
Bringing In The Delegation



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-04-2014, 04:40 PM

Erani padded along, feeling rather good. The Alliance with Ludicael was a success, and five newborn pups to add to the happiness of the occasion. The new lives in Ludicael would be celebrated with the alliance Celebration she had planned for when she and Alsander returned to Valhallan land. She also had a Mating Ceremony to host for Ashtoreth and Leon, and then the next day would be the continuation of the celebration, taking form in a hunt which she would discuss with Ashtoreth and Sarak. The male needed something to do, what with the disappearance of Azalea.

She slowed and cast a look over her shoulder for Alsander. The rest in Ludicael seemed to have done him well, and the morning was cloudy and cool. Late Summer was almost turning toward the hints of Autumn. He seemed very happy, and she could only wonder at the dreamy expression that sometimes crept onto his features every now and then. She surmised that maybe he?d found a sweetheart. She would have to ask him about that on the return trip home. If it was what he was being all dreamy about, she had a guess as to who it must be. The albino healer from Taurig?s group. Io. She smiled faintly, then turned her eyes ahead again, surveying the land ahead. The Rock Garden. She?d heard that a pack had recently taken up residence here, and from what she?d heard, they weren?t trouble makers like Isardis.

Her paws came to a stop as her nose picked up the border scents. Quickly, she analyzed the scents there, taking notes. The Leader scent was female, and healthy, and though the range of members she smelled here was small, they were strong and healthy as well. Stepping back, Erani lifted her head, scanning the surroundings with a keen eye as Alsander came to stand beside her, head level with her flank. Respectful, but able to lunge past and in front of her if she was threatened.

Erani lifted her muzzle to the sky and sang a gentle summons to the Leader of Ebony. Her voice held the thrum of power associated with an Alpha Primary, but also a heavy measure of respect and diplomacy. Wisdom added a deeper note, and as she let the call taper off, she listened for an answer or an approach of paws on earth. Her haunches lowered to the ground, tail curling about her hips as she patiently awaited a reply.

(OoC: Alsander and Chrysanthe made a plan for Chrysanthe and Odette to arrive to safe guard Erani in case of trouble. Erani has no clue of that, but she'll guess. XD)



9 Years
03-04-2014, 05:00 PM

Alsander tailed his aunt, his nose level with her tail. He was thankful for the cool weather the morning provided, and his mind was indeed taking various moments to wander briefly to Io. She?d really come to see him last night. It wasn?t some dream. He?d enjoyed their conversation. Thoroughly enjoyed being in her presence for most of the night. His patrol had nearly been done, so when their conversation had been over, he?d finished that up in a daze, then caught some sleep before Erani had come to wake him.

The trip to Ludicael had gone very well, and he could tell his aunt was very pleased with how it had turned out. Five newborn pups, too. He hadn?t gotten to see them, but Erani?s pleased look said they were all alive and healthy. The hustle and bustle of the Ludicael wolves around the den pleased him. That a pack was so involved with their Lady?s birthing showed that they were a good pack, and rather like Valhalla in values.

He cast a glance around when Erani wasn?t looking, wondering if Chrysanthe and Odette were already waiting in the wings to step in on either side of Erani to add strong wolves to their delegation. He wasn?t taking any chances with his aunt?s safety. He?d allowed her to take only him to Ludicael because he?d heard that they?d had an original alliance, though that seemed to have fallen through on the siege. With this unfamiliar, new pack, he wasn?t taking chances. He?d heard Amenti had changed paws once more. Syrinx had seemingly vanished, and one of the wolves had taken Leadership. He also had heard wind that Amenti was no longer Amenti now, but Olympus. And they had territory very close to Valhallan Borders. Emerald Valley, as well as another land. He hoped these wolves would ally with them, rather than become an enemy.

Erani stopped, and he fell into position at her left flank. The subordinate?s place. ?Here?s to hoping all goes well..? As she sat, he lowered onto his haunches, though he was still ready to spring should his aunt be threatened.



