



03-05-2014, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 09:06 PM by Chrysanthe.)
Out-of-Character Name:Sea
How did you get here?:Lu's Deviant art
Age: 21 (old >.>)

Character's Name:Alpine
Age: 3
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height:
- 34 inches in height
- 4.5 feet head to tail
- Weight: 150 pounds

Appearance Description:
Puffs of pure white that falls in soft remembrance of snow across a muscular form. The coat a thick texture that ruffles in gentle whirls like a snow storm seen from space, the soft white off-cast by a tanned cream muzzle and framed by orbs that could be described as a blue fire or a smoky sky. His long legs make up the most of his height in a crisp leanness of one who has handled their share of hungry winters. His weight lighter than a full-grown male hidden behind the thick coat of an Arctic wolf ready for the chill of winter. A lightness in his step that defies the weighty pull of gravity and shows the power in his lean muscles, lastly after the storm of defiant curls that caress his body he finishes in fur that fall in straight puffs against a tail that swishes about his hind legs.

Personality Description:
A life lived in the thickness of snow is often said a harsh one. Lessons learned this way in the chilled winters have created one who learns on the swiftness of her paws. Alpine isn't one to need a lesson twice with the strength of his initiative being past that which one can simply learn and leaning more towards a strength ingrained into his instincts. His quickness in thought is the height of his attributes, framed, strangely with a fear never far from his mind. His a unique one for a wolf is height. A fall is often death and well succumbing to it is often seen as the course of life, a fall can lead also to paralysis following death, and this is the one that she had witnessed. A baby brother younger than him by minutes had fallen, but not to his immediate death. The image haunts him to this day, his inability to save him, a weakness? the beginning of a fear.
Doubly strange for a wolf who chose to reside on a mountain, but perhaps that is why he lived there. He's not one to let something best him, especially a personal fear. His mountain home is one way for him to laugh in that fears face.
Determination is another defining trait, he will never stop trying and pushing herself further. He believes that a goal hard reached is worth the effort, the easier to obtain the lesser its worth and his interest in it.
This determination however will never outstretch the bounds of kindness and compassion. His determination is to push himself and to gently push others onward. Cruelty in not in his nature, and not the nature she wants in a pack. When the strength of his personality influences those around him its a push for one to think for themselves, to consider and hold compassion dear to them. he also has the creativity to achieve his goals.

user posted image



03-05-2014, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2014, 04:43 PM by Chrysanthe.)

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