
Sovari, Kylar


03-02-2014, 09:34 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dione
How did you get here?:
Age: 21

Character's Name: Kylar Sovari
Age: 3
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 42 inches
Appearance Description: ?I don?t understand why you?re putting me through this but if I must?
I suppose we?ll start with my coloring, the design is rather simple with no set pattern, rhyme or reason to it. The goddess always told me that I was blessed to have the coloring I was born with, that the molten mixture of black and greys broke up my form in the shadows. Though there are some silver and lighter grey markings that I sometimes roll around in the dirt to cover up. On each side of my eyes there is a lighter grey dot as well as my cheeks are the same color. On the back of my scruff and over my shoulders that lighter grey sits as well, though over my back and shoulder strips of silver fur make a diamond then a tear drop shape around that. Underbelly is a lighter grey as is most wolves and that grey stripes up and down my forelegs and tail. The test of my coat is just a black and a shade not far off black. I would have much rather preferred that the grey wasn?t such a set shape but I?ve learned to work with what I have.

Lets move this right along?

The goddess always said she loved my eyes, that they reminded her of her mate Maze though I don?t know who this mate she spoke of was and I never dared question her. But yes, my eyes are a bright, almost luminescent green and are the only thing that most see of me while I hide. They force me to squint as to not draw attention to myself. Everything I do is in the shadows now. Ever since the goddess left this earth to return home I want nothing more to appease her. But I suppose that should wait until I have to describe my personality? I?ve never really stared at my reflection for any length of time like my sister has so I suppose this will be shorter then her description. Though I think I forgot to mention this, I have that lighter grey rimming my ears as well.

Onto my build lastly I suppose?

I have yet to run into another quite as large as I. I stand 42 inches at the shoulder, am 7.2 feet in length measured from nose to tail and weight a whole 210 lbs. Don?t be fooled, all of that is muscle and unlike many I know how to use every single one. Though I do still resemble the goddess in some ways at the same time I take from someone else as well. My face and muzzle are long and narrow, my ears are large and this all gives me a rather fox like appearance. My fur is thick around my neck, along my spin, shoulders and flanks to give a little extra cushion but it is sleep around the rest of my body and short on my legs. All of it just seems to naturally fall into place though the hair on my scruff is course and seems to always be slightly fluffed up and stand on end. To top it all off my body is riddled with scars though my coat is thick enough to cover most. The only noticeable ones are the four gouges that streak across my face and that half of my left ear is missing. I think that?s all there is to describing me.?



03-03-2014, 09:15 PM

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