5 Years
03-05-2014, 09:47 PM

The howl fell sour on Raisa's ears. Certainly she was grateful for the display of manners, as most had bypassed her borders entirely as of late, but the last to observe the unspoken law had been the northern king. The meeting still tarnished her mood, a faint shadow hovering in the back of her mind. Who was it that stood on her fringes now? Perhaps an envoy, come for the decision she was not willing to publicize. Raisa sighed and made her way down from the top of the monolith hat marked her den. It made for a lovely lookout, if only in the morning hours before the heat of the sun grew too intense. She considered calling for a retainer of knights to accompany her, but decided against it, knowing they would be only a howl away. After loping to the border, of course, she came to regret her choice. Two wolves awaited her instead of the one she had heard, and her spirit sank. Son of a... she sighed within her thoughts. It took considerable effort not to sigh and roll her eyes. Neither seemed familiar to her, by scent or sight, and the queen grew somewhat more hopeful. Blunt and to the point, she asked, "Please tell me you're not from Glaciem. That would really ruin my morning..." Rude? Perhaps, but she was afraid. She gave no introduction, nor did she plan to, until she know who it was she faced. Raisa found herself hoping that at least one of her packmates was near at hand, just in case.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



03-05-2014, 10:03 PM

Well wasn't this a treat? More strange scents. Kaliska's eyes narrowed as she paused on her morning patrol route. It seemed she couldn't complete a single route without running into at least one loner and her luck recently had been to run into crazies and arrogant kings. Letting out a sigh she headed in the direction. Just as she was about to call she recognized Raisa's scent. Good! She just hoped it wasn't their dear friends from Glaciem coming with more threats. While she didn't mind Isardis' play on words he was far to serious and full of himself for her tastes. Boy? she'd just love to bite him right in the crotch and sending him squeaking off into the sunset.

Trotting into the clearing Kaliska greeted her queen with a nod before turning to see another pair of strange wolves. A greyish male and an ancient white female. Liska gapped, her draw dropping open. "WOW? you are ancient! You must be really, really smart. Are you a wise woman? Can you see the future? Can-" Kaliska's trap slammed shut as the little voice inside her her head thumped her soundly between the eyes. Right, manners, grace? all that jazz.

Clearing her throat she tried again. "Sorry, I don't know what got into me. Kaliska Kaltharsis, Ebon Knight."




10 Years
03-06-2014, 12:58 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 02:43 AM by Aures.)

The atmosphere was definitely cooler than it had been lately. The summer was more lenient about autumn coming around again, this being the second one Odette ever experienced in her short life. She had turned a year old that summer and she was eager to prove her worth to her pack at such a young age. It was the perfect explanation as to why she was with her grandmother, mother, and great-uncle that day. They had left Valhalla to explore the Rock Garden, a place that held the unknown for the young wolf. Basically, they were on an adventure!
Grandmother Erani had explained that rumors of a newfound pack had established their home in the great domain of rocks. That was the main reason why they had left Valhalla to see if the rumors were true. A slip of the tongue also mentioned that this pack was not of Glaciem alliance, making the young girl's chest hum in content. She didn't want to be near those wolves, especially if they meant to bring harm to her family. With a positive outlook on this mission, Odette continued to walk.
She was beside her mother and behind Erani, wanting to make sure that nothing could come out of the blue and attack them. Silently, she padded around Chrysanthe and appeared on the right side of her grandmother as the white female came to a standstill. Eager eyes graced the land as Erani howled, hoping that they wouldn't be ambushed due to the potential hiding places in front of them. With a flick of her tail and a light stomp from all four paws, Odette waited to see who would approach.
First was the alpha of the pack. She didn't introduce herself, but Odette could tell by the air she carried. The bi-colored eyes made Odette's sight warm up to the stranger. She hadn't met anyone else with the same kind of sight changes like her. Gala and Oracle had the same colored eyes, so this was indeed a treat. With a glance to Erani, she took a couple of steps forward and replied. "No ma'am, we are not of that pack. Far from, actually." A smile appeared on her face as both red and blue eye blinked.
Another female approached out of the blue and immediately called Erani ancient. Her gaze broke with the other Alphess and set upon the russet-furred woman. She raised both eyebrows and then looked at Erani before taking a step back. Odette was not sure if she should respond to the adjectives. She didn't know how Erani would take such an observation, so all she did was give a small smile before returning to her currently quiet stage.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



