
just keep on healing me


03-02-2014, 10:46 PM

ooc;; healers required please, other members welcome if they want a crash course in healing as well :)

He had left the kids with Eria, apologizing profusely as he had left and promising her that he would go fishing after meeting with the healers and doing a quick lesson for Erani. Though it felt odd holding a meeting for the healers rather then Erani, he had spent so long when Aislyn was alive listening to her run crash courses on healing for them but now she was the Alpha. She had so many other duties that she didn't really have time to teach them. Though he hoped that eventually she would return to them for a lesson or two at least and maybe one day Imena would maybe lead a few lessons. But his memory of her was a timid young girl, though that may have been because of the scolding Erani had given her. He hadn't caught the whole story but enough of it to learn not to mess with the older lady. So today he had decided to hold this meeting, having ran it by Erani a few weeks ago that he would like to eventually hold a meeting for the healers. As far as he knew there were only two aside from himself and Imena so maybe they could each take on one under them to teach them a bit more?

All things to discuss once he called them together.

The fog here wasn't as dense as it was some days but it still curled languidly around his ankles and covered some of the smaller mossier plants closer to the ground and made them harder to see. It was never fun to hunt for herbs here due to the visibility but it was one of the best places to find them. So it was here that he had decided to call the meeting. As he drew further into the moor he would slow, head lifting and aqua eyes scanning the immediate area. There were various herbs, mosses and other things here as well as well as some toxic plants and some cobwebs hanging from the trees damp with dew. It would do, it would be an adequate beginning phase for them. So he would tip his head back, calling for the healers of Valhalla to gather. And then it was just a waiting game.



03-02-2014, 11:22 PM

She had been busy clearing out her old den of debris and sulking. She could never see her old den the same way again, and yet never leave it. It held a bittersweet feeling for her. Without her mate, without her sun, she felt those black clouds of depression blocking out the light. She didn't want anyone to see her this way, thus kept to herself. At least until she could at least bare the pain. Her heart felt shattered, her body ached with loss. She would spend her days restocking her store or chewing on lavender and poppy seeds. It helped, especially at night were sleep was fitful. She had no one to turn to, no one to tell her worries and stresses. No one to tell to even now when she needed it the most.

Today was like any other, laying at the entrance to her cave like den, blue eyes just staring off into nothing. She felt so hollow, but yet her mind screamed to get moving. She couldn't let her pack down as Primary Theta. But how could she face them? She watched as others fell in love, had mating ceremonies and the such. And each time to pain and jealously was getting harder to hide away. A howl broke through her turning mind, lifting her head up. Friction was calling all the healers. Was something wrong? At once her mind would focus only on that, paws scrambling to get up and bolt off to the male. Though depression hung around her, her body was at it's peek prime. Muscles pumped under glossy fur of black and brown, lung not tiring or burning in her speeding race. Friction's location took her through the moor. She did not hesitant to splash into some mud, merely shook it off.

There ahead she spotted the male and slowed down to a walk, shaking out the debris and mud from the run.Friction? All is well I hope? She called out as she approached him. No longer was she the timid female when they had first met. She had come a long way since joining Valhalla. The pain she suffered vanished away, locked away for solitary confinement for later. Blue eyes were sharp as she looked around them before settling down on her haunches and waiting.

Shilah I


6 Years
03-03-2014, 06:30 PM

Nose always to the grindstone Shilah had been out investigating his new home. Familiarizing himself with the plant life as well as the borders and boundaries that formed the new, or rather old, Valhallan homeland. He'd made a mental note to get out and familiarize himself with his pack mates next though he felt ultimately many of them would prefer his distance for the time being. They'd been displaced in a way and were still dealing with the fallout from the challenge. From what he could tell it seemed like Glaciem had been on their heels for quite some time but it was hard for him to be sure. Shilah knew better than to open old wounds without good reason. Curiosity was not a good enough reason.

Mouth full of Sweetflag grass Shilah was making his way back to a freshly dug den. He didn't feel right taking a den that may have held a previous owner so he'd stayed up late digging his own. It was on his way back through the moor with his swamp grass still in his maw that he heard a call ring out. Shilah did not recognize the voice but made a beeline for the source. While the call didn't sound terribly alarming Shilah was never one to turn down a summons.

He came upon a pair of blue-eyed wolves, male and female and he quickly dipped his head in greeting before setting down his gather so that he could speak. Licking his lips of the spicy, earthy taste he turned to them. "I am Shilah of the Nomads, recent recruit to Valhalla and newly ranked Eta. Is there something amiss?"



