



03-01-2014, 11:05 PM

The West was a varying expanse of grasslands, mountains, desert and even a bit of ocean near the beaches. This was where Chrysanthe was the most acquainted with, and she had to admit that she felt more at home here than she did anywhere else. The woman would leave the packlands for a a day or two at most, promising her daughter that she would return shortly - she wanted to stretch her legs and let her mind wander for a little while. Although honestly, she was looking for Gideon, her husband was out here somewhere, wasn't he? She didn't want to worry Odette, nor the rest of Valhalla, because with the recreation of Valhalla it wasn't rare for old members to wander off and do their own thing. But Gideon, he... wouldn't leave of his own accord would he? There was a part of her that felt he had no reason to return - returning for her after everything she had failed to do would be a poor choice for a male that wanted a strong mate at their side. But their last talk, he had seemed to want her beside him so badly.

Where had it all gone wrong?

Chrysanthe would sigh, her ears pulled back slightly and her tail hung limply behind her. Her breath would be carried away with the wind, the summer breeze offering a sense of comfort - but with it came a sense of hopelessness as well. His scent wasn't here, it didn't seem to be anywhere anymore. "You're really gone, aren't you?" The female's lips would loosen from their frown into a neutral expression as she let herself fall to the ground with a huff.

It was beneath the gently swaying willow trees that the lupine would take her first break since leaving Valhalla's territories. Although she was melancholy from another scouting with no results, she would stretch and close her eyes, forcing her more bitter feelings down. The scene was a tranquil one - perhaps she could find a bit of peace before returning home. She would have to if she didn't want to turn back upset. Perhaps a bit of company would help her take her mind off of things - but as far as she knew, she was alone...


03-18-2014, 10:46 PM

Sat on top of a gray boulder, a brown spot was facing north, static like a piece of wood the ever smiling wolf was intensely gazing the horizon, if it wasn?t for the tiny breeze making his fur sway he easily could pass as a weird sculpted totem. Not a move was made for the male, with the occasional exception of a blink or his chest when breathing.
As usual, his mind appeared to be traveling in other realm, but this time was not the case, he was completely present in today and now, and even his mind was quiet, silent as the cold nights of winter. Sadly the reason he was that way had a terrible origin he didn?t want to remember, but daring to lose that moment also meant a great pain for him as it was attached to someone he missed greatly and was sure his eyes never will see again. ?Thread safe wherever you are my dear?
The sad whisper finally broke the silence at the same time someone else did, but the male didn?t even tried turning back and face the other soul sharing the landscape with him, for the way that voice sounded they shared a common pain, and if that was he supposed that one didn?t want any disturbance as he wasn?t, but he also knew that was a mistake, as he knew deep inside remaining roaming that pain would kill him faster than dehydration or starving, still he refused to move or do something, he just remain there, showing sadness with his eyes and crying inside, but outside nothing changed. His smile was his mask, his shield ? his protector from the past.


Na i ahi? ya meril cen? ambaress?

TAGS ? Chrysanthe

WORDS ? 280 aprox

MOOD - Sad and melancholic


NOTES ? Sorry for the huge delay and short post =(