03-06-2014, 02:19 AM
The woman would follow her mother and the little congregation that had formed to make sure that the alpha was safe during her trip to Ebony. The gamma would linger behind a bit, not wanting to intrude upon the pack that they were about to pay a visit - but once the other reached the borders she would quicken her pace and join them just before Erani gave the call. Chrysanthe's place had at the front doing the talking for quite some time, but now she was simply a soldier, and she would sit vigil a comfortable distance from the Ebony wolves that showed. Although she would crack a smile when the tri colored woman would mention Glaciem - seemed the ice pack had already appeared and given their lovely first impression. Before she could respond with a quip of her own, Odette would beat her to it, and she would nod in a silent response of her own. They were not at all affiliated with the northern pack.

Calling Erani ancient probably wouldn't sting the ivory fae, she was getting up there in age - and the strange russet lady didn't seem to be insulting her - no, in fact, it seemed to be her odd way of being excited about meeting a wolf so wise. No harm done in Chrysanthe's mind, she doubted any of the present Valhallans would differ. Now all that was left, was for Erani to lead this attempt at forming some sort of understanding between their two packs. The russet faced woman was curious as to how this would go.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2014, 08:12 AM

Erani?s ears pulled back as she caught the sounds of movement behind her, then pulled forward again as she uttered a soft chuckle upon recognizing the tread of Chrysanthe and Odette. ?Ah, children, I should have known you would cook up something.? Gentle amusement sparkled in the deep blue gaze as she cast a glance left and right at her daughter and grand-daughter. However further conversation would be cut off by the arrival of first one wolf, who carried herself with the bearing of a Queen, and also matched the alpha scent on the border. Odette spoke up, and Erani nodded. ?As she says, we are not Glaciem wolves. Nor are we remotely allied with that pack or it?s? King.? The delicate pause said that ?King? was the last word she would have used for Isardis.

The second arrival was of a small female, who piped right up. Her words caused an amused chuckle to roll from the snowy Alpha Primary?s chest, rich velvet roughened by age. ?True, I am old, but I?ve a few years left. No offence taken, Ebon Knight Kaliska.? Deep blue gaze twinkled gaily at the small female before turning to the Queen before her. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla, a pack to the west. I came to see about an alliance, and if not an alliance, then a treaty of peace. This is Alsander, Digamma Secondary, also my nephew,? She tilted her head to indicate the pale silver male at her flank, ?My daughter, Chrysanthe Adravendi, also previously Alpha of Valhalla,? Her head tilted to indicate her russet faced daughter, ?And my grand-daughter Odette Adravendi.? She nodded to indicate Odette.

Her words were given in the same gentle tones, friendly and warm. If the Queen of Ebony would have her day ruined by Glaciem wolves on her border, then Ebony and Valhalla were on the same paw when it came to the northern pack. ?I take it that you?ve already had a visit from Glaciem?? Her deep blue eyes chilled over at the word Glaciem. Part of her mind gave a rye laugh. Funny, Glaciem used to be a pack wolves thought of with a smile. Now it was one thought of with a snarl.



9 Years
03-06-2014, 08:41 AM

Alsander gave a pleased smile as Odette and Chrysanthe arrived, right on time, taking their places as planned. He cast a glance at his aunt, grinning as she chuckled and spoke to them. ?Well, you can hardly expect us to have you unguarded around a strange pack, now could you, Aunt?? Irish words were uttered to her in a soft tone, baritone rumble gentle. The arrival of the Leader of Ebony was swift, and he surveyed her politely, taking in the strength of her muscles, and the definition of her step. Her appearance was nice as well, and her words were promising. Any wolf that would speak of Glaciem as though it?s visitation of her borders was the rise of a plague would likely be a good ally. Must have been Isardis who paid a visit. The thought passed through his mind, making a small smile tug to get free.