03-05-2014, 06:19 PM

Things had long since calmed down since the time she fell into depression. Things were far different now, she was not special compared to everyone, she had strengths weaknesses just like everyone else. If they couldn't accept that, then that was their problem. She had friends, she had Allen, Chrysanthe, if anyone picked on them she definitely would have something to say about it. She wouldn't let herself be made fun of because of her out burst either. Something like that wouldn't happened again, the healer, the warrior, she had the mind of steel. She was strong, and she would make it seem that way. Protecting, and paying no mind to the cruel words of others. They wouldn't be able to pull her down, it was impossible to do so. Vahva was not some simple pin cushion, she was a perfect woman with a plan ahead of her of course taking care of pups and keeping up with duties was harsh but Ryouta couldn't exactly take care of the five of them on her own while Raven was sick. Plus maybe some of her would rub off of them, and make them a bit less of murderers.
Regardless of any of this, she still had a duty to attend to as one of the many healers of the pack. It was a far fetched position from her old digamma one, but she was convinced she could make something of herself. Friction she really hadn't met in person, she had heard stories about him, his daughter. She was certain she probably knew him when she was younger, unless he joined after that time. Vahva wasn't sure of the pains of him, or the other members. She had her own, and she didn't want to create a unbreakable barrier. She'd wear her past like a medal, it was in the past after all. No longer a slave, she would make her mother proud. Her father wherever he was, him too. She'd make them glad that they made that mistake. And she would pull her name back from the grave where even Cairo wouldn't be able to ignore her from his grave.
Standing out in the small crowd was easy, she was a thirty six inch tall wolf, black on top white on bottom. On her head was a electric blue mane, it made her stand out like a sore thumb. Her red eyes made eye contact with Friction, she calmly smiled and then dipped her head with a greeting. Imena was here as well, and someone she did not know. He introduced himself as Shilah of nomads. Well it was nice to meet him anyway. Of course she was unsure of what this meeting was about but as a healer it was her duty to be here. Red eyes moving over she sat herself calmly. Pulling her ears forward, her right being torn half way off and would never grow back. Something of a reminder her son had granted her with. Lovley, wasn't it?




10 Years
03-05-2014, 10:13 PM

The challenge for the pack was ancient history. It was under the rug and life continued to move on. Chrysanthe's spirits were slowly rising and Odette made sure there were no backslides. She didn't want her mother to disappear into a shell of her former self, not talking to anyone or daring to enter the large world. If she had been able to, Odette would take all the sorrows and pains away from the Gamma. She didn't like seeing her family in pain.
So, Odette knew she had nothing to worry about when she left the den that morning. Chrysanthe had set out to practice sparring with Surreal, something that wasn't normally routine for the Gamma. Odette had declined the invitation, for she was more worn out than usual. The past couple of days, she had been practicing in private, not wanting her mistakes to be obvious to others that were more experienced. She wasn't vane about her looks, but more so about her strategic skills.
She had stretched all four limbs and set out to find something to snack on. Muscles needed protein, and even though she had reached her growing height, that didn't stop her body from growing. Odette took a chance and left the Plains to stroll into the Moor. She didn't know what kinds of prey lived there, but she was more than eager to find out.
Before she could even try to search, a howl reached her ears. It was familiar and it didn't take long for Odette to realize it was Friction Sovari. He was the lead Healer -- a fine choice made by Erani -- and she became curious as to why he called. Without hesitation, Odette pursued her new target, intending to tackle him out of the blue. Within minutes, she found him and was about to get him, but the presence of other wolves prevented her from playing. Instead, she strutted out of the fading fog and lightly nudged his shoulder.
"Hello, Friction!" She said excitedly, red and blue eyes twinkling merrily. After a few seconds, she walked towards the other members of her pack and caught Imena's eye. Slowly, she chose a spot next to her and reclined beside the Theta, hoping she wouldn't mind. Her gaze returned to Friction as she waited to hear him speak.

"You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-18-2014, 10:17 PM

ooc;; okay guys, no posting order really :) just gonna keep this loose and quick hopefully!

