
little by little, we're all breaking down.



3 Years
10-24-2014, 03:10 PM

It had been a few days since Irune had returned. Tension had stirred...confusion, surprise. And now, everyone was leaving Isokan...everyone. And Ixionn felt like his heart was soon to completely split. It was practically on and off with his feelings, really. He was sad, then he was happy. He was disappointed, then he was amazed. What was even going on? Him, himself, didn't even understand this crazed way his mind was working. But if he was going to become the heir soon...he needed to train. Something bad could happen if he wasn't prepared. Say...Arian was ill or wounded, and some rogue came to take the pack by challenge. He'd have to fight in Irune's place.
But right now, he knew nothing about fighting. Nothing at all! And yet, Arian believed he was prepared to take on a role like the Watcher so soon. No...he and Quelt needed to train immediately. They needed to push through all of this. Then, Quelt could leave, and Ixionn could become the heir. Simple as that. Even if he was completely oblivious to the future ahead of Isokan. All he knew was that he needed to get straight to training and tutoring about being a boy with such a role in his life. If not, he'd become the Watcher without a clue on what to do and how to help out.
Of was natural for him to slowly become more responsible and mature. But things other than that...he didn't even know.---Ixionn's wounds had also healed. His paw was able to hold him up without giving off a burning feeling, and his back tears were closed. But they had become scars. made him look powerful at such a young age. So why did it matter to him? The boy slowly moved up onto his paws after a long session of sitting and staring out into the distance, turning the opposite direction and sprinting toward the foresty area of the territory.
Once he arrived at an open area, large enough for training, the boy leaned back and threw his head up, letting out a smooth song that would hopefully reach the ears of his father. It was time to begin.



7 Years
Extra large
10-24-2014, 04:20 PM

The future was something unwritten, but he had made the decision for some time. Irune may be back, but she again was not showing her face to him. He had realized after their reunion, that he did not hold the same feelings he did in the past for her. So, once she came around again, if she ever did he would have to face her and tell her, he was leaving, without her. As soon as Ixionn's call rang out his ears perked, figuring it was the boy calling for a training session. Which was a bit out of the ordinary, making him chuckle slightly.
He forgot all his problems for that moment and stepped towards the male. "Usually it is the master who makes the calls." Quelt made a subtle note with a smile on his face raising a brow at the boy. He shuffled a bit, his fur was still stained with the dirt and mud from his previous adventure. Making spots matted, so he wasn't exactly the most attractive sight right now, but he had completely forgotten why he had left on that walk in the first place.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



3 Years
11-06-2014, 06:31 PM

The big blue man came running in no time, and Ixionn smiled cheerfully to his arrival. Quelt would be leaving Isokan once he trained Ixionn completely...and of course, the masked boy was disappointed. He was his father, after all. Who wouldn't miss their own father? It was also little to Ixionn's knowledge that, in addition to Quelt leaving, Irune and him had parted ways and decided that they weren't destined for each other. So Irune wasn't his mother anymore...just a friend. A lot was going on and it was probably good that the masked boy was oblivious to it. He needed to focus on training---on becoming a heir.
"Usually it is the master who makes the calls." Was what the blue man said in a teasing voice just as he arrived. Ixionn smirked and fell back onto his rump, hind legs sticking up lazily. His tail swept up dust behind him and patted at the rough earth gently. Ixionn only called Quelt first because he thought it had been his responsibility, as the heir-in-training. Guess not. Eh, maybe it was just that his father was taking too long. The orange boy stuck his tongue out with an easy laugh. "You took too long! So now you can be humiliated that your apprentice is calling his own mentor." Ixionn said simply.
He jumped to his paws and shook out his coat with ease. Then, he puffed out his chest and stared at his mentor. It was only an assumption that the two would be working on defenses or certain battle tactics. But Ixionn wanted some tips on being a good heir, too. Not just combat training...not just those little things. He wanted to know if becoming a good leader natural...or if it was only a position for those who were capable of taking it on. Ixionn frowned and shook his head, returning to reality with a mouthful of words.
" what are we doing first, master? Or would you like me to decide for you?" Another smirk crept it's way upon his maw, red eyes shimmering with anticipation.