A second Ebony wolf arrived, sending up a chatter to Erani. He grinned. ?Aye, she?s old, but she?s faster than you?d think, and hard to keep up with. We have a suspicion that she can see into the future.? He grinned at his aunt as she spoke as well, then stepped back, assured that the wolves here were little threat, possibly even friendly. He settled back on his haunches, listening to Erani introduce herself and explain her presence on the Queen of Ebony?s borders, and dipped his head as she introduced himself, Chrysanthe and Odette in turn. ?A great pleasure.? Mismatched eyes of gold and green twinkled with honest pleasure as he spoke.

They grew serious as Erani went on to ask about Ebony?s dealing with Glaciem, long haired tail tapping the ground slightly in distaste at the name. His eyes and tail were the only sign of displeasure, though he could feel the ice rolling from Erani. How on earth did she do that? ?We?ve had a great deal of trouble from the Northern wolves.? He?d heard that Glaciem was once ruled by kind wolves. In fact, ruled by Odette?s parents, and her aunt before that. Erani had spoken of that female with warm tones and a smile. Now Glaciem was under the paw of Isardis, and no one he knew smiled with joy and laughter at the mention of that pack anymore.



8 Years
03-06-2014, 10:24 AM
Maximous was much quicker to answer the call at the boarder than when the northern king had come. The last time he went to a meeting at the boarder his queen had been appreciative of him, though she still hadn't given him an answer on the subject he could guess at her dislike for the albino man.

This time at his arrival on the boarders more than two wolves stood on the other side. Lady Raisa and one of the other Ebony wolves had arrived before himself. He still did not know her name or rank but he would make sure he learned it. As luck had had it, he'd arrived just in time to hear the lass give her name and rank.

As the four wolves from the other pack spoke Max stayed within the shade of a large rock. His black pelt blending almost perfectly. It was only when the man with an Irish accent spoke that he showed himself. The Nomad mark on his forehead was a dark maroon red, but in the light it stood out against his onyx pelt. Icy eyes examined the four before he gave a bow to his queen.

When he rose out of it he was turned to the others. "An interesting suspicion." the man mused with deep vocals. He doubted that the woman could see into the future but he would not doubt her wisdom as that tone in her voice seemed familiar to him.

Within moments of speaking, the young man found himself seated silently next to his queen.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



03-06-2014, 12:26 PM

Something had pulled at the mans strings; twisting him into the direction of the borders once again. He didnt really mind of course, as it is one of his duties. But it soon became clear that it wasnt a rouge wishing to join, but a few members that reside elsewhere. A strong number stood proud, inches away from there land. And for the moment, he didnt know whether to smile or become wary. Slowly, Vaughan would drift towards Raisa's side, brushing softly against, and if it was an alliance that they seek- then it was infact his job to help the queen decide on the final decision. Many of his own had gathered to, not needed- but rather appreciated. His head would slowly raise, his mismatched eyes locking upon every individual, before falling upon a woman that had an ivory body and russet cranium. She was rather pretty, and yet it looked as though she had gone through more then what should be expected... a blind eye?

" Vaughan, High lord of Ebony." He'd muse it aloud, before glancing towards Raisa, there was a potential alliance building, And Vau would happily accept; and if the queen accepted then it would be all the better. " She may be old, but she can easily tell us all about Alactria, and who to avoid in the future." He'd let out a faint chuckle, wanting to know a little more about Valhalla before going any further.