And so they would come, Imena first and immediately an easy smile slipped into his features at her approach. She was one of the few wolves of Valhalla he knew and though he didn't know her well a familiar face was always welcome. Was all well? "Yes of course Imena. Its good to see you and congratulations on your new rank. Are you settling in well?" He asked pleasantly, completely oblivious to her problems and missing mate. She had always been rather quiet but sweet and Friction had taken an easy liking to her. Next to come was an unknown female but an introduction flowed easily from her tongue. Who were the nomads? "Welcome Shilah, I'm Friction Sovari. Theta Secondary and Imena here is our official lead healer." He introduced her with a smile, casting a glance to the younger woman. Something seemed off about her but it wasn't something he wanted to bring up in front of people they didn't really know. Next came a woman who stood out quite obviously and yet seemed to try and blend into the background. Friction would simply smile to her and tip his head easily in greeting without drawing seemingly unwanted attention to her. Lastly Odette would come and Friction couldn't help but grin at the young girls exuberance, nudging her back as she shared a touch with him before choosing a spot near Imena. "Odette, always a pleasure!" He said with a chuckle as the girl pranced onto the scene with her usual exuberance. He waited only a few more moments, though everyone who Erani had told him held the healer rank was here now. Taking a steadying breath he smiled out to the small crowd gathered before him, it had been a long time since he had taught a healing lesson. Probably over 3 years if not more. But it was easy to fall into old habits. "Well welcome all, this is the first but defiantly not last healers meeting. For those who don't know me I'm Friction, and this is Imena, we are the lead healers. I've gathered you all here to have a bit of a herb collecting session. I personally like hanging and drying herbs in my den for the winter months but thats just me. This place is amazing for healers. But there are both poisonous and helpful plants here, and actually some useless ones? Anyways for those who are interested today I figured we could take a wander around and go over any plants that anyone might be foggy on? Collect the basic herbs that I use for most surface wounds. If anyone else has any suggestions feel free to voice them!" He said easily, words rolling off his tongue with practiced ease. He had about 5 or 6 basic herbs that he always had on hand that could help with almost anything from pain, to blood clotting to surface wounds.



03-18-2014, 10:46 PM

She would relax at the male's words and gave a pleased smile. She had never really talked to Friction before but had seen him plenty from before. Taking a seat next to him comfortably. Thank you. Congratulations on your family. And its good to see a familiar face who will be my partner in this rank. She replied warmly. Eyes turned away as a young male, a Nomad joined them. Tail beat the ground softly in greeting as she dipped her head to the younger male. All is well young Shilah. She answered the boy. It seemed the others would come right after him. First Vahva, who seemed to want to just observe everything from a distance and them Odette.

She would rest her eyes on the other woman with a dip of her head and ears flicking, requesting she join them closer. But Vahva did not have to if she wished not to. Imena would not press her on their first meeting and infront of others. Odette's presence made her grin happily. The girl was like a sunbeam of light that made everyone warm. As she leaned into her, Imena bent down to nuzzle the top of her head a give a moan croon in loving greeting. The girl was her family now. Cousin in Cael, thus her family now too. Even if that meant that Cael was missing, they were still family.

She would turn her attention back to Friction as he spoke, nodding softly in agreement.Do you think we should take on one apprentice each and split Odette's training between us? That way we can focus more on one individual at a time? She would ask him very softly for only him to here. Honest she wanted to train Shilah, seeing something in him where they could bond. Friction might have better luck with Vahva than her honestly. She knew something was bugging the blue haired woman, but Imena couldn't even wrap her mind around her own problems. So how could she help her when she couldn't help herself?

Shilah I


6 Years
03-22-2014, 02:31 PM

Shilah offered a node of greeting to the two femmes that had shone up. His fellow healers he assumed. The gray male introduced himself as Friction Sovari, the secondary healer of Valhalla and the dark colored femme as Imena, their lead. Shilah smiled and offered a node of respect to the pair. He was anxious to know how he could be of service to them and his new home. It seemed they would have an herb collecting session. An excellent idea! Summer would fade to autumn before they knew it and various herbs would become harder to find. It was also convenient for Shilah as he was in the very process of herb gathering. As a traveller Shilah was not terribly used to keeping stores but he had the knowledge and know how to do it from his training as a Nomad.

"That sounds good to me. We should make the most of the summer before it slips away from us. I've had the luck to find some Sweetflag grass not too far east of here but I'm still learning the lay of the moor and would appreciate some guidance in that respect." He smiled, anxious to learn.




10 Years
03-25-2014, 11:27 PM

She watched with bated breath as Friction started to speak. The Theta Secondary spoke of how there were herbs that could be collected before the fall season appeared and she silently agreed. Some plants would not be available in the autumn, that much she knew. However, when it came to knowing the basic herbs, she was completely lost.
A gentle whimper escaped her lips and she looked fearfully at Friction before looking at Imena. "I don't know most of the basic herbs, Imena," she softly said, hoping that her lack of knowledge wouldn't cast her out from the others. She figured everyone else there had herbal knowledge, but she also knew that some questions would look silly compared to what they knew. For the first time since being lost from home, she pondered what kind of situation she would get herself into where her low level of herbs would fail her. It was something she didn't want to consider.
Silently, she turned her head back to look at Friction's caring gaze. "Friction, is there any way you can review with me what the herbs are? It's been a long time since our first lesson." And indeed it was, for Odette was only three months old when Friction had met her. That meeting had escalated to a herb lesson, one that Odette really did enjoy. Healing was a miraculous thing, but she preferred being on the battlefield.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-27-2014, 12:50 AM

