
Take away Tomorrow


03-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Take away tomorrow

It was always there, like a distant drumming pounding in the back of her mind constant and merciless. Fear of what she had done, what had been done to her and what she had become. There were still moments of clarity, piercing and painful like a flash of reality burning her from her dreams. It was there now, causing her heart to hammer in her chest reminding her of how alive she was. The heat was real and alive around her in the blinding light of the sun. She was running now, cantering down the gentle slope of a hill like the devils hounds nipped at her ankles. Perhaps a part of her insanity was all her mind could do to protect itself from what she could not cope with; it blanketed her from the harsh realities of the world. Without it she ran, ran from herself and her pains even as she seemed to run from the insanity, terrified of its control upon her but even as she did she wished she could also run to it. The bliss of it took away the edge and the pain as was as through she was addicted to her own insanity addicted and frightened.

Take away today

Amidst her blind run she paid no heed to the slopping ground beneath her, the surface as uneven and uncertain as her mind, certainly it was as unreliable. Her front paw caught as she put all her weight upon her forepaws, halting her cascade down the hill, yanking her off her feet and as she fell the broken ligament freed itself from the holes grasp and without it to hold her there she tumbled, crashing and tearing down the banks of soft grass and rough loose stones that cut through her fur and into her skin. She cried out as she landed in an unceremonial heap at the bottom. She didn?t cry out again after that, just lay there panting, unable or unwilling to move. It didn?t match which it was, she couldn?t bring herself to feel the pain in her broken paw, or feel the insanity that began to creep in the back of her mind once more now that she was no longer able to escape it.

I didn't need your pity anyway



5 Years
03-07-2014, 12:18 PM

Within the shadows Desire? had witnessed the whole scenario. The fear, the pity, lost and defeated. It was all there. Her lips would twist, her sympathy laying out on open tables. Its a shame though, the purple Nymph was only trying to have a relaxing stroll, and some would just simply walk away and pretend that incident didnt just happen. But with a heart laced from gold, De would never think of turning a blind eye upon an injured soul. Swiftly, the woman would lift up onto her lean legs, clasping a plant only meters away from where she stands to help with the pain of the fall. It was a beginners luck, as the nymph wasnt much of a healer. With the herbs clasped firmly between closed jaws, Desire? was of, racing towards the cry.

it was a matter of seconds before seeing the fallen girl, and before making her way down, she would inhale deeply. Instead of taking the route the placid woman had fallen, De would go a few meters away and venture by the slimmest of slops, scurrying down it before taking the final jump onto the floor. Dropping the plant at the womans head, she'd leave it close enough for her to reach withought having to struggle to get at. " Here, it'll help for the pain. That was quite the fall." She was unsure if the woman was on the edge of blacking out, and in her best efforts to keeping her awake she would begin to talk once more. " Can you still walk? Do you need any help, perhaps you need a healer... Im Desre? Carmel."

image by Serendipity


03-08-2014, 02:45 PM
Now these are my never eyes

The pain brought a fresh stab of realisation to her surroundings, but it wasn't a constant pain it was a rising and falling breath of exertion, as it rose her mind breathed clarity and with its faded her mind bloomed in darkened swirls as was the nature of her paculiour malady. She still hadn't moved from where her fall had placed her, and even now with the sound of padding of a wolf approaching she did no more then lift her head to watch the strangely mottled fae approach her. She flinched as the leaves fell the earth just beside her face and at first made no motion to claim them. She watched the opticals of this stranger and listened to her soothing melody as she explained herself. She used the words to anchor her to bring her back to reality a moment longer, dragging herself to the moment. She reached her head forward to grasp the leaves in her jaws and swallowed.

So hold me to these never dreams

She attempted to stretch out her injured limb and clenched her jaw to the response that came in a wave of pain that shot through her, it was definitely broken. The other was speaking again and she forced herself to listen to the words. ?Desree Caramel? She breathed, playing with the strange name upon her tongue. She sighed softly, the other had also asked her if she could walk
?I can only try?
She responded, tensing her three uninjured legs as she boosted herself up, evening her weight upon her back paws and her right front, leaving the broken one to hang limply in the air. She groaned as the movement jarred her pain
?I know no healers. Thank you Deseree Caramel. I'm Albatross?
Standing up was one thing, but she knew that movement would be a whole different story.

Nothing in the ever song is ever as it seems


03-09-2014, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014, 03:28 PM by Altavro.)
ooc: hope you guys don't mind me sliding in here ;n;

what are you made of?

[flesh and bone]

The wandering wolf had found himself in yet another strange land. This area did seem to boast quite a few of those. Of course, the tall grasses gave Altavro a much more isolated feeling than he actually was. He had all but walked on top of the other wolves when he first sensed their presence, ears flicking to catch the tail end of a sentence "-know no healers..." The rest he tuned out as soon as he heard it - introductions meant little to the male. But if someone needed a healer, as a Nomad, as a decent wolf, he was obligated to come to their aid. He could back away now and pretend that he had never even heard them, but the idea didn't even occur to the golden male.

So the wolf would step carefully forward, digging his claws into the soil as he eyed the two females. His gaze would lock immediately on the injury, a broken forepaw, and begin to cycle through herbs. It would have to be set, of course, but Altavro could handle that easily enough. Even as he thought, however, the male opened his maw and spoke carefully, "My name is Altavro of the Nomads, and I am a healer." Comfrey and Arnica, if he could get his paws on them, and something for the pain of course, and it would have to be properly set. All doable things, though he would be lucky if he could find the proper herbs swiftly. And that was just his luck, wasn't it. "Do you two need any assistance?" Well, to him it seemed pretty obvious that they did, and that that was more of a formality than anything, but he would ask anyways.

Broken bones were nasty injuries, but not impossible to heal. It would be difficult, as wolves were not fond of staying still long enough for a wound such as that to heal properly, thinking it safe to move long before it actually was. It would be to the benefit of all if a Nomad was the one to set the bone. That wasn't arrogance speaking, no, it was simply a voice of experience. There were many things Altavro did not know. How to take care of a broken limb was not one of those things, and that was that.

& i'm running out of timeA L T A V R O