. She was sick of what was around her, needed a new pace.


Awesome table by Shelby <3



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-14-2014, 01:22 PM

Amber gaze continued to stare as she looked him over. He had managed well to hide his true intentions, this girl would be his.
Her response to his question about her parents pleased him, so she was here alone? And her parents gone? Perfect. Maybe, just maybe...she would choose to follow him. He would promise her greatness, and from the sounds of it, she was ambitious and eager to leave this place for something more. Something...greater. And it was exactly what he would be. His pack would be far greater then the world would ever know. Striking fear into the hearts of those that heard the pack name whispered upon the winds.

A small smirk would lift a corner of his lips, left paw stepping forward slightly to capture her attention as he would begin to speak. "If it is a new path you choose to follow, perhaps I can provide the first stepping stone...follow me to greatness, and you will achieve all that you wish to attain. I can give you all that you need, and all that you desire. A home where you will always belong, and your abilities as you grow will not be wasted. You will be recognized as an elite...and I can train you to get there." He stared intently at her, his gaze unwavering as he waited for her response. If she so chose to flee, he would take her anyway. Kidnap her and hide her away until his time to reign came to be. He would steal her if necessary, and depending on her answer, make her disappearance look like she had been killed by another creature.

You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


03-24-2014, 02:45 PM

Her full attention was on the strange man as he stepped forward, ears perking up at his voice. He spoke of if she should follow him, he could provide the first stepping stone, to follow him to greatness would allow her to achieve what she wished to grab. He could give her what she needed, all that she desired. The corners of her lips would twitch upward in a grin, the fire in her eyes further flaring up. He could offer a home where she would always belong, and where her abilities would grown, be useful and not become wasted, recognized as an elite and what made it better... he would train her to get there.

This was all very tempting, this man was basically offering the female all that she wanted. Gazes locked onto each other, Celeste was almost worried if she looked away this wolf would vanish as though he was never really here. "I have one question..." She would finally speak after a few seconds of silence, tail giving a flick behind her, smile fading as a new found seriousness mixed with delight formed. "When does this begin?" She accepted him as a mentor, and now she waited to hear when this would all begin, then she would go on to inform Destruction and her remaining sibling, Fin.


Awesome table by Shelby <3