image by Luisiana



5 Years
03-09-2014, 04:59 PM

Wolves seemed to appear from the very heart of the boulders scattered about them. Raisa scorned herself for being so unobservant as to not catch their scent on the breeze. They seemed largely friendly, however, and she did not stress more than was her due. After all, for all the Valhallans that had come to her lands, Raisa's own packmates soon appeared as well. The first of which was Kaliska, and as expected, she was rather lacking in tact. Raisa wasn't sure whether to chuckle or shake her head, but a quick glance at the elder she spoke to told the sooty fae that her enthusiasm was well received. Raisa brushed her tail affectionately against the smaller woman's flank, grateful she had come when the strangers had called. The third foreigner to arrive was quick to announce that they were indeed not from Glaciem and Raisa found a smile on her face, despite herself. Her relief was likely palpable, but she didn't mind. "Wonderful," she said, then composed herself. The Queen offered the now three strangers a polite bow, and came up with curiosity in her eyes. "My name is Raisa Xanilov, and I hold claim to the lands you see before you." As she pronounced herself yet another wolf came forth from the open lands, but Raisa was not unduly worried about being outnumbered two for one. For all she could see, these four seemed entirely friendly and well-intentioned. The eldest of them all began to speak and Raisa listened with a keen ear. It would seem that not only were these wolves unassociated with the northern king, but held him in rather poor esteem. The Ebony Queen found she could relate. As Erani introduced each wold in her entourage, Raisa gave them a polite nod of the head, making an effort to memorize their faces and names, should they ever meet again. Alsander remarked that Erani may very well have the powers of an oracle, just as Maximous arrived to their side. Raise turned to the man as he spoke and smiled, nodding by way of greeting. Turning back to the Valhallans she spoke truly, saying, "A psychic you say? I cannot claim such things for myself, unfortunately. Regardless, it is an honor to meet you all. I confess to being a stranger to these lands, and rather unfamiliar with our neighbors." Raisa smirked and bobbed her head from side to side, considering how best to phrase what she meant to say next. "I have had words with the alphess of Olympus," she said lightly, unsure whether to speak of her and Virgil's true relationship, "as well as with the King of Glaciem. I would be remiss to omit that the latter meeting was... unpleasant." Vaughan had arrived as well, by the time the Queen had finished her small speech. He spoke wisely, and Raisa found her first impression of the elderly alphess quite a good one. She was eager to see what conversation the western wolves had brought to her moorland. "So, what might we do for you?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



03-11-2014, 05:17 PM

Good! Kaliska was glad to hear the odd-eyed stranger state that they weren't of Glaciem. She was wary of that pack and while she knew it was dangerous to oppose them she wasn't keen to get all snuggsy-wuggsy with them either. Her ears flicked forward and a warm smile met her face at the elder's laughter. Oh she liked this fae! Elders were sacred in Kaliska's old pack and she'd always felt more comfortable around them than many other wolves, even the crotchety ones. Her tail wagged lightly as the femme introduced herself as Erani Adravendi of Valhalla! So the Valhallans were still around then? That was fantastic news! She'd heard the call echo over the battlefield but she had not gone herself and so she did not know the outcome. Their resilience has to be a thorn in Issy-poos's pride for sure.

However, the way Erani introduced Chrysanthe as the former alpha made her question her previous assumption. Perhaps Glaciem had won after all and they'd reformed? Either way their determination and moxie was a definite plus in Kaliska's eyes. They'd be excellent allies and better than that, they could be trusted allies in her opinion. She turned to Alsander. "I heard the challenge awhile back, I did not attend but I'm glad to see you're all still together. Issy must be furious."

She leaned over to Raisa. "I like them." It was a plain statement and her informal seal of approval. An alliance would be welcome with Isardis stalking around planning lord knew what.



03-16-2014, 01:40 PM

Elsa held her head high as she searched far and wide for some of the herbs that were harder to find in the sweltering heat. Her eyes narrowed slightly when she caught the scent. So many wolves gathered along the border that day. "Queen Raisa." She said with a bow of her head as she stood near, if not next to her. She did not acknowledge any other wolf from her pack and she instead looked to those who did not belong to Ebony. Now who could these people be? She wondered half to herself and half of her sought to discover what they wanted.

It seemed like Elsa was late for the party, something that knocked her confidence down. The scent of herbs clung to her pelt and her eyes were soft as she looked on. A smile crossed her muzzle when she managed to hear what they were there about. An alliance. The words soothed the Sola Knight a little as she listened onward.