There really wasn't anything for her to say. The other had it handled, and certainly there was barely any interest shown in her. Vahva had her worries, taking care of five pups, trying to find her daughter, and dealing with the pressures knowing her son was with an enemy that had done her family wrong. The woman was just here because she was called, even though unneeded. She felt no desire to voice anything, nothing about herbs or the sort. Definitely not feeling comfortable blowing out information. Her tail gave a little flick in the uncomfortable vibe that she felt. She really didn't know what to think will how uncomfortable she was. Usually she wouldn't be, but old habits died hard specially with her new arousal of emotions. For a long time she had buried them, and then exploded out only to return to an equilibrium of something. She found herself in an awkward position of wanting to be accepted.

Vahva gave a small sit, splaying herself out onto her chest. Crossing her front paws, she wouldn't leave, but she would keep her muzzle shut. The woman would wait to be addressed if she was needed, or wait to be coaxed if that was ever so possible. Vahva didn't want to be looked at as an attention whore, but she was not ready to be looked at like she was some sort of monster thinking she knew everything after her mistakes. Her half eaten scabbed ear giving a flick, thank the gods that it didn't bite so deep she lost her hearing. Red eyes flickered with no sense of emotion, hiding her discomfort the best she could.



04-01-2014, 12:22 AM

An easy smile slipped over his lips as Imena took as seat beside him, even going as far as to lean over and nudge her gently on her shoulder with his own. "Thanks Imena, its good to see you again too." He said softly, honestly glad to see some familiar faces again even if last time he was here had been marked by tragedy. He wasn't aware of her tragedy and from the way she acted he would have never guess as she in turn also greeted the new faces flowing in before them. As spoke he found himself nodding along easily. "I agree with that completely. Though if you wouldn't mind would you let me take Odette? We have some history? And hopefully we will have more healers coming soon and I think it would be best for you to assess them before we decide what strengths they need to work on? I know your speciality is birthing if I remember correctly and I hate to say I know nothing of it beyond theory." He smiled almost sheepishly at this, as if ashamed to admit his own downfalls.

Shilah spoke easily, talking of sweetgrass and immediately Friction's ears would prick attentively. "I haven't that yet actually. Would you mind showing us a bit later? The herbs here seem pretty scattered so it more just wandering around and checking it out. I'm sure Imena can help you out?" He half stated and half asked as he nudged Imena a bit suggestively towards the young male. Odette grabbed his attention next and he turned a soft smile to her. Though it had been a long time since they had first met and she had grown so much he still remembered that first meeting. "Of course Odette. So I showed you turmeric, valerian, yarrow, and red peppers. I see two of those around us right now. Do you remember them?" He asked easily, motioning before them to a couple of the plants before them. The Tumeric was the large bushy, leafy plant growing directly before them and the yarrow was growing almost directly to their left, the white flower looking more like a weed poking up between the other vegetation. "If you wouldn't mind collecting anything you know of that would be great too. I'm sure there's lots here that we don't know if you could lend your knowledge!" He would call over his shoulder at the blue maned female who had yet to speak to any of them.


04-01-2014, 12:38 AM

Well there was no harm was there? After all the worst that could happen was she left, if they didn't need her she didn't want to spend time tiptoeing around wolves that did not want her around. Vahva gave a sigh, here it went as she stood up. While she had been taking care of the two women in the caverns she had collected many, many herbs from the area's around and placed them in her den. She was hoping they would do some good. She had also found patches of good herbs growing near them which would be ready to pick during the autumn days. While she knew her superiors knew supposedly more. She knew what she knew and that was that. She nervously took in a deep breath and nodded her head. "I plan on helping Erani pick some herbs soon, but I also have a collection of northern herbs we might need in my den. I found a patch of feverfew near a sunny patch in the borders. The leaves are nearly ready to be harvested the coming of Autumn, and if we leave some then they'll regrow for us to have next autumn if we need any." She stated. Not knowing most of these wolves personally, and it made her nervous to think of the way they looked at her.
"My den is located in a small cavern near wolfpaw lake. The entrance is covered with a few tree's to hide it. So feel free to look at the herbs in it." Her tail flicked. So she did it, and she would wait to be judged and see what happened. Vahva was sick and tired in living in a small bubble. The worst case scenario's seemed only to leave a scar emotionally on her if anything at all. Which she really would rather have than physical